Grammar and Spelling To use the grammar checker, spell checker or thesaurus start by clicking on Tools. If you then click on ‘Spelling and Grammar’ the spell checker and grammar checkers will be invoked and run on the current word document. Spelling errors will be identified as shown below: As an example assume the document contains the following phrase: Thi docment contains speling errors When the spell checker runs you will see: The checker has highlighted the ‘best guess’ for the misspelled word and all that is required to correct it is to click on ‘Change’. The checker will then move on to the next word requiring correction. There are a variety of options that the user can set that governs the spell checker and these can be invoked by selecting ‘Tools’ and then ‘Options’ and then selecting from the following template. Similarly, there are options for the grammar checker that can be seen by clicking on ‘Settings’. Clicking on the appropriate text box(s) will enable the required check condition(s). After making the required changes click on ‘OK’. The uses of this feature can bee seen by opening the ‘demofile.doc’ and running the checker. The Thesaurus The thesaurus is invoked by clicking on ‘Tools’ then ‘Language’ and finally ‘Thesaurus’. (what’s wrong with this?) If a word is selected and the thesaurus invoked you will see a presented with optional replacement words, for example the word ‘invoke’ would result in: Use this feature with the words in fed in the ‘demofile.doc’.