Supplementary Information Fig. S1. Variance partitioning of the Hellinger-transformed distance abundance matrix for damselfly genera and species of Enallagma among lakes. The explained variances are based on a partial redundancy analysis. Only the pure spatial (S) and pure environmental (E) components are testable. The unexplained variation refers to variation not accounted for by the S, E, or ES fractions. ***P<0.001; N.S. P>0.05. Fig. S2. Ordination plots from the partial RDA of damselfly genera and Enallagma species composition of Hellinger-transformed abundances among lakes. Significance of spatial and environmental fractions is given in Figure S1. Panels a and c are Enallagma species and genera, respectively, ordinations of the environmental RDA controlling for space, whereas panels b and d are Enallagma species and genera, respectively, ordinations of the space RDA controlling for environment. Taxa or sites (grey circles) aligned with the direction of arrows show positive associations with those explanatory variables. The bottom and left-hand scales are for the response variables and objects, whereas the top and right-hand scales are for the explanatory variables. In panel ‘a’ the trajectory for uS is obscured below the cloud of data points and is located just above the species point E. signatum. 1 E = ***, S = *** E = ***., S = n.s. 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Unexplained Space Environment+Space Environment 0.0 Percent variation explained (Hellinger distance) 1.0 Figure S1 Genera E nal l agma species 2 3 4