Study Guide

Name_______________________________________________ Date _________ Period____
Ancient Egypt Study Guide
Target #1: I can explain how elements of culture defined ancient Egyptians.
1. Ancient Egyptians were ___________________, meaning they believed in more than one
2. The written language of the Egyptians was ___________________________________________.
3. Who would be able to read/write in ancient Egypt? _____________________________________.
4. Egyptians created ___________ to explain natural events. These featured the
gods/goddesses of ancient Egypt.
5. Some popular Egyptian gods and goddesses were:
a. god of the sun - __________________________________________________________
b. god of the underworld -_____________________________________________________
c. god of mummification - ____________________________________________________
d. goddess of love - _________________________________________________________
e. goddess of protection/motherhood - __________________________________________
f. god of the sky - ___________________________________________________________
g. god of writing/knowledge - __________________________________________________
h. god of darkness/deserts - ___________________________________________________
Target #2: I can compare how ancient Egypt developed social institutions to
respond to human needs, structure society, and influence behavior.
6. The ruler of the Egyptians was called the ____________________________________________.
7. Cleopatra was a famous ________________, whose family was really from Greece.
8. Successions of leaders in the same families are ________________________________________.
9. Why were scribes important? ______________________________________________________
10. The stone that allowed these writings to be translated is the ______________________________.
11. The afterlife was called the _______________________________________________________.
12. To get to the afterlife, you had to pass riddles and demons before coming to have your
heart weighed against the _________________________________________________________.
a. If your heart was ________________, it would be eaten by a monster.
b. If your heart was ________________, your soul would be allowed to enter the
13. What was the purpose of mummification? ____________________________________________
14. Describe some steps to mummification: ______________________________________________
Target #3: I can use a map/photograph to interpret patterns and locations on
Earth’s surface in ancient Egypt – like how the parts of Egypt got their names
and why cities were settled in certain locations.
15. Where is Egypt located? __________________________________________________________
16. The capital of ancient Egypt was ___________________________________________________.
17. How many Egypts were there? _____________________________________________________
18. Upper Egypt was _________________ Lower Egypt because the ____________ River
flows north! *remember our version of “Row, Row, Row your Boat”
19. The pyramids were built in the city of ________________.
20. What is the Nile and why was it important? ___________________________________________
21. What was Nubia and where was it located? ___________________________________________
Target #4: I can describe the rise of the Egyptian culture and explain ways in
which this culture influenced art and drama today.
22. We talked about this in class – profile paintings, frontal paintings, architecture, movies,
tv shows, video games, etc.
Target #5: I can analyze the use of elements of drama in dramatic works:
23. Define characters - _____________________________________________________________
24. Why were myths created? _________________________________________________________
Target #6: I can engage in dramatic activities that reflect historical times and
25. We did this in class – we read Egyptian myths and talked about the plot.
Target #7: I can identify or explain how art fulfilled a variety of purposes in
ancient Egypt.
26. Art had two purposes in ancient Egypt. Name them.
Target #8: I can describe a variety of art media.
27. What types of materials did ancient Egyptians use to make their art:
a. hieroglyphics on tomb walls - _______________________________________________
b. pyramids - ______________________________________________________________
c. Sphinx - ________________________________________________________________
d. sarcophagus - ____________________________________________________________
Target #9: I can analyze works of art using elements of art and principles of
28. We did this in class when we discussed pieces of art and took our virtual tour of Egypt.
Target #10: I can analyze/explain how diverse cultures and time periods are
reflected in visual arts.
29. Describe the Sphinx: _____________________________________________________________
30. Describe the pyramids: ___________________________________________________________
a. Which directions were the pyramids aligned to? _________________________________
b. What would happen if the pyramid’s sides were not exactly lined out? _______________
31. What are mastabas?______________________________________________________________
Target #10 and 11: I can identify how music/dance fulfilled a purpose in
ancient Egypt.
32. When would you see/hear ancient Egypt music/dance? __________________________________
a. Which purpose of music/dance might that be? ___________________________________