Notes for Collections and Iterators

Notes for Containers and Iterators
This single lecture is designed to introduce the concept of containers (Java Collection and
Map interfaces), discuss some particular example containers, and discuss iterators
It's important to continue to emphasize that containers and iterators are OO concepts, not
just Java things.
One important point to remember when dealing with whole collections when dealing with
inheritance hierarchies is that
A is subtype of B, it is NOT the case that Collection<A> is a subtype of
Collection<B>. This may not rear its ugly head, but some code can seem to not make
sense because of this... I'll try not to touch this
1. Intro
Containers hold objects
Built-in arrays
In Java - Collection (sequence of elements) and Map (key-value object pairs)
2. Collections Framework
3. Wildcards
"? super T" was first shown in the generics lecture - an object of any ancestor of T
"? extends T" is new - an object of any descendent of T
"?" is new - an object of any kind -- shorthand for "? extends Object"
These are used in some the method definitions.
In a generic class such as MyClass<T>
myMethod (ArrayList<? extends T>) means that myMethod accepts any
ArrayList<> as long as the base type of ArrayList is a descendent of T
4. Selected Methods of Collection<T>
"optional" methods mean that their implementation may throw the
UnsupportedOperationException. Most of the optional methods are typically
Equals( Object x) is for the collection (ie to determine if two collections are
"equal". There's no official constraints on equals( ), it should make intuitive sense for the
The interface allows for easy intermixing of collections through the use of
wildcards in parameters for some methods.
containsAll(Collection<?> targets ) - ask if a collection with any base type is fully
contained with the calling collection object
addAll (Collection<? extends T> collectionToAdd ) - add a collection of objects
(which may be subtypes of the base type) to the collection. "? extends T" makes sense
here to limit the kind of objects you can add to the calling collection object
removeAll( Collection< ?> collectionToRemove) - try to remove a collection of
any kind of element from the calling object
Note the description of add( ) and addAll( ) - they only ensure that X exists. This
is to allow Set to prevent duplicates
5. Set<T> is an interface that extends Collection<T>.
Sets have the same interface as collections, but with different semantics for add( ),
addAll( ) -- no duplicates are allowed
Just a collection with no duplicates
6. List<T> is an interface that extends Collection<T>
An ordered (i.e. indexable) collection
Some List methods have different semantics than Collection
Extends Collection<T> by adding new methods ( 7 slides )
These methods add the notion of "index" to the collection
7. List example code
Note the first line -- List<Integer> = new ArrayList<Integer>( );
By using List<> (the interface) rather that ArrayList<> (the class), we can
easily change our implementation (to say LinkedList) by changing just that one line of
code. It's typical to upcast the concrete class to its interface, then use the interface. There
are some instances where this doesn't work (eg LinkedList extends List, so if you upcast
you couldn't use the new LL methods)
add( T x ) puts elements at the end
remove( int k) removes element at index k
add( int k, T element) inserts element at index k
set( int k, T element) changes the value at index k to element
8. Classes that implement List<T>
ArrayList and Vector are the basic array-like classes that have fast random access
For these classes, add(index, element) and remove( ) will be slow (O(n)) due to
shifting elements
LinkedList is probably a double-linked list (the ListIterator is bi-directional)
9. Iterators
Java only supports iterators for Collections (don't know why) so this material is
placed here
Iterator concept - general purpose way of sequencing through the elements
Collections produce iterators via iterator( ) method
Iterator<T> interface -- hasNext( ), next( ), remove( ) <optional>
Example code from the text using HashSet<T>
For-each vs iterator
Multiple independent iterators; remove( )
10. LinkedList Iterator
Bi-directional, so new methods (previous, hasPrevious) to support this
LinkedList cursor positions
11. Map Interface
Maps hold ordered pairs, hence their definition uses two type parameter, typically
K (for Key) and V ( for Value)
Maps require unique Keys, but duplicate values may be assigned to different keys
12. Map Methods
These are pretty straightforward, except for putAll( ).
putAll( ) uses wildcards to place a bound on both K and V
13. Maps and Iterators
Maps do not support iterator( ) method, so no direct iteration
entrySet( ), keyset( ), values( ) return Set/Collection views that are iterable
"view" means that the Set/Collection returned are backed by the map, so
changes to the Set/Collection affect the map