HINDUSTAN ORGANIC CHEMICALS LIMITED (A Govt. of India Enterprise) Amabalamugal.P.O, Ernakulam Dist. P&A/ADMN/GRASS/2013/ DATE:06.03.2013 NOTICE INVITING TENDER NAME OF THE WORK :- GRASS CUTTING WORK IN PLANT AND NON PLANT AREAS Sealed item rate tenders superscribed “ Tender-NOT TO OPEN” Tender for “ GRASS CUTTING WORK IN PLANT AND NON PLANT AREAS” are invited by CHIEF GENERAL MANAGER (P&A) , HOCL, Ambalamugal, upto 1500 hours on 27.03.2013 . Tender shall accompany an EMD of Rs.10,000/- (Rs.Ten thousand only)by way of Bankers cheque/ Demand Draft drawn in favour of M/s. Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd, payable at Ernakulam OR Cash Receipt Voucher from HOC Finance Division. Tenderers cheque will not be accepted against EMD. Tenders not accompanied with EMD are liable to be rejected. Pendancy of contract will be ONE YEAR from the date of commencement of work. I. SCOPE OF WORK/CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT The scope of the work includes the following :1) The contractor should maintain the area under contract in neat condition by cutting the grown Grass manually/machine (to an average height of 15cm) / Spraying the specified chemical from time to time. The mode of cutting the grass/spraying chemical in different locations of the factory will be decided by the Engineer-in-Charge from time to time. 2) The Contractor should ensure that the Grass is not grown beyond on average height of 15 cms at any point. 3) The contractor can spray the specified herbicide glyphosate for controlling the growth of grass in areas. Prior to the Ist application of spray contractor should ensure that the grass / weed is cut close for effective control. repeat application) shall be Usage (ie, dilution and as recommended by herbicide Manufacturer. 4). Contractor should only use the glyphosate which is manufactured by M/s. Hindustan Insecticides Ltd, and M/s. Excel & Chemenova as alternate source. 5) The contractor will take all necessary measures of storage, handling and disposal of packing of Herbicide , etc. 6) Engine/ Motor operated mechanized cutting devise should not be used for cutting the grass in Process plant area. For other areas, prior permission should be taken from competent authority, before using engine/motor operated mechanised cutting device. …………………2/- -27) The removal and disposal of cut grass should be done simultaneously along with the cutting of Grass. The disposal of cut grass should be done at places anywhere out side company premises at the risk and cost of contractor. 8) Any cut grass fallen inside the drains should be cleared by the Contractor without any delay. 9) No vehicle entry will be permitted inside fenced area of LPG/Propylene storage area. 10) The first round of cutting should be completed within 15 days of acceptance of the order by engaging sufficient number of labourers. 11) The necessary tools like sickles, spade, pick-axe, baskets, etc. and also arrangement for transportation of waste/cut grass for disposal should be arranged by the contractor . II. AREA UNDER THE CONTRACT The plant and non-plant areas of HOCL, under this contract would be total around 1,73,672.83 Sq. Meter In addition to that, all the specified paved area has to be maintained for which no separate payment will be made. During the operative period of this contract, Contractor has to undertake the additional area of work if any at the same rate (proportionately) terms and conditions. Any deletion of area due to construction etc. shall also be permissible during the contract period and no payment shall be made for such deleted area from the date of deletion. III. PERIOD OF CONTRACT Period of work will be ONE YEAR from the date of commencement of work. IV. PAYMENT TERMS Payment will be made on monthly basis on certification by Officer-in-charge on pro-rata basis. V. SECURITY DEPOSIT: 1. Total security shall be 10 % of the contract value/actual value of work. 2. 2.5 % of the total estimated contract value should be deposited within 10 days of receipt of work order against initial security deposit. Balance 7.5 % will be recovered from the running account/ final bill against security deposit @ 10 %, till 10 % of the total contract value/actual value of work executed is recovered and will be released after completion of work. …………………3/- -3VI. OTHER TERMS AND CONDITION 1) This contract shall be read in conjunction with our General Condition of Contract and special condition of contract or any other documents forming part of this contract. Unless otherwise stated, all clause of the General Condition of contract shall be applicable to this contract. 2) The Contractor should obtain and produce the license under the contract labour (Regulation and Rules and Abolition) Act 1972 within 7 days from the date of signing the agreement, if applicable as per said Act.. 3) The Contractor shall ensure that the labourers engaged by him are strictly observing the safety rules and other rules and regulations of the company. Bidders shall quote their lowest rate per square meter per year for maintaining the area as described above for a period of one year. They should fill their rates in figure as well as in words in the blank spaces provided in the schedule of works. Rate shall be inclusive of all taxes, duties, octroi, KGST, etc. applicable as per rules in force. Service Tax as applicable will be paid extra subject to the condition that the Contractor is having valid Central Excise Registration for Service Tax. The late and incomplete quotations will be rejected. Tenders will be opened on 27.03.2013 at 16.00hrs in the presence of the bidders present. In case the above scheduled date becomes a company holiday, the next working day will be deemed as the due date/opening date. CHIEF GENERAL MANAGER(P&A) TO (This is a limited tender floated to limited number of vendors in our vendors list. . Parties who are responding against this tender will be considered for inclusion in our vendor list for further requirement) HINDUSTAN ORGANIC CHEMICALS LIMITED KOCHI UNIT, AMBALAMUGAL NAME OF THE WORK:- GRASS CUTTING WORK IN PLANT AND NON PLANT AREAS TEDER NOTICE NO. P&A/ADMN/GRASS/2013 , DT.06.03.2013 SCHEDULE OF WORK Sl. Description of work Quantity Unit No. 01. Rate/ Total Amount Total Amount Unit/ In figures In words Year Rs. Rs. Maintaining the plant and offsite area along with paved areas such as LPG Sphere area, Cumene tank area, Acetone tank 1,73,672.83 Sq.m Rs. area, H2O2 Filling area, Phenol drum filling area, store yard and plant areas etc., as per the scope of work enclosed for a period of ONE YEAR. Signature : Place: Date: Name & Address of the Contractor : Telephone No: