Dear Parent,
Please read this classroom policy and procedure handout with your student. It includes information for the 2014-15 school year.
1. Classroom management: My classroom management plan is in accordance with the Aquilla ISD Student Handbook in regard to the following: student conduct, cell phones/electronic devices, inappropriate uses of technology, dress and grooming, tardiness and absences. Please refer to the Student Handbook for specific information.
Required supply list:
Spiral notebook
Plastic folder -color specific…8 th
grade red, 7 th
grade yellow, 6 th
grade blue
Blue/black pens only
Red pen
3. Grading policy: The students will be given a grade for daily work, assignments, projects, quizzes, and tests . Students must have all homework turned in and make-up tests taken within the “window of opportunity” specified by the teacher . (Please refer to student handbook.)
4. Tutorials: Monday-Thursday 7:55-8:20
5. Contact: You can contact me (
) or call the school (694-
3770) if you have any questions about your child’s progress of to set up a conference with me.
I am looking forward to a great year!
Please sign and return this copy to me, keep the other copy for your records.
Thank you,
Betty Cox
JH ELAR Teacher
Parent________________________ Date__________________