ANISHA ICM TWO YEAR INTEGRATED COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES COURSE PART TIME - 12 WEEKENDS OVER TWO YEARS. MODULAR FORMAT COURSE SYLLABUS (CONTENTS) 1. ANGELIC HEALING 2. COLOUR HEALING 3. CRYSTAL THERAPY 4. EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE 5. QUANTUM TOUCH 6. MEDITATION and MANTRAS 7. REIKI/SEICHEM ONE 8. REIKI/SEICHEM TWO 9. SOUND HEALING 10. INTEGRATION - LEVEL 1 ETHICS 11. INTEGRATION - LEVEL 2 THERAPIST/THERAPIES AND CLIENTS 12. INTEGRATION - LEVEL 3 PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE ©Copyright 2012 Dr K T Birinder The course is open to all students from all academic backgrounds. Prior knowledge of healing modalities is not necessary. The course offers training in a range of healing modalities and techniques each of which is a free standing therapeutic modality in its own right. The course will empower you to individually safely blend and integrate the various modalities and to offer exceptional healing sessions. AIMS OF ANISHA ICM COLLEGE COURSE ARE: The course aims to deliver a high level of instruction in the art and science of healing building self-confidence in the therapist and for the best possible outcome for the recipient of the healing therapy. Taught in a supportive, safe space and a sacred environment with extensive theoretical knowledge and core practical skills and ongoing support for lifelong learning. Promote self-awareness and reflection on experience of the therapies on self and sharing with others. To critically assess and evaluate the transforming effects of the healing therapies. Extensive and thorough training of therapists with ongoing support on their personal and professional journeys with mentoring for life. ©Copyright 2012 Dr K T Birinder ASSESSOR AND EVIDENCE A tutor after consultation with the learner assesses. The Learner’s portfolio-this should include for each module. An evaluation journal, either as a 1,000 word essay or day to day experiences. Case studies or experiences of self-healing – 15 minimum with Self-assessment by learner’s and Client assessment forms. Assessment is continuous through the course with no final examination. A Learner’s Evidence Portfolio of All the notes taken in class. Notes taken in Therapy Sessions A Bibliography of all materials read/used through the course. A list of any other courses or workshops attended while on the course ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY This is a self-study stand alone module (35hours) and previous Certificated will be duly accredited. Qualification The student will have individual certificates for each of the therapies and a Diploma on successful completion of all the modules in integrated complementary medicine. ©Copyright 2012 Dr K T Birinder Course Fee The course fee is £ 1600 and an initial deposit of £ 100 is required to secure a place. The remainder can be paid in installments over the two-year period. The cost of doing these courses individually would be £ 2100 approx. ©Copyright 2012 Dr K T Birinder Booking Terms and Conditions for all Courses Run by ANISHA Integrated Medicine Centre (ANISHA IMC) and ANISHA COLLEGE OF INTEGRATED MEDICINE Please read the following carefully before signing the ANISHA IMC or ANISHA CIM Integrated Complementary Medicine Course application form to confirm that you have read, understood and agree to abide by these terms and conditions. 1. The duration of the course is 24 months. Students must attend every training day during the 24 months. In exceptional circumstances and by personal agreement it may be possible to rearrange for a missed training day to be made up on a subsequent course at the discretion of the tutor. An administration fee may be payable. 2. A course place will be secured on the acceptance of a completed application form and health declaration with receipt of a non-refundable deposit of £100. 3. Full fees are payable at the commencement of the course. Should a student decide to leave the course, whatever the circumstances, no fees will be refunded. Students paying by direct debit must pay the remainder of the fees on leaving the course. 4. ANISHA IMC reserves the right to substitute tutor(s) and/ or alter the venue for all or part of the course. Reasonable prior notice will be given where reasonably possible. 5. The course tutor reserves the right to ask a student to withdraw from a course. 6. Students may not carry out any unauthorized or unsupervised healing work, channeling, intuitive readings, therapy with another ANISHA ICM student during the training days of the ©Copyright 2012 Dr K T Birinder course whether for financial or other reward, without first obtaining written permission from the tutor. 7. Students may not promote or sell any services, products or courses without first obtaining written permission from the tutor. 8. All personal belongings are the sole responsibility of the student. The Tutor and ANISHA IMC will not be responsible for any loss or damage howsoever caused. 9. All students will respect the property of ANISHA IMC and will be responsible for the personal use of the resources and equipment. 10. All students must at all times take full and complete responsibility for their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing through the duration of the course. All students must inform the tutor of any new condition that develops during the course that affects their health, which was not included in the health declaration. 11. The minimum age for entry onto this two-year course is 18 years. 12. ANISHA IMC is NOT liable for any expenses or cost financial or otherwise, incurred by any student at any time. 13. ANISHA IMC asks that in respect to those with sensitivities, please refrain from wearing ANY kind of scented products during the course. 14. Students are expected to keep accurate records of their course work. ©Copyright 2012 Dr K T Birinder