Moving into the Zone of Feasible Innovation – towards meaningful science teaching NFSUN Proposal, January 2008 Auður Pálsdóttir and Allyson Macdonald Iceland University of Education Abstract Science teaching and learning is considered a complicated challenge both by teachers and pupils. This paper addresses the question of how much change is appropriate in a given context of science teaching and school development. Analysing science teachers‘ motivation and identity with regard to how their interests are met and identifying their potential to implement the national science curriculum can help to find ideas on activities which might help to change some of the experienced constraints on science teaching. The main findings of the study so far are that using Roth‘s (2007) ideas and Macdonald´s (2008) framework to analyse teachers‘ motivation and identity have given a deeper understanding of some of the constraints realised when developing science teaching in schools. Also, the results indicate that the theory of Zone of Feasible Innovation (ZFI) by Rogan and Grayson (2007) is an useful idea to evaluate the levels of implementations where its major constructs are adapted to the national curriculum in Iceland, giving teachers and school administrators a new way to identify what to focus on as next steps in developing science teaching in their schools. Background In school development, the decisions of what to do next and how to do it are always difficult questions to answer. When new curriculum was introduced in 1999 into Icelandic schools, and a new one issued in 2007 with slight changes in emphasis, the discussion about science teaching became more prominent than before. Teachers‘ potential to implement the curriculum differ and their competence to evaluate what and how much change is appropriate. Since 1996 all schools have been obliged by law to carry out self-evaluation and since 2000 the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture has started to inspect selfevaluation methods being used in schools. The ministry provides guidelines for schools of what aspects of the work of schools must be considered (Sjálfsmat skóla : leikskólar, grunnskólar og framhaldsskólar, 1997) but schools choose how they collect the information (Aðalnámskrá grunnskóla, almennur hluti, 2006). However, the capacity of schools to do so are very uneven (Úttektir á sjálfsmatsaðferðum grunnskóla : vormisseri 2007 : helstu niðurstöður, 2007) and in many communities schools have not had much support for such undertaking. Aims The aim of this study is to assess science teachers situation with regard to how their interests are met and their potential to implement the national science curriculum. First the way in which science teachers in three urban schools understand and interpret the demands of the national curriculum for science lessons is analysed. Second, teachers‘ motivation and identity in science teaching is analysed and interpreted by using Roth‘s (2007) and Macdonalds‘s (2008) ideas. Third, the framework of the Zone of Feasible Innovation (Rogan & Grayson, 2003) is used in search for ideas on activities which might change some of the constraints on science teaching in these schools. Framework In a research project called Intentions and reality on science education in Icelandic schools and is funded by the national Research Fund and the Research Fund of the Iceland University of Education. researchers collected data from schools in five districts in Iceland 2006-2007 visiting four to five schools in each district. The data collected are documents, questionnaires, on-site visits, interviews with principals, teachers, pupils and district leaders. The capacity of the schools with regard to science teaching was assessed by using the Science Curriculum Implementation Questionnaire (SCIQ) (Brian, 2006); Authors, 2007). The questionnaire calls for the evaluation by teachers of the actual and preferred capacity of their own school in implementing the science curriculum. Four extrinsic factors and one intrinsic factor are assessed. