Stormwater Management Update Erosion Control Manual Potential Product Summary Sheet Goal/Objective The purpose of this project is to update the “Erosion Control Handbook” to include the latest innovations and BMPs. This will allow Mn/DOT staff, consultants and local governments who use the handbook to use the best environmental and cost effecitve practices in Erosion and sediment control. Description The erosion control handbook is beneficial to Mn/DOT roadway projects. It needs to be updated. Mn/DOT trainers have to manually supplement the handbook with their own information during training. Erosion and sediment control best practices change and are improved frequently along with valuable innovations. This project brings the handbook up-to-date with all the latest BMPs and innovations. Ann Johnson and Dwayne Stenlund have had initial meeting in regard to the updating the handbook that this page describes. Sources (Research and Mn/DOT Experts) 2003-08 Erosion Control Handbook For Local Roads Dwayne Stenlund, Environmental Services Ann Johnson, University of Minnesota Transportation Studies Page 1/1 2/12/2016 3:44:00 AM