BIOL2420M01 Vu S13 - St. Catherine University

BIOL2420 Human Disease (CRN: 40098)
Summer 2013
2 credits, Online
Course Description and Objectives:
In this course, students will be introduced to fundamental concepts of disease. Students will learn
basic terminology and will acquire fundamental knowledge of various types of diseases that
affect humans. Upon completion of this class, students will have a sufficient foundation to be
able to expand their knowledge by consulting references in pathology and medicine.
Learning Goals:
To provide orientation for students to fundamental concepts of disease – basic terminology and types
of diseases.
To learn the etiology, clinical manifestations, pathophysiology of these diseases.
To become familiar with methods of diagnosis and principles of treatment of these diseases.
This course has been designed in an online format to offer students optimal schedule flexibility.
It does, however, require self-initiative in order to stay on schedule, as well as to have access to a
computer (available on campus) and the ability to use the College’s e-mail system (official
medium for College communication) and the D2L, except for the two exams which are in-class
and proctored. Though most of this course is online, it is not a self-paced course. The course
follows posted schedule.
Required Material:
An Introduction to Human Disease, 9th edition by Crowley (Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2012)
Students must have reliable internet and computer with specific programs installed. Please
bookmark: All the materials related to the course will be
posted on D2L.
Cuc Kim Vu
Office: Old Main 425, Tel: 651-690-7835, and E-mail:
Office Hours: By appointment
Grades will be determined on the basis of your scores from two scheduled exams which will be
proctored on campus (bring #2 pencils), assignments and participation in the discussion. As
mentioned, you will be required to complete and submit, to the instructor, assignments and
participate in discussions. Exams are to be taken at the scheduled time. There will be no makeup
exams. If there are any extenuating circumstances, student is advised to discuss it with the
instructor before the exam date or the due date of an assignment and to get an alternative date
fixed. Points may be deducted if exam is taken at a later date and time. The course grade point
16 on-line quizzes
15 on-line assignments
Midterm exam
Final exam
15 points (lowest quiz will be dropped)
15 points
30 points
40 points
All materials will be graded and returned or reported on D2L within 1 week. Below you will
find the break out of the points for this course:
= 93% and up
= 90 - 92%
= 87 - 89%
= 83 - 86%
= 80 - 82%
= 77- 79%
= 73 - 76%
= 70 - 72%
= 67 - 69%
= 63 - 66%
F = less than 63%
Online Quizzes
There will be 16 weekly online quizzes. Quizzes are used to help you measure your understanding of
the materials on a daily basis. Quizzes are to be taken individually without using any resources. You
can take the quiz at anytime on Mondays, but only once. You will have 10 minutes (10 questions) for
each quiz. If you take longer than 10 minutes for any quiz, 1 point will be deducted for every minute
passed the 10 minute limit. To minimize the chances of academic misconduct, you are allowed to view
one question at a time and there is no backtracking once you have clicked on ‘submit’. Quiz questions
are randomized by the computer. Lowest quiz will be dropped.
*Note: If a computer issue arises that you are not able to resolve while taking the quizzes – you
need to email me and contact Janet (IT) immediately. If you wait to take the quiz after business
hours, you may not be able to get technical support and be able to complete the quizzes by
Monday. Please plan accordingly.
Online Assignments
There will be 15 weekly online assignments. Students will be placed into groups and discussion
boards for this portion. Students will post their notes from the reading assignments online and
all members will contribute to these notes to make a comprehensive study guide. Students are
encouraged to post questions about content here as well and have others in the group and
instructor assist. Students who post a question will get 0.5 extra credit and students who answer
a question (correctly and satisfactory) will get 1 extra credit – each student can get up to 10
points extra credit (equivalent of one online assignment).
There will be two exams given in this course. The midterm exam will have approximately 40-50
questions (multiple choice, t/f, matching, fill-in-the-blank, and short answers). It will cover
materials from the first half of class (Chapters 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10). The final exam will have the
same format; however it will cover the second half of class (Chapter 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 21, 25,
26, and 27). Please bring a number 2 pencil. There are NO MAKE-UPS.
 Learning Center, EDUC 370 (peer tutoring)
 Others will be posted on D2L
The benefit you derive from the course will depend largely on your own efforts. The course will
follow the weekly schedule very closely so that you will know what material is to be covered. If any of
the course content or assignment is not visible on D2L or is confusing please contact the instructor for
assistance immediately. This course will require that you set aside weekly time to read, study,
complete and send the assignments in a timely manner, and prepare for the scheduled exams.
In general, each week, the student will need to:
 Learn the material posted in D2L, textbook readings assignments, and supplemental resources.
