Data dictionary Artifact Title(s): Probability of Weather Events Background Weather is one of the seven sources of congestion on the transportation network. Weather has a two-fold effect on roadways; influencing driver behavior and increasing the likelihood of incidents which is another source of congestion. Data collection Historical average probabilities were created from NWS METARS data available from WeatherUnderground. Processing Techniques Historical weather is available in Comma Separated Value (CSV) format for any airport in the ASOS system on a daily basis. These CSV files contain all METARs reports for the airport and day requested. A Python (v2.7) script was written to automate the download of all daily CSV weather files for selected airports and years, and a second script compiles all daily files into a single CSV file containing observations from all selected years for a given airport. Once a single CSV file for each airport was created, each file was filtered and analyzed in Microsoft Excel. There were a few issues identified with the hourly reports that had to be fixed before calculating probabilities. First, reports occasionally report “unknown” conditions and any field with a number is reported as “-9999”. These values were changed so that they would not be picked up as a weather category with a capacity effect. Additionally, the compiler inserted reports from previous time periods infrequently. This would result in a negative duration between the previous report and the next one. Any repeated reports were removed prior to analysis. Column Descriptions Table 1: Column Descriptions CSV Column header title Ingested dataset column header title Column Description Units of Measurem ent airport Med Rain Airport Code Medium Rain NA Probability Str Rain Low Snow LM Snow Strong Rain Low Snow Low-Medium Snow MH Snow Medium-High Snow H Snow High Snow Airport Code Probability of having rain more than 0.1 in/h and less than 0.25 in/h Probability of having rain more than 0.25 in/h Probability of having snow less than 0.05 in/h Probability of having snow more than 0.05 in/h and less than 0.1 in/h Probability of having snow more than 0.1 in/h and less than 0.5 in/h Probability of having snow more than 0.5 in/h SHRP 2 Reliability Archive 1 Probability Probability Probability Probability Probability Severe Cold Low Vis Severe Cold Probability of having temperature less than -20 C Probability Low Visibility Probability Very Low Vis Min Vis Normal Very Low Visibility Probability of having visibility more than 0.5 mile and less than 1 mile Probability of having visibility more than 0.25 mile and less than 0.5 mile Probability of having visibility less than 0.25 mile Probability of having Normal Weather Condition Month of the year from 1 to 12 Hour of the day from 0 to 23 NA NA Month Hour Minimum Visibility Normal Weather Condition Month of the year Hour of the day Probability Probability Probability Acknowledgments The analysis of weather data, data download via Python Script, and compilation of weather data base was possible through the dedicated work of ITRE graduate students Thomas Chase and Sangkey Kim, under the supervision of Dr. Nagui Rouphail and Dr. Bastian Schroeder at N.C. State University SHRP 2 Reliability Archive 2