Spring 2011, Chnse 1 #5984, page 1 Elementary Chinese 1 Instructor: Dr. (Xiu-Zhi) Zoe Wu Office: W105G Mailbox: C247 Phone: 626-585-3274 E-mail address: xzwu@pasadena.edu Office Hours: M/W/F 3:35-4:35pm; T/Th 6:10-7:10pm; M 6:50-7:20pm Description: This course is designed for the students who have little or no previous Mandarin Chinese experience. It is conducted in a conversation-oriented setting. The class will practice, discuss, and exchange information together in a simulated Chinese-speaking environment. Students will acquire the basic communicative skills which are essential in contemporary Chinese speaking communities. Student Learning Outcomes: After the completion of this course, students will be able to perform the following tasks: 1. Listening and Speaking: Apply basic vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation to understand and produce minimal courtesies, narratives, and descriptions on the topics of personal information, family, school, and daily routine. 2. Reading: Recognize high frequency characters in short written texts to comprehend specific details related to personal identification, family, school, and daily routine to meet immediate needs. 3. Writing: When given writing tasks such as application forms, short notes, and phone or email messages, produce basic strokes of characters and supply information from memory about personal identification, family, school, and daily routine. 4. Culture: Demonstrate awareness of the most common Chinese cultural practices and traditions such as greetings, forms of address, and the educational system. Textbooks: 1. Yao, T. and Liu, Y. Integrated Chinese, Trad. Char 3rd Ed., Textbook 2. Yao, T and Liu, Y. Integrated Chinese, Trad. Char. 3rd Ed., Workbook Class Meetings: 1. Attendance is an essential course requirement. Active participation in classroom activities is expected. In addition to the discussion of sections from the textbook, classroom activities include practice of vocabulary and patterns, simulated dialogues and group-based tasks. 2. Lab hours will be conducted in D301, the Foreign Languages Lab. The actual hours will be announced in class. Students may practice their spoken and written Chinese during the lab. They are also encouraged to practice these exercises at home by using their own home computer. 3. Please come to class on time. Leaving early or arriving late will be considered as ½ class absence. 10 hours of absences may result in a lower grade by one letter grade. 4. The instructor will not be responsible for students who are not informed of homework or do not receive handouts due to absences. It is the student's responsibility to obtain lecture notes or homework assignments from the Blackboard site (pcc.blackboard.com), from the instructor, or from other students in class. Students are not to use a prior absence as an excuse for missing subsequent work. Spring 2011, Chnse 1 #5984, page 2 5. Please turn off your cellular phones during class. Quizzes, Tests and Exams: 1. There are 2-3 vocabulary quizzes and one review test for each lesson. The quizzes are short preparatory quizzes on vocabulary. The review test follows the completion of each lesson. 2. A comprehensive final exam will be given at the end of the semester. There will be no makeup for the final exam. 3. Be sure to be on time for the quizzes/tests/exam. Students who are late will not be given more time and the missed parts of the quizzes/tests/exam will not be repeated for them. 4. There will be no make-ups for quizzes. For lesson tests, if a documented emergency occurs, a student will be allowed to reschedule or make up a test. This will only be permitted ONCE (per student) per semester. A rescheduled test must be taken within one week of its original scheduled date and will receive a 10% deduction Homework: will be announced in class 1. Homework assignments will consist of a variety of exercises which will help the students improve their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. 2. Late homework will only be accepted if submitted in the next class meeting and will receive a 10% deduction. Presentations: There will be 2-3 oral presentations on topics related to the lessons covered. Details of the presentations are included in the course reader. Discussion of the script with the instructor is encouraged before the oral presentation. Note: * Plagiarism and cheating undermine the fundamental goals of higher education and will not be tolerated. A first instance of academic dishonesty will result in an F for the test/assignment and a second instance will result in an F for the course. Grading System: Passing to the next level requires a grade of C or higher. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Homework & assignments Vocabulary Quizzes Lesson tests Final exam Presentations Class participation Total 20% 20% 20% 15% 15% 10% 100% 100-90: A 89-80: B 79-70: C 69-60: D Less than 60: F Chinese Language Program Website: http://www.pasadena.edu/Chinese language resources -> Integrated Chinese -> web Resources for IC Spring 2011, Chnse 1 #5984, page 3 Tentative Schedule (Changes may be announced during the semester) Date 2/23, 2/25, 2/28, 3/2 3/4, 3/7, 3/9, 3/11, 3/14 3/16, 3/18, 3/21, 3/23, 3/25 3/28, 3/30, 4/1, 4/4, 4/6, 4/8 4/11 4/13, 4/15, (4/18), (4/20), (4/22), 4/25, 4/27, 4/29 Lessons & Topics Introduction to Chinese phonetic and writing systems, Useful expressions 2/28: Q (tones); 3/2: Q (radicals/numerals) L1: Greetings 3/7: Q1.1; 3/9: Q1.2; 3/11: HW1; 3/14: Q (sound) L2: Family L3: Dates and Time 3/16: Q2.1a; 3/18: Q2.1b; 3/21: Q2.2; 3/25: HW2, TestL1-L2 3/28: Q3.1a; 3/30: Q3.1b; 4/4: Q3.2 4/8: HW3, TestL3 The 1st oral presentation L4: Hobbies (4/18-4/22: Spring Break) 5/2, 5/4, 5/6, 5/9, 5/11 L5: Visiting Friends 5/13, 5/15, 5/18, 5/20, L6: Making Appointments 5/23, 5/25 The 2nd oral presentation 5/27, (5/30) (M 5/30: Memorial Day) 4/14: Q4.1a; 4/15: Q4.1b; 4/25: Q4.2 4/29: HW4, TestL4 5/2: Q5.1a; 5/4: Q5.1b; 5/6: Q5.2 5/11: HW5, TestL5 5/13: Q6.1a; 5/15: Q6.1b; 5/20: Q6.2 5/25: HW6, TestL6 6/1: Q7.1a; 6/3: Q7.1b; 6/6: Q7.2 6/8: HW7 1-3 pm in R219, Final Exam: L1-L7 6/1, 6/3, 6/6, 6/8, 6/10 L7: Studying Chinese M 6/13 Tests & Homework