
Year 11 Human Biology
Unit 8 - Reproduction
Study Questions - Solutions
1. Sketch a labelled diagram of the reproductive systems and describe the
functions of the major structures.
Scrotum: Holds the testis
Testes: Where the sperm is produced.
Seminiferous Tubules: Produce the male gametes
Epididymis: Stores sperm
Vas Deferens: Duct which carries sperm away from the testis
Urethra: Common duct for the transport of sperm and urine
Seminal Gland: Produces seminal fluid to produce semen.
Prostate Gland: Secretes a thin-milky, alkaine substance that becomes part of the semen.
The Cowper's Gland: Secretes a lubricating fluid
Penis: The copulatory organ of the male reproductive system.
Foreskin: Protects the glans of the penis.
Erectile tissue: Stiffens when excited for insertion into vagina.
Ovaries: Primary sex organs of the females.
Uterine Tubes: Carry the eggs to the uterus.
Uterus: The implantation of the zygote.
Cervix: Passage between the vagina and the uterus.
Vagina: The canal leading to the exterior of the body.
Labia Majora: Two fleshly folds of skin on the outside of the vaginal canal.
Clitoris: The erectile organ of the female.
2. Construct and complete a table to revise each of the methods of contraception
discussed in class under the following headings: Description , Cost, Method,
Side-effects, effectiveness.
D e s c rip tio n
C oitus
C ondom
C hem ic als
P ill
IU D 's
S terilis ation
C ost
M e th o d
W ithdraw before
orgas m
N il
$5 ?
S id e -E ffe c ts
E ffe c tiv e n e s s
-P re-ejac ulated
S perm depos itied
-M ales need to
detec t & c ontrol
ejac ulation
C over penis s o
that s perm is not O nly
depos ited in
ps y c hologic al
Im m oblis es
s perm
P roduc e C O 2
gas as a phy s ic al
Inhibits releas e of
F ac ial hair
egg from ovary
C hanges in the
blood-c lotting
s y s tem
Ins erted in vagina
to prevent s perm
B leeding
reac hing fallopian
C ut the vas
N il
C ut & tie the
P erm anent
uterine tubes
H igh
Low if us ed by
them s elves
A lm os t 100%
3. Outline the major events relating to the ovary and uterus during each stage of
the ovarian and menstrual cycles.
1 - 4 Days
5 - 12 Days
Uterine Bleeding
Endometrial Repairs
Uterine lining thickens
13 - 15 Days Rapture of the Graafian Follicle
releasing egg.
16 - 20 Days Secretion of Mucous
Development of the Corpus Luteum
Pre-menstruation 21 -28 Days Degeneration of the corpus luteum and
Day 1 - 14:  Primary follicle grows and matures
 Ovulation occurs
Day 14 - 28:  Corpus Lutem degenerates
Day 1 - 14:  Endometrium becomes thicker & softer
4. Explain the function and area of production of the following reproductive
hormones: Oestrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, Oxytocin, Prolactin, FSH,
LH, and HCG.
H o rm o n e
O e s tro g e n
P ro g e s te ro n e
T e s to s te ro n e
O x y t o c in
P ro la c t in
F o llic le
S t im u la t in g
H o rm o n e
L u t e in is in g
H o rm o n e
H u m a n C h o rio n ic
H o rm o n e
F u n c t io n
-D e ve lo p m e n t o f
fe m a l e r e p r o d u c t i v e
s y s te m
-D e ve lo p m e n t
s e c o n d a ry s e x u a l
c h a ra c t e ris t ic s
-M a in t e n a n c e o f
e n d o m e t riu m
D e ve lo p m e n t a n d
m a in t e n a n c e o f
p la c e n t a
-D e ve lo p m e n t o f m ilk
s e c re t in g g la n d s
-D e ve lo p m e n t o f m a le
re p ro d u c t ive s y s t e m
-D e ve lo p m e n t
s e c o n d a ry s e x u a l
c h a ra c t e ris t ic s
-S t im u la t e s
c o n t ra c t io n o f s m o o t h
m u s c le
-P ro m o t e s c o n t ra c t io n
o f m u s c le s a ro u n d
b re a s t lo b u le s
-P ro d u c t io n o f m ilk in
a c t iva t e d g la n d s
-P ro d u c t io n o f S p e rm
-M a t u ra t io n o f o va ria n
fo l l i c l e s
-S t im u la t e s s e c re t io n
o f te s to s te ro n e
-S t im u la t e s s e c re t io n
o f o e s tro g e n s &
p ro g e s te ro n e
-M a in t e n a n c e o f
c o rp u s L u t e m d u rin g
e a rly s t a g e s o f
p re g n a n c y
A r e a o f P r o d u c t io n
O va ria n F o llic le & C o rp u s L u t e m
C o rp u s L u te m
T e s t is
P it u it a ry G la n d
P it u it a ry G la n d
P it u it a ry G la n d
P it u it a ry G la n d
P la c e n t a
5. Outline the major events leading up to, during and immediately following
Leading up to fertilisation the ova and the sperm are travelling down and up the female reproductive
system respectively.
At fertilisation the sperm penetrates the egg and the sperm's tail is absorbed.
The zygote then implants itself in the wall of the uterus.
6. Describe some of the major differences between gametogenesis in males and
Major differences are the fact that the males cells split to form 4 equal sperm while the female cells
split to form 1 larger ovum and 3 polar bodies.
7. Describe the major sexually transmitted diseases highlighting the symptoms
and cures.
Burning feeling in penis
Pain passing urine
Yellow discharge of pus
Women no symptoms
Chancres on skin
Skin Rashes
Ulcerated Mouth
Seroconversion illness
Swelling in lymph glands
No Cure
Inflammation of the urethra
Pus produced
Burning sensation when passing urine
Genital Herpes
Blisters on the penis \ vuvla
8. List and explain the major reproductive disorders.
Cervical Cancer: Cancer in the cervix.
Menstrual Abnormalities: The absence of, missed periods, painful menstruation, abnormal uterine
• Ovarian Cysts: Fluid filled tumours of the ovaries.
• Pelvic Inflammatory disease: Infection of the pelvic organs.
• Premenstrual Syndrome: Problems involved with menstruation.
Prostatitis: Problems with the prostate gland.