2014-15 Spanish Classroom Handout

Spanish III Class Guidelines
Dear Parent,
Please read this classroom policy and procedure handout with your student. It includes
information for the 2014-15 school year.
1. Classroom management: My classroom management plan is in accordance with
the Aquilla ISD Student Handbook in regard to the following: student conduct,
inappropriate uses of technology, dress and grooming, tardiness and absences.
Please refer to the Student Handbook for specific information.
2. Cell phones/electronic devices: I will follow district policy regarding electronic
devices. Please refer to the student handbook for specific information.
3. Classroom: Your child will be responsible for bringing their textbook, Spanish
folder, pens/ pencils to class everyday.
4. Grading Policy: Assignments are 60% and quizzes/tests are 40% of student’s
grade. I do not offer extra credit assignments. Students must have all
homework turned in and make-up tests taken within the “window of
opportunity” specified by the teacher. (Please refer to student handbook)
5. Tutorials: Monday-Thursday 7:55- 8:20
6. Contact: You can email me (betty.cox@aquillaisd.net) or call the school (6943770) if you have questions about your child’s progress or to set up a conference
with me. You may also use the student portal on the school’s website to access
your student’s grade.
I am looking forward to a great year! Please sign and return this copy to me, keep the
attached copy for your records.
Thank you,
Betty Cox
Spanish Teacher
Parent___________________________ Date________________