Point Operations and Lookup Tables

Development Phase N
Your Name and ID Here
The Date Here
Development Phase N
Beginning Instructions
Change the document header to include the number of the development phase, your name and ID
number (personal number or student number) and insert the date.
What Sections to Include in the Body of the Document
Include sections and subsections that mirror those in the development phase instructions. So for
Development Phase 1 you would have the following headings.
Digital Images in MATLAB
Quantization and dynamic range
Spatial Resolution
Point Operations and Lookup Tables
Histogram-based Operations
Contrast Enhancement
Blurp Box Incorporated
General Guidelines
You need to provide a context for what you are doing. One or two lines introducing each task or
problem with some descriptive text on what you are doing and why will help guide the reader to
your results. This way a technically qualified person will be able to follow what you have done and
repeat it (as required in the Assessment section).
Importantly, putting what you done into words will likely give you a better insight into the
techniques you have used.
Information about copying and plagiarism
You are required to write your own code in these development phase tasks. Some small code
samples are sometimes provided in MATLAB-tips.pdf or in the instructions which are fine to use.
However, you should not copy another persons code.
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Development Phase N
Your Name and ID Here
The Date Here
Information about citation
One of the most common mistakes is failing to refer to a source where you get an idea or technique
from. Perhaps you find a clever idea in an online publication or web page about how to do a
particular image processing operation. Perhaps it is a kind of filter for removing noise. It is ok to use
that filter in your report and demonstrate what it does and compare it to your other techniques.
However, you MUST reference where it comes from. This is called citation. There are many
different formats for citation which we will not worry about in this course except to say that your
citation must allow the reader to be able to find the source.
For example you could write
According to Fred [1] the Fred-Noise-Filter performs better at removing white noise and preserving
edges than an averaging filter. As you can see in table 3 the results from using the Fred-Noise-Filter
are better that an averaging filter in all cases except for the image with large motion blur.
At the end of your document you have a references section that includes the precise reference for
how to find the source. For example;
[1] Fred, N. (2003) The Fred Noise Filter, Journal of Magical Filters,
[1] Fred, N. The Fred Noise Filter, http://www.fredsfilterblog.blogspot.com/2003-10-19GreatNewFilter.html
General Info about Figures and Tables
Include images and your code to show how you have got your results. Make it very clear.
When you include an image you need to give it a caption, like “Figure 1 – My contrast enhanced
version of the image apple.tif using the contrast function L1”.
Figure 1 - An example picture and caption that is nothing to do with your work
When you have a table given this table a caption also. When you are talking about a figure or a table
in your report refer to it using its numbered caption. You can do this in word by inserting a link
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Development Phase N
Your Name and ID Here
The Date Here
cross-reference to a figure or table or other item you have already created. For example; An
example figure in shown in Figure 1 that has nothing to do with what you will work on. I have
selected a cross-reference that only shows the label and number, not the entire caption.
Table 1 - An example table
Example Table
End of your Report
When you are finished the work of this development phase you will write a summary section as
described below.
Using the criteria defined in the Assessment section of the development phase instructions, assess
your own development report and write a short evaluation of how well it satisfies the criteria?
Are there any problems with your solution? That is, situations where it doesn't work as expected?
Your technical supervisor will need to know about these situations so that they can be solved and
dont cause unexpected problems later during system integration and installation in week 8.
The purpose of this assessment question is for you to evaluate your own work like you would have
to in a real work situation before handing it over to your technical supervisor.
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