2015 Agenda of the Consultation Forum of Regulatory Bodies (MTB

2015 Agenda of the Consultation Forum of
Regulatory Bodies (MTB)
The Consultation Forum of Regulatory Bodies (MTB) is a collaboration between regulators in the
Netherlands that focus on the functioning of markets and the behavior of market participants. Its
members are: the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM), the Netherlands
Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM), the Dutch Data Protection Authority (CBP), the Dutch
central bank (DNB), the Netherlands Gaming Authority, the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) and the
Dutch Media Authority. The last named joined in 2014.
Although each regulator fulfils its own specific task, the MTB members’ regulatory activities are often
interrelated. The problems and developments with regard to oversight are often similar. The objective
of the MTB is to have regulators join forces to deal with joint topics and issues. Such a joint approach
leads to more effective and more efficient oversight and, whenever possible, reduces the regulatory
The MTB ensures that regulators are in contact with one another on a structural basis. Its aim is to
share knowledge and exchange experiences about shared topics in an atmosphere of openness and
mutual trust. Bilateral cooperation in specific cases is governed by cooperation protocols between
individual regulators.
Looking back at 2014 and looking ahead to 2015
In 2014, the MTB organized two seminars targeted at its executives and employees. The topics of
these seminars were “How to deal with technology and Big Data?” (in June) and “Oversight on
Integrity” (in November).
In 2015, the MTB will once again organize two seminars. The first seminar, to be held in June, will
deal with the topic “International cooperation among regulators”. The second seminar is to be held in
November and will deal with the topic “Balancing formal and informal oversight”. In addition, the MTB
will focus this year on the role of Big Data in oversight.