Some matrix commands in MINITAB

Some matrix commands in MINITAB
Under the button Calc you find at the bottom Matrices. Use this if you want. Else you
can enable commands and use the session window. You enable commands under Editor.
Here are explanations of the commands.
Read in a 2 by 3 matrix into M1
MTB> read 2 3 M1
and put in the values.
See matrix on the screen
MTB> print M1
Add to matrices M1 and M2 and put the result in M3
MTB> add M1 M2 M3
Subtract M1 from M2 and put the result in M3
MTB> sub M1 M2 M3
Matrix multiplication
MTB> mult M1 M2 M3
Transpose M1 and put the transposed matrix in M2
MTB> trans M1 M2
Invert M1 and put it in M2
MTB> inv M1 M2
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of M1, put values in C1 and vectors in M2
MTB> eigen M1 C1 M2