FY13 Plans - Tufts University Libraries

Lilly Music Library FY13 Plans
Participate in the implementation of LibAnswers with Circulation, Ginn, and Reference. Project Lead is
Evan Simpson. Both Julie-Ann Bryson and Michael Rogan will be involved. Includes training student
Increase use of LibGuides, particularly (but not exclusively) in conjunction with TRUNK coursesite
support. Both Julie-Ann Bryson and Michael Rogan will be involved. (Strategic Plan Goal 1: Curriculum:
Play an integral role in supporting teaching and learning.)
After attending the training sessions for creating podcasts for library instruction being offered by
Reference, explore developing podcast project(s) applicable to issues in the Lilly Music Library (e.g., how
to find CDs through the catalog). I am particularly interested in investigating if this technology, perhaps
in conjunction with LibGuides and/or TRUNK, would be especially useful in outreach to Applied Music
Faculty about our various online resources. Project Lead is Michael Rogan. (Strategic Plan Goal 4:
Resource Discoverability: Enhance discoverability and improve the user experience of library and
information resources.)
Improve access to and storage of the Frédéric Louis Ritter Collection, working with the Cataloging and
Metadata Services Department and Digital Collections and Archives. Work will be primarily
accomplished by a trained student. Project Leads: Cataloging Questions: Alicia Morris; Archives/Special
Collection Shelf Storage Preservation Questions: Susanne Belovari; Musicological Questions: Michael
Rogan. (Strategic Plan Goal 4: Resource Discoverability: Enhance discoverability and improve the user
experience of library and information resources.)
Continue to investigate the delivery of streaming audio/streaming media in TRUNK with TRUNK support
staff, LITS, ITS, ESTS. Efforts are moving forward (slowly) on multiple fronts – the key for FY13 seems to
be participation and communication. Project Participant: Michael Rogan. (Strategic Plan Goal 1:
Curriculum: Play an integral role in supporting teaching and learning; and Goal 3: Knowledge
Management: Build a strong infrastructure for digital content management, preservation, and delivery.)
Work with faculty and University Archives to develop a Music Department Recordings Policy and a
management plan for the existing backlog of recordings made in Granoff since 2007. Project Partners
include: Ann Sauer, University Archivist; Paul Lehrman, faculty, Music Dept. and John McDonald, Dept.
Chair; Michael Rogan. (Strategic Plan Goal 2: Research: Support the Creation, Management, and
Dissemination of Knowledge Created at Tufts; and Goal 3: Knowledge Management: Build a strong
infrastructure for digital content management, preservation, and delivery.)