Timetable at a Glance – 2015 Oxford International Health Conference at St Hugh’s College Thursday 25th June 17.00-19.00 Registration and Poster-Set-up 18.00-19.00 Drinks Reception (Free to delegates) Friday 26th June 9am Welcome and Invited Speakers: Tim Maughan and Karen Feinstein (MTB Main Hall) MTB Main Hall Morden Hall MTB Seminar Hamlin 1 Dobbs 2 Hamlin 2 th Friday 26 Health Policy Public Health Health Mental Health Primary Mixed - Global June and Systems and Care Economics Workforce Perspectives Training Lee 127 Clinical Dwyer 118 Georgescu 29 Cicekoglu 131 Block 45 MultiChimeddamba 136 10.20 Audits UK Hospitals Physical Activity 10.40 Adams 111 Patient Complaints Fullman 122 Care Gaps Health Facilities Africa 11.00 O’Donnell 186 Cross-Cultural Communication Primary Care 11.20 Coffee Break Service Use and Organisation Stene 210 Service 11.40 Use after Terrorism 12.00 12.20 Aroni 174 Service Delivery and Ethnicity Patnaik 229 Equity Social Enterprise Conflict Management Programme Turnip 178 Violence Exposure Urban Adolescents Koyun 97 Internetbased Smoking Cessation Geographic Variation Hospitalisation Scalabrini 165 Economics Public Decision Making Challenges Qureshi 92 Cost Effectiveness Vascular Surgery dimensional Training Primary Care Byrne-Davis 34 Healthcare Education Behavioural Sci Raven 27 Improving Workforce Non-Communicable Disease Mongolia Health Policy and Systems Health Psychology Older Age Nursing and Care Mixed Session Altman 69 Research and Policy Change in USA Blacklock 185 Interventions S Saharan Africa Pahl 198 Evidence and Acupuncture Ayton 91 Falls Prevention Protocol Woo 1 Frailty Screening Brewster 169 Harm Free Care Kumar 193 Waste Management Training Remes 233 Generalised Anxiety Hui 17 Geriatric Assessment Team Philippou 228 Culture of Care Mentzakis 231 Formal Informal Kurniati 93 Father Participation Roskies 199 Genomic Breakthroughs Lynes 175 Translational Research Qatar Witter 166 State Building Fragile Sharma 116 Depression Antenatal Women Elias 37 Poisoning Children Nigeria Ocero 156 Equity Maternal Care Uganda NHS Disorder Care Quasi-natural Experiment Maternal Health States 12.40 Break: Light lunch can be purchased from St Hugh’s College 13.30 Invited Speakers - Markets and Technology: Maureen Mackintosh and Andrew Farmer (MTB Main Hall) Health Policy Nursing and Public Health Health Finance Community/ Industry and and Systems Leadership Economics GP Care Health Srinivasan 221 Westcott 75 Macfarlane 236 Zbiri 234 Hjelm 24 Gibbons 141 14.40 Researcher Patient Partnerships Coaching Nurse Managers Prevalence Female Mutilation EandW Prospective Payment Systems 15.00 Urban 225 Patient Role Medicines Reconciliation Boromtanarat 187 Self-efficacy Teenage Pregnancy Henawi 216 Healthcare Finance Saudi Arabia 15.20 Wittenberg 183 Emergency Admissions Older Xyrichis 159 Silent Work, Collaborative Care ICU Chapman 121 Nurses Engage with Health Visvanathan 123 Women’s Experience Public Facilities Chang 148 Research Informing Delivery and Financing Miller 55 Bottom Up Approach to GP Improvement Health Systems & Primary India & China Cancer and Female Health Patient Care UK Research Haenssgen 163 Mobile Phones Health Care Seeking Razvi 120 Economic Freedom and Health Indicators India Deka 205 Justice and Health Care India Moller 66 Cancer National Cohort Study Green 48 Access to Primary Care Mavrommatis 212 Discriminatory Practices Lafarge 98 Perceptions Coping Pregnancy Termination Alpay 99 Exercises Pre-menopausal Women Solloway 115 Quality Improvement Community Setting Briggs 32 Systems to Identify Patient Deterioration McGovern 208 UK Residential Care 15.40 Tea Break Mental Health and ICT 16.00 Fricke 