05.06.13_minutes - Bodriggy Health Centre

Bodriggy Patient Participation Group
Patient Participation Group Meeting
Monday 5th June at 7pm
Attending: Dr Jane Slater, Hayley Gibson (Secretary), Mr Nick Navratil, Mr David
Raymer, Mrs Christine Lorente, Mrs Margaret Woolcock, Mr Ryszard Zolkiewicz, Mrs
Margaret Tanner
Mr Steve Driver, Mr Lionel Dunn, Mrs Lee Saunders
Pharmacy Update
The group wanted to know more details about the pharmacy regarding who owns the building, is
the surgery leasing the building to a pharmaceutical group. Dr Slater was not at liberty to answer
these questions and said she would look into what could be said.
Completion date for the pharmacy is middle of July and it will be open on a Sunday (the main
reason they got the license was because they agreed to be open for 100 hours a week).
The surgery has gone for pharmacy on site to give patients more choice. The surgery hopes to
work closely with the pharmacy to ensure that patients are offered a good service.
Statement provided by Stephanie Jones, Practice Manager:
Like most GP surgeries across the country, Bodriggy Health Centre is owned by the Partners,
not the NHS. GP practices are run as small businesses, which are contracted to the NHS.
Bodriggy Health Centre is a multi-partnership practice consisting of 8 partners, who all work as
GPs within the practice, and they have a contract with the NHS to provide General Medical
Services (GMS
All funding in the current contract is practice-based. This means that payments are made to the
practice and not to individual GPs. Expenses, such as medical supplies, utility bills and staff
wages etc, are taken out of this funding pot and the amount remaining, after the cost of providing
clinical services has been taken out, makes up the pay available to the GP partners.
GP practices receive their funding through several major streams, though the main ones are the
Global Sum (the GMS contract), the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF), and local,
directed and national Enhanced Services. More information regarding the different contracts
and funding streams are available to the public on the BMA or Department of Health websites.
The pharmacy is entirely independent to Bodriggy Health Centre and is therefore funded
independently. No NHS funding will be used to build or run the pharmacy. The pharmacy
business will be run by Tariq Amin & Asif Sharif, both of whom are pharmacists.
Publicity about increased A&E demand
We regularly do audits to see who attends A&E departments regularly. Patients who visit
regularly and inappropriately are contacted and informed of other options to access help when
we are closed i.e. out of hour doctors. These statistics will be added to the television in the
waiting room.
The group asked if these stats could be added to the website, along with details about the out of
hour’s service. The practice will arrange for the A&E stats to be added to the practice website
on the Patient Participation Group page. The Out-of-Hours arrangements are already on the
website – select “Opening Hours” then select “When we are Closed”.
Rumour (in the media) regarding limiting number of visits to GP per year
Dr Slater informed the group that this is not going to happen.
Typhoid Serums
At present we are unable to obtain any supplies of the typhoid vaccination Typhim Vi. This is a
nationwide shortage and Sanofi hope to have further supplies available in September 2013.
While this shortage is ongoing we are offering travellers the oral alternative Vivotif – a course of
3 tablets. This is not reimbursable by the NHS and is prescribed on a private prescription at a
cost of approximately £23.00.
There is a limited list of travel vaccinations that are reimbursable on the NHS. All other
vaccinations for travel are at the individuals own expense.
As a surgery we do our best to do a thorough risk assessment prior to travel abroad and based on
this, will identify actual and potential health risks and deliver appropriate advice and vaccination.
This process needs to be two-way and travellers must be encouraged to take responsibility for
their own health and this often incurs the cost of some vaccinations.
Anne Jones – Practice Nurse
Nick is going to put together a poster informing the community of the Patient Participation
Group. Once this is finished the surgery is happy to photocopy some for Nick to pass out to the
group so they can individually put around Hayle (although our photocopier isn’t colour so he
may wish to email a copy for us to print out in colour). People need to be aware that they don’t
have to attend the regular meetings they can feed back information via the website.
Nick volunteered to look through the GPAQ (patient survey results) and was told to email Dom
with any feedback. These surveys are anonymous.
Waiting room / TV
The majority of the group did not know about Cardrew NHS walk in centre, can this (with
directions and opening times) be added somewhere for patients to view. And any other
information on any other out of hours services locally (WCH/minor injuries etc). The practice
will arrange to display this information.
Mrs Lorente has heard from some of our patients that when they have been referred to
orthopaedics they have been sent to the Duchy and not given a choice to attend St Michaels. Dr
Slater informed the group that this could be down to the fact that not all orthopaedic procedures
are carried out at St Michaels and in some cases patients will have to go to the Duchy or
Treliske. When the Drs make the referral it has left us and is in the hands of the Referral
Management Service to arrange. They do phone patients and patients are given options of where
they would like to attend, but in some cases the options may be limited to specific hospitals.