HADDON PRIMARY AND NURSERY SCHOOL 1S TRIP TO MABLETHORPE – WHAT TO BRING AND ON THE DAY INSTRUCTIONS Monday 1st June 2015 Dear Parents, This letter is about what to do and things to bring for the Mablethorpe trip on Wednesday 10th June. It will be on the Year 1 Letters section of the Website if you want to check again just before the day of the trip. Please make sure you arrive at school on time at 8.45am. Collect your child at 5.30pm from the bottom of Haddon Close. Obviously with the travelling involved, we cannot guarantee an exact return time so a text will be sent to the first number on your contact list on the form for today to let you know of any delays, of more than a few minutes. If your child normally takes travel sickness pills on family journeys, or if you think that coach travel may make them sick, please ensure that they have the usual dose. Give any pills for the return journey to Mrs Stevenson on the morning of the trip, in a named envelope (with instructions for how long before return travel to take written on the envelope). Please look out for the weather forecast and send appropriate clothing. Children need to wear their blue school jumper, but full uniform is not required. Also, Mablethorpe can be a very windy coast, so an extra layer will be a good idea. Sensible shoes are a must and no jeans, as if they get wet, they just don’t dry!! (Everything name labelled please.) Please send your child with: A named waterproof coat (– preferably a cagoule style would be best so it can be folded into the rucksack if and when we do get some sun!) Named sun-tan lotion A named sunhat (sunglasses optional – named) A named lypsyl etc. Packed lunch, including a drink (no fizzy drinks or glass bottles) in a named carrier bag so we can get rid of the rubbish – unless you have ordered a packed lunch from the school kitchen. A named water bottle A named bucket and spade A named hand towel A named rucksack to put everything in. One of our activities is to visit the Lifeboat Shop after our Lifeboat presentation. Your child can bring up to £3 spending money for this if you wish. This is of course optional. If you do decide to send money, please send it in a named purse which we will collect from the children first thing in the morning and look after for them until they visit the shop. Many thanks for all your support. Mrs Stevenson HADDON PRIMARY AND NURSERY SCHOOL 1S TRIP TO MABLETHORPE – PAYMENT AND LUNCH ORDERS Monday 1st June 2015 Dear Parents, Please send in your deposit of £5 for the trip by tomorrow – Tuesday 2nd June if you have not yet done so. The balance of £13 – making £18 in total – must be paid by Monday 8th June, with the permission and contacts slip completed. School packed lunches As all of our children in Year 1 are entitled to universal free school meals, we can offer a school packed lunch to everyone. We need to know if you would like to order a packed lunch from school or provide one from home by Wednesday 3rd June so the school kitchen can place the appropriate orders. School packed lunch will include: Tuna, cheese or egg sandwiches, a sausage roll a piece of fruit, a carton drink, a large biscuit/cookie. Please return by Wednesday 3rd June I would like to order a school packed lunch for my child. Tick one: Tuna Cheese Egg OR I will provide my child with a packed lunch from home following the guidelines on the “What to Bring” letter. Child’s Name__________________________________________ Please return by Monday 8th June, at the latest. I agree to my child___________________________________________ going to Mablethorpe on Wednesday 10th June. Signed:__________________________________________ (parent/carer) I enclose : £13 balance due, so I have paid the total of £18 for the trip. OR Other amount of: ______ because _______________________ Emergency Contacts for Wednesday 10th June: Contact 1: Name:__________________________________ Number:______________ Contact 2: Name: _________________________________ Number:______________ Please ensure this is accurately completed. HADDON PRIMARY AND NURSERY SCHOOL 1S TRIP TO MABLETHORPE – PARENT HELPERS Monday 1st June 2015 Dear Many thanks for your offer of help on the trip to Mablethorpe. I had 8 offers of help and so am asking all of the parents who offered to accompany us. That means there will be 10 adults (including myself and Mrs Cooper) and somewhere between 28 and 30 children. I am sorry but I have to ask you for a contribution of £7 as the coach is so expensive. Please return this as soon as possible and let me know if you are still definitely available to help. I will hold a meeting with you at 3.30pm on Tuesday 9th June to go over arrangements for the day. Do attend if you can, but if you can’t attend – don’t worry – I will have typed up notes that you can read on the day. Please send in your £7 as soon as possible and complete the contact details on this form for yourself. Many thanks. Mrs Stevenson Parent helper’s name_________________________________________ I enclose £7 contribution to the Mablethorpe trip. My mobile number___________________________________________ My next of kin contact details: Name_________________________________ Number_______________