3031 中文三年级 Instructor: Phone: E-mail: Office: Office hours: Time & Location: Sec 001: Sec 002: Sec 003: Liu Laoshi (LIU, Hai 刘海) 612-625-6534 liux3655@umn.edi Folwell Hall 227 MW 2:30 pm-3:30 pm; or by appointment 11:15 am -12:05 pm Monday-Wednesday: Folwell Hall, Thursday: Jones Hall 30/15 1:25 pm -2:15 pm Monday-Wednesday: Folwell Hall, Thursday: Jones Hall 30/35 4:40 pm -6:35 pm Tuesday: Akerman Hall 317, Thursday: Jones Hall 30/35 Course Description: This course is designed to help students of Chinese to make a smooth transition from the intermediate level to the advanced level through the mixed use of the oral and written language. With a gradually increased load of reading, students will learn to differentiate these two forms of language and practice using both extensively. The usage of set phrases, instead of the grammar has become the focus. Chapters in the textbook will be rearranged by topics in order to stimulate students’ interest in discussions. In addition, news reports and articles that are up to date will be introduced as supplementary materials to aid in the understanding of complex texts. Chinese is the ONLY language in this class. Textbooks, Supplementary Materials and Audio : * Reading Into a New China Volume 1 by Duanduan Li and Irene Liu; Published by Cheng & Tsui Company, 2009 * Newspaper articles and films (TBA) *Moodle: Our class will use this site to publish schedules, lecture slides, homework assignments, and useful links. To access, go to https://moodle.umn.edu/ Recommended Materials and Websites Chinese characters & culture: http://www.zhongwen.com Chinese tools: http://www.mandarintools.com Online Dictionary: http://dict.cn Chinese culture: http://www.chinapage.com/china.html China News: http://www.chinesenewsnet.com China News: http://www.chinanews.com/ Chinese News Week: http://www.inewsweek.cn/ Life Week: http://www.lifeweek.com.cn/ 1 Financial News: http://www.caijing.com.cn/ Course Requirements Preparation (!!) You are expected to come to the class well prepared. Preparation includes, but not limited to (1) listen to the audio of the lesson everyday; (2) study vocabulary list carefully until you recognize every character and fully understand the meaning of each word; (3) read the text thoroughly until you know how the patterns are used in the sentences; (4) do the preview homework, including question answering and vocabulary writing; (5) be ready for discussing related topics and expressing your opinions in both oral and written forms. Your preparation is crucial to your success in this class. Attendance and Performance (!) You are expected to attend every class and participate actively. If you speak in class voluntarily, you will get the full points for participation. If you do not pay enough attention in class, you will not get any participation points. Unexcused absences will have a negative impact on the class participation section of your grade. An excused absence will be granted only if the instructor is contacted ahead of time and an adequate explanation and documentation of a valid reason to miss class is provided. You may be required to do additional work to make up for your absence. Coming late to class (5 minutes) for three times will be considered as one absence. Having more than eight unexcused absences will automatically turn your final grade to F. Quizzes, Tests and Exams Quizzes (in the form of dictation and/or sentence making) will be given at the first 5 minutes of your class. If you come in late and miss your quiz, you are not allowed to make it up unless a valid explanation is provided. The worst three quizzes may be dropped at the end. There will be 4 tests, each covering a topic. There is one midterm and one final exam, each is consisted of an oral part and a written part. Exams are cumulative in terms of vocabulary and grammar. Exams are cumulative, but the majority of them come from the last two chapters you learn. Make-up exams or quizzes will only be granted in the case of an excused absence. Homework Refer to your weekly schedule for homework assignments and due dates. You are required to write down answers in complete sentences. Homework should be turned in at the beginning of the lecture when it is due. Homework handed in late will lose points unless a documented, valid reason for the lateness is provided. Some assignments require you to make a narration, a description or an argument. Such assignments will be presented in the next class. You will receive comments and suggestions from your instructor and classmates. Based on the comments and suggestions, you need to revise it and turn it in either in hard copy or through Moodle. You will get a grade for the presentation 2 and a grade for the revised version. The final grade for this assignment is the mean of the two grades. Homework can also be assigned as the form of one-to-one talking with the instructor. Please be prepared and come on time. Coming late will make you lose points unless a documented, valid reason for the lateness is provided. Grades: Your grade in this course will be based on following: Quizzes Homework Writing Assignments Presentations Attendance and Performance Group Projects Midterm Final exam Bonus 10% 20% 10% 10% 20% 10% 10% 10% up to 3% Grading Scale: A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D F 93%-100% 90%-92% 87%-89% 83%-86% 80%-82% 77%-79% 73%-76% 70%-72% 67%-69% 60%-66% 0 - 59% Academic Integrity Students are expected to review the policies on academic integrity at http://oscai.umn.edu/knowcode/scc-simplified. Falsification of classroom attendance sign-in sheets is also a violation of academic integrity. If you have questions about particular situations do not hesitate to ask. 3