Ancient Egypt Group Presentation 2014 You are a professor of history at Butler University. You, along with three of you colleagues, have been asked to give a presentation to Dr. Zahi Hawass, directory of antiquities at the Cairo Museum. If your presentation is of high quality, your group will be given a grant to do research at the museum. Dr. Hawass is extremely particular, however, and will only award grants to work of the highest quality. For this project, you will be divided into groups of 3 to 5 students. As a group, your task will be to select a topic pertaining to Ancient Egypt, research that topic, and present the topic to the class and “the professor”. The topics your group can choose include but are not limited to: King Tut, Hieroglyphics/Rosetta Stone, Religion/Gods, Pyramids, Mummification, Pharaohs, The Sphinx and other monuments, Geography and The Nile River, Daily Life in Ancient Egypt, Egyptian Inventions, Egypt- Truth or Fiction, Monotheism in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Egyptian Warfare, The Old Kingdom, The Middle Kingdom, The New Kingdom, Archeology in Egypt Any topic not on this list must be approved by Mr. Swynenburg If your group would instead like to choose a topic over Mesopotamia, let Mr. Swynenburg know and we’ll find resources Each group will be presenting on a different topic. All groups will choose a number with the lowest number getting to select their topic first and the highest selecting last. These numbers will also be your presentation order (number one going first). A group representative will give their selection to Mr. Swynenburg. It would be wise for all groups to have a first, second, and third option. Groups will only have one week to do research in the media center so you will need to utilize your time wisely. The timeline for this project is as follows: December 6th : Groups assigned; groups will choose topics and delegate tasks December 9th to 13th: Media Center Research & organize presentation (note and source card check) December 13th : Groups practice and finalize presentations December 16th : Presentations begin Two rubrics will be used in calculating your grade. The majority of your grade (100 points) will be from the individual rubric. The following items will be included in the rubric for your individual grade: Did you include quality content in your presentation? Was the presentation well prepared? Were you enthusiastic about your topic or did you come off like a dead fish? Did you speak clearly and could the audience hear you? Did you make quality eye contact and did you have good posture? Did you have a quality prop or visual aid? Did you turn in a works cited page with a minimum of 3 sources? 2 sources must be print sources (book, magazine) Did you speak for the required amount of time? Did you listen to other people’s presentations? The following rubric items will be included in the group rubric. This will be worth 25 points: Did the group introduce the topic and grab the attention of the audience? Were the roles divided equally? Did the group transition well from one part to the next? Was the presentation creative? Did the group prepare for the presentation? If it is evident that one member or members of a group are not pulling their weight, that person or persons will have their grade reduced rather than the entire group. Quality Websites include the following: (Archeology, Monuments, Pyramids) (Everything! History, Monuments, Etc.) (Pyramids, Giza) (Everything) (Everything) (Mummies) (Everything) (Everything) (Building Pyramids and Monuments) (Pyramids, Pharaohs) (Daily Life, Mummification, Gods, Pyramids, Others) (History Search Engine) (Culture, Mythology, Other Resources) (Everything) (Everyting) (Gods, Myths, Symbols) (King Tut, Gods, History) (King Tut) (Search for content within site) (Daily Life) (Daily Life) (Gods and Religion) (Pharaohs) (Everything) (Religion) (Religion) (Everything) There are many other websites covering Ancient Egypt. All must be approved by Mr. Swynenburg. Make sure you are keeping a works cited page of all print and non print sources. This will be part of your grade. You must have at least one print source and a minimum of three total sources. Remember YOU are teaching your topic to the class. Make your presentation exceptional! Good luck! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.