211 Internet Cognitive Behaviour 16.20 Buckingham 56 Delivering Research Outcomes 16.40 Wilde 90 Online Depression Prevention Ferguson 22 Care Management Change General Practice Fischer 102 Health Plan Improve Quality Affordability McCormick 153 Spending Growth Higher Capacity or Traditional Medicine and Diabetes Uganda Low 160 Telegeriatrics Singapore Autogenic Training in High Risk Industries Tuna 144 Environment Corporate Reputation Aldus 110 Training Healthcare Assistants Relative Wages Break 17.00 17.10 Evening Session Invited Speakers - Mental Health & Measurement: Judit Simon and Sarah Stewart Brown (MTB Main Hall) 18.10 Poster Session MTB Main Hall 19.00 Dinner (Provided for those Registered for the Conference Dinner) Time Saturday 27th June Morden Hall Research and Care Improvement Maclennan 68 9.00 Research and Training 9.20 Cresswell 8 Quality Improvement ENT 9.40 Onida 143 PROMs Varicose Veins Wordsworth Public Health and Health Policy Zdunek 25 Cooperation Poland EU Boger 31 Selfmanagement long term conditions Feinstein 33 Activated Patients Improve Outcomes Hamlin 2 Big Data eHealth and Economics Hamlin 1 Female Health Peters 4 Excess Risk All-Cause Vascular Systematic Review Emneus 207 Societal Costs of Diabetes Anderson 112 Blood pressure and evidence Benyamini 43 Medicalization of Childbirth Research and Incentives Dobbs 1 Shittu 62 Preconception Care MacDonald 3 Down with Masculinity 10.00 Coffee 10.15 10.35 10.55 H Economics/ Older Age Mental Health and HIV Information Chandoevwit 150 Expenditure Last Year of Life Xu 142 Retirement Bentwich 44 Autonomy and Dementia Robin 218 Vaccine Capacity Building Ryan 70 Disseminating Research Song 84 Managing Fearbola Kimaro 101 Costs Akeel 61 Patient Zionts, 14 Death and Dying Musolino 95 Fairness Research Collaborations Mijumbi 94 Urgent Decision Making Research Needs Parmar 67 Free Children Dhanawan 40 Breastfeeding Thai Adolescent Mothers Alam 85 Obstetrics Transport in Bangladesh Jones 226 Economic and Mental Health 11.15 Short Break Care and Patients 11.20 11.40 Armitage 238 Continuity Medicines Care Transition Gwynn 167 Cardiology Patient Social Networks HIV Layworkers Empowerment Delivery and Caesarean Policy in Senegal Ethnicity and Migrants Distance and Travel Gupta 173 Ethnicity Service Delivery and Engagement Lee 202 Travel Constraints Older People Mixed – Pain and Intervention Renner 240 Care Delivery Migrants Costs Di Domenicantonio 184 Hospital Travel Time Mortality Impacts of Smoking in Pregnancy Berghs 200 Interventions Disability Public Health Almazrou 214 Chronic Non-Cancer Pain 12.00 Short Break 12.10 Invited Speakers - Human Factors: Russell Mannion and Til Wykes (Morden Hall) 13.10 Lunch: Light lunch can be purchased from St Hugh’s College Care and Mental Health, Vaccination Care Patient Death Alternative and Trajectories / Outcomes Medicine Admissions Psychology Novak 16 US Penal Matute 58 Why Tam 19 Future flu Ariana 206 Health Benson 190 Patient 14.20 Hospice 14.40 Eyetsemitan 151 Grief Experiences in the Workplace People Believe in Alternative Med Naylor 89 Autogenic Relaxation for Anxiety vaccine uptake Care Trajectories Medisauskaite 109 Occupational Health Palliative Medicine Reported Quality Measures Knott, 80 Anchoring and Vignettes, Survey Design 15.00-15.15 Prize Announcement and Collection (Morden Hall) Conference Close Each presentation has 15 minutes and an additional 5 minutes for discussion. The last speaker in the session (group of three or two talks) is the chair for the session and is responsible for ensuring that the timings are kept to strictly: all speakers are kindly requested to stick precisely to time in fairness to others.