 Read the messages, if any, carefully, sent by the instructor or posted in your D2L.
 Study the assigned topics each week and take the on-line quiz at designated date and time.
Please pay attention to the dates and times the quizzes will be available.
 Students will need to plan to attend the scheduled time for each of the two exams. The exams
will be timed and will be closed book and closed notes.
Academic Integrity:
Cheating, plagiarism, or falsification will not be tolerated. Should I determine that an academic
integrity violation has taken place, I reserve the right either to assign a lower the grade for the
work in question/assign a grade of F for the work in question/assign a grade of F for the course.
You plagiarize when, without proper attribution, you do any of the following:
 Copy verbatim from a book, an article or other media;
 Download documents from the Internet;
 Purchase documents;
 Report from other's oral work;
 Copy directly from a classmate or allow a classmate to copy from you;
 Help a classmate or get help from a classmate or anybody else in taking the quizzes.
Important dates such as last day to drop course without a “W” appearing on your and last day to
withdraw from a course can be obtained by looking at the academic calendar posted on
The St. Catherine University Mission Statement:
The St. Catherine University educates women to lead and influence. Founded by the Sisters of
St. Joseph of Carondelet in 1905, the University integrates liberal arts and professional education
within the Catholic traditions of intellectual inquiry and social teaching. Committed to
excellence and opportunity, the University engages students from diverse backgrounds in a
learning environment uniquely suited to women. Education at the St. Catherine University
prepares graduates to demonstrate ethical leadership grounded in social responsibility.
BIOL 2420 Human Disease
Tentative Schedule (Summer 2013)
1. Print out Human Disease Online syllabus (please bring to class on June 3)
Week One
June 3-7
1. In-class Session: June 3
- Are you ready for online?
- Syllabus (Please read ahead of hand in case you should have any questions)
- Navigating through D2L
2. Listen to audio clip on Chapter 1 and 2
3. Read and study by using outline posted on D2L to arrange your notes:
- CH1 General concepts of disease
- CH2 Cells and Tissues
Week Two
June 10-14
4. Take pre-quiz by on Tuesday, June 4 (ALL QUIZZES REQUIRES RESPONDUS)
1. Take CH1 and CH2 quizzes online on Monday, June 10
- Make sure you have reliable internet and have the time to complete the quiz (10 minutes each)
2. Listen to audio clip on immunity, microbes, and CH8
3. Read and study by using outline posted on D2L to arrange your notes:
- Assigned reading(s) on Immunity, Hypersensitivity & Autoimmune disease
- Assigned reading(s) on Pathogenic microbes
- CH8 Communicable disease
Week Three
June 17-21
1. Take Immunity and Microbes and CH8 quizzes on Monday, June 17
2. Listen to audio clip on Chapter 8, 9, and 10
3. Read and study by using outline posted on D2L to arrange your notes:
- CH9 Congenital & Hereditary disease
- CH10 Neoplastic disease
Week Four
June 24-28
1. Take CH9 and CH10 quizzes on Monday, June 24
2. Prepare for Midterm Exam
Week Five
July 1-5
1. In-Class Session: July 3
Midterm Exam (CH1, 2, Immunity, Microbes, 8, 9, and 10)
2. Listen to audio clip on Chapter 12 and 13
3. Read and study by using outline posted on D2L to arrange your notes:
- CH12 Circulatory Disturbances
- CH13 Disease of Cardiovascular system
Week Six
July 8-12
1. Take CH12 and CH13 quizzes on Monday, July 8
2. Listen to audio clip on Chapter 15, 16, and 17
3. Read and Study:
- CH15 Disease of the Respiratory System
- Assigned reading(s) on Breast Cancer
- CH17 Diseases of the Female Reproductive System
Week Seven
July 15-19
1. Take CH15, Breast Cancer and CH17 quizzes on Monday, July 15
2. Listen to audio clip on Chapter 21 and 22&25
3. Read and study by using outline posted on D2L to arrange your notes:
- CH21 Disease of the Liver and Biliary System
- CH22&25 Disease of the Pancreas and Endocrine Gland
Week Eight
July 22-26
1. Take CH21 and CH22&25 quizzes on Monday, July 22
2. Listen to audio clip on Chapter 26 and 27
3. Read and study by using outline posted on D2L to arrange your notes:
- CH26 Disease of Nervous System
- CH27 Disease of the Musculoskeletal System
1. Take CH26 and CH27 quizzes on Monday, July 29
Week Nine
July 29-August 2 2. Prepare for the final exam
Week Ten
August 6
In-class Session: August 7
Final Exam (CH12, 13, 15, Breast Cancer, 17, 21, 22&25, 26, and 27)