ANISHA CIM TWO YEAR ESSENTIAL CRYSTAL HEALING DIPLOMA COURSE TUTOR : DR K T BIRINDER VENUE : BARNSLEY INTRODUCTION ANISHA CIM Anisha College of Integrated Medicine offers training in a range of Complementary Therapies and a Two Year Essential Crystal Therapy Diploma Course starting from June 2014. The course is to be taught in modules at weekends over two years. On successful completion of the first year the student will be licensed to work and on successful completion of the second the modules be a graduate with diploma and crystal therapy. Tutor Support: The student will have one to one tutorials with Birinder who has been teaching complementary therapies since 1998 arranged by mutual agreement. Your Tutor Birinder is an integrated medicine practitioner, successfully combining conventional medicine as a General Practitioner with a wide range of Complementary Therapies since 1997. Students on Birinder’s course will be given on-going support and training to learn and develop on a professional level as a therapist. On a personal level they will be guided and supported on the path the individual chooses . The student will acquire skills and confidence they need to practice crystal therapy confidently. To meet the professional standards the student will have to demonstrate an understanding and thorough knowledge of the 45 syllabus stones -22 in year one and 23 in year two. The student will learn skills to assess energy imbalances and clients, rebalance these and in treating clients proficiently with crystal therapy within an ethical and professional healing practice. AIMS OF ANISHA CIM 1) To provide each student with a high standard of theoretical knowledge, understanding and practical skills and practice of crystal therapy. 2 To provide a safe, structured environment, empowering a student to grow in confidence with awareness of self and others. 3) To encourage self-assessment and reflection to produce professional knowledgeable competent ethical and confident crystal therapy practitioners. 4) To meet the needs of the individual learners within a safe, nurturing, sacred environment which is welcoming, inclusive and supports a diverse group of learners. 5) To assist individuals to reach their educational goals by providing expert knowledge practical skills and guidance. 6) To empower and encourage lifelong learning and sharing of skills with others. 7) To evolve and grow through self-reflection and awareness. SYLLABUS ACHO TRAINING STANDARDS CORE CURRICULUM The Affiliation of Crystal Healing Organisations ANISHA CIM and all ACHO registered schools have agreed to teach the Core curriculum as included here. All students are internally assessed by ACHO. The school and can have an external validation by the independent Open College Network (OCN if the school is registered with OCN) or by one of ACHO’s Verifiers. The core curriculum is accredited and validated at 24 OCN/NVQ credits at level 3. The Core Curriculum must be NO MORE than half (90hours) the tutored content of a full course. The full course must take a minimum of two years to complete. This can be evenly spread through the two years. Anatomy & Physiology (equivalent of 35 hours study, plus written assessment) may be incorporated into the General syllabus, or as self-directed study, but is not part of the Core Curriculum. Assignments are given as homework to students and form a part of the portfolio. These questions are designed for short, sharp answers, not essays! Regardless of the order in which these are taught, please ensure that the units are kept as evidence in this order. Students have the option to have their work externally verified by ACHO (see website) Students are encouraged to have their own opinions and explain them. If they think a technique is no good – fine, but they need to explain why they think that and vice versa if they really like a technique. Requirements for Entry: There is no experience or previous qualifications required for enrolment on this course. It is available to all students, of all academic backgrounds. It is practical training to help you get the essential qualifications to help you achieve your goals in life. Crystal Healing Therapists are now accepted and recognized worldwide and this course will provide you with sufficient knowledge and expertise to use this therapy. COURSE FEE The course fee will be £ 1600 and an initial deposit of £ 100 is required to secure a place The remainder can be paid in instalments over the two year period. So £100 deposit and pay the remaining £1500 in instalments . ASSESSMENT In order to meet a professional standard, you will need to show you have a thorough working knowledge of the ACHO core curriculum syllabus stones and are proficient in a recognised form of diagnosis; that you have grasped the theory and practice of crystal therapy, including professional ethics and running a healing practice. Practical and written work will be required and certificates will be awarded on the basis of tutor, client and self- assessment. ASSESSOR AND EVIDENCE: 1. The tutor after consultation and one to one tutorials with the learner carries out : The Initial Assessment(IA), confirms Accreditation For Prior Learning (APL), helps the learner formulate Individual learning plans(IPL’s) and assesses throughout the course with evidence as below. 2. The learner's evidence portfolio - this should include for each module. a)An evaluation journal, either as a 1,000-word essay or as day-to-day experiences. b)UNITS 1 TO 18 which form the basis of the Foundation level evidence portfolio. The units must be kept in sequential numerical order. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: You will be required to keep a Learners Evidence Portfolio of all your writtenwork. This must include: 1. Notes taken during therapy sessions. 2. A Bibliography must be kept - showing books and articles read throughout the course. 3. A list must be kept of other courses or workshops attended during the course. 4. ASSESSMENT SHEETS: FOR THE FOUNDATION LEVEL: 5 Case Studies (3 therapy sessions each) need to be completed with details of Crystals and Resources used for each Session. FOR EACH THERAPY SESSION : Learner’s Assessment Sheets And Client Assessment Forms for each Therapy session (15+15). ASSESSMENT is Continuous ie Formative and Summative seamlessly blended and (holistically) completed based on the ACHO Standard requirements, evidence portfolio, homework assignments completion ,Case Studies etc WITHOUT A FINAL EXAM. MEMBERSHIP Students who successfully complete the Certificate in Crystal Therapy courses are entitled to use the appropriate designatory letters after their name. Foundation Certificate in Essential Crystal Healing ANISHA College of integrated Medicine. This grade of membership is only available to ANISHA CIM students, who have successfully completed the Certificate in Essential Crystal Healing Therapy. It allows them to use the letters ACIM ECH after their name. PHASE ONE-LICENCIATE LEVEL CERTIFICATE 6 WEEKENDS PART TIME OVER 12 MONTHS (18 UNITS) 09.30AM TO 1PM AND 2PM T0 6PM CRYSTALLOGRAPHY Unit One Title: Crystal Formation Unit Two Title: Crystal Properties and Acquisition Unit Three Title: Curriculum Crystals WORKING WITH CRYSTALS. Unit Four Title: Choosing Crystals. Unit Five Title: Cleansing Crystals Unit Six Title: Linking With Crystals SUBTLE ENERGY SYSTEMS(1) Unit Seven Title: Chakra Theory Unit Eight Title :Crystals And Chakras. Unit Nine Title: Crystals And Subtle Bodies SUBTLE ENERGY SYSTEMS(2) Unit 10 Title: Meridians Unit 11 Title: Crystals And Meridians. Unit 12 Title :Crystals And Subtle Bodies CRYSTAL HEALING Unit 13 Title: The Crystal Healing Session You Unit 14: Crystals Were Healing Unit 15: For The Work With Crystals PRACTICALITIES OF HEALING Unit 16 Title: Energy Management. Unit 17 Title: Healing Management. Unit 18 Title: Relaxation And Visualisation. Clear quartz Amethyst Smoky quartz Labradorite Fluorite Garnett Malachite Rose Quartz Citrine Amber Moonstone Quartz family Turquoise Beryl familyAquamarine Celestite Lapis lazuli Obsidian Haematite Calcite Herkimer Diamond Morganite etc SYLLABUS PHASE TW0-PRACTITIONER LEVEL DIPLOMA 6 WEEKENDS PART TIME OVER 12 MONTHS(6 MODULES) 09.30AM-1PM AND 2-6PM 1.CRYSTAL CONNECTIONS- ENERGY MAPS 2.GEM ESSENCES –MAKING A SINGLE CRYSTAL/GEM ESSENCE 3. TRANSCENDING LIMITATIONS WITH CRYSTAL GRIDS-CRYSTAL LAYOUTS FOR CLEARING/BALANCING ENERGY ON MULTIPLE LEVELS 4.COLOUR AND CRYSTALS – EXPLORING COLOUR PROPERTIES.USING CRYSTALS WITH COLOURS AND THE NATURAL COLOUR OF CRYSTALS FOR HEALING 5.CRYSTAL HEALING TOOLS – SACRED GEOMETRY,VOGEL WANDS ETC 6. CRYSTAL REASONANCE HEALING – INTEGRATION OF COLOUR, CRYSTALS,CRYSTAL SINGING BOWLS, MUSIC AND SOUND. Phase Two Syllabus Crystals Tourmaline Ruby Sunstone Topaz Rhodochrosite Rhodonite Larimar Petalite Angelite Danburite Zincite Kunzite Iolite Moldavite Lepidolite Dioptase Phenacite Apatite Tanzanite Amblygonite Charoite Dioptase Sugilite Charoite DATES 2014 – 2016 To be confirmed 2014 Phase One JUNE 7th/8th JULY 12th/13th OCTOBER 4rd/5th NOVEMBER 7th /8th 2015 FEBRUARY 