BIOL 114

BIOL 114
Final Exam Main Concepts
Ch 1 Invitation to Biology
1. Describe nature’s level of organization, beginning with cell and ending with
2. Name characteristics that all living things share in common.
3. List the three domains in classification. Would the organisms in those domains have
prokaryotic cells or eukaryotic cells? Describe the difference in DNA location
between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
4. List the general steps in the scientific method.
5. Differentiate between dependent and independent variable.
6. How is the control group different than an experimental group?
7. What makes a good hypothesis?
8. Discus some limitations of science.
9. Differentiate between hypothesis, theory, and law.
Ch 3 Cell Structure
1. Describe structures that all cells have.
2. Explain cell theory.
3. In a typical prokaryotic cell, describe the functions of plasma membrane, cell wall,
flagella, DNA (in nucleoid), and ribosomes.
4. In a typical eukaryotic cell, describe the functions of plasma membrane, cell wall (if
present), ribosomes, mitochondria, and chloroplast.
Ch 6 DNA Structure and Function
1. DNA is made of nucleotides joined together. Describe the components of a
2. Calculate various percentages of bases within DNA. For example, if a cell had 19 %
C, what is the percentage of T?
3. How does DNA replication work?
4. How is nuclear transfer used to clone an animal?
Ch 7 Gene Expression and Control
1. Explain the events of transcription.
2. Which of the three RNA molecules makes up ribosomes?
3. In general, what happens during translation? That is, which molecule is formed?
4. Describe the role of ribosomes (rRNA), tRNA, and mRNA in translation.
Ch 8 How Cells Reproduce
1. Describe events in interphase (G1, S, and G2) of the cell cycle.
2. Explain why mitosis + cytokinesis occur in your body cells.
3. Describe events in each mitosis phase.
4. Explain why meiosis + cytokinesis occur in your reproductive organs.
5. Describe events in each meiosis phase.
6. Differentiate between the words diploid and haploid. Which cells within the body
have a haploid number of chromosomes and which cells have a diploid number?
7. Compare how a cancer cell and a normal liver cell would proceed through the cell
Ch 26 Reproduction and Development
1. Using ideas of meiosis, describe how a spermatogonium (diploid germ cell) becomes
a sperm.
2. Describe the pathway of sperm travel from testes to penis.
3. Using ideas of meiosis, describe how a primary ooctye becomes a secondary oocyte.
4. If the secondary oocyte were fertilized, where would this take place in a woman’s
5. When is the secondary oocyte released during a woman’s cycle?
6. Name which type of organism (virus, bacterium, or protist) causes the following
common STD’s: trichomoniasis, HPV, Chlamydia, genital herpes, gonorrhea,
syphilis, AIDS
Ch 9 Patterns of Inheritance
1. Problems of simple dominance, incomplete dominance, blood group, and X-linked
recessive traits will be on the final exam.
Ch 20 How Animals Move
1. Compare compact bone and spongy bone.
2. Describe the function of red bone marrow.
3. How is calcium important for bone health and for muscle contraction?
4. In a muscle contraction, which parts of a sarcomere is shortening?
5. Describe relationship between motor neurons and skeletal muscles. For example, in
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, motor neurons are destroyed. Describe the end result.
Ch 21 Circulation and Respiration
1. Trace the flow of blood through the pulmonary circuit.
2. Trace the flow of blood through the systemic circuit.
3. What are the purposes of different cells in blood?
4. How are capillaries important?
5. Trace the path of air from nasal cavities to alveoli.
6. Differentiate between anemia, atherosclerosis, and hypertension.
7. Differentiate between bronchitis and emphysema.
Ch 23 Digestion and Excretion
1. Trace the pathway of food through the digestive system.
2. Explain roles of liver, gall bladder, and pancreas in digestion.
3. Describe what absorption is and where it occurs along the digestive tract.
4. Most of your daily caloric intake (~55 %) should come from which food types?
5. Trace the pathway of urine from kidneys to outside of the body.
6. Broadly describe the three processes of how urine forms.
7. How does ADH regulate urine output?
Ch 24 Neural Control and the Senses
1. How do nerve impulses travel along a neuron?
2. Compare sensory, interneuron, and motor neurons.
3. During resting membrane potential, explain the charge difference across the neuronal
membrane. How does this charge difference change during an action potential?
4. Describe the effects that acetylcholine on skeletal muscles.
5. How are dopamine levels affected in individuals with Parkinson’s disease?
6. How does serotonin make an individual feel?
7. Distinguish between central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.
8. Describe broad functions of cerebral lobes.
9. What is the function of hypothalamus?
10. Trace pathway light takes from cornea to retina.
11. Where are photoreceptors in the eye?
12. Trace pathway of pressure waves from pinna to cochlea.
Ch 16 Population Ecology
1. Define population.
2. Differentiate between population density and distribution.
3. Compare exponential and logistic growth patterns.
4. Compare density-dependent and density-independent factors that limit population
5. Differentiate between the three types of survivorship curves.
6. Differentiate between r- and K-strategists.
7. How does an age structure diagram predict future population growth?