21st/22nd MARCH 21st / 22nd Phase Two 2015 OCTOBER 10th/11TH NOVEMBER 14th/15TH 2016 JANUARY 16th/17TH FEBRUARY 20th/21st MARCH 19th/20th APRIL 16th/17th Diploma Qualification Award after 9th June 2016. APPLICATION FORM ANISHA COMPLEMENTARY INTEGRATED MEDICINE ENROLMENT FORM : BARNSLEY Name (Mrs/Miss/Ms/Mr/Dr) Date of Birth First _____________ Middle____________ Surname________________ Address________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Telephone_______________________Mobile___________________l_____ email___________________________________________________________ Academic and Professional Qualifications Qualification Learning Objectives 1 2 3 Year Awarding Body Health Declaration I would appreciate it if you could supply the following information which will be held in complete confidence. 1.Do you suffer from any of the following conditions: Epilepsy/Diabetes/Asthma/Allergies/High or Low blood pressure YES/NO 2.Do you have any medical problems of an acute or chronic nature YES/NO 3.Have you had any emotional or mental trauma requiring medical Intervention or treatment? YES/NO 4.Do you take any prescribed medication? YES/NO 5.Do you take any complementary medicines –herbs,homeopathy, Vitamins, supplements ,flower remedies etc YES/NO 6.Are you at present consulting a complementary therapy Practitioner ? YES/NO 7.Have you suffered from any drug(prescribed or otherwise) Alcohol or substance abuse? YES/NO 8.Are you currently studying any other complementary therapy course ? YES/NO 9.Have you ever been refused entry or been dismissed from a training course? YES/NO 10.Is there any other information you wish to supply that you Feel might be useful or that ANISHA IMC should know (for example any special needs or wheelchair access etc.) YES/NO If answering Yes to any of the above please give details overleaf and continue on a separate sheet of paper if necessary. Please tell me where you heard about the training course(S) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Declaration: I confirm that I have read, understood and agree to abide by the ANISHA CIM course booking terms and conditions and that the information given above is true and correct. Signature_______________________ Date___________________________ Name (Please print)__________________________________________________ Disclaimer Statement ANISHA Complementary Integrated Medicine (ACIM) offers training in Healing Therapies. It does so with the understanding that the student observes all of the ACIM’s safety standards and follows without exception all of the safety guidelines offered by the ACIM. ANISHA CIM implements all known safe practice methods that are known to be correct in the training and application of Complementary Therapies. ANISHA CIM or any of its offices, is not, and will not be, held liable for any assumed damage that is deemed to occur at any time in the present or future from the change of the said knowledge and/or understanding relating to any condition whatsoever or changes thereof in any of the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or financial states of students. The student must accept that all information is given in good faith and all knowledge is amended, as acceptable practice changes ANISHA CIM will implement the changes. ANISHA CIM students must complete a health declaration form and a waiver of liability for any assumed damages arising from the training and practices that at a future date are changed due to new developments and discoveries on any level of being. ANISHA CIM is not and will not be responsible for the exacerbation of any pre-existing physical, mental, emotional or spiritual condition that is not declared prior to being enrolled on the course, irrespective of when these may present. The student must agree to abide by the Professional Code of Conduct and Ethics either individually for each and every therapy they train in or collectively with those of ACHO for the two year Crystalline Integrated Medicine Therapy Diploma. Student hand books will be given out at the first weekend of this course. Any deviation from this code in any manner on the part of the student or any action deemed by the tutors to be a deviation from the code of practice will lead to automatic dismissal of the student. Declaration: I confirm that I have read, understood and agree to abide by the ANISHA CIM Code of Conduct, Course booking terms and conditions. Signature ---------------------------------- Name (please print)---------------------------------- Date-----------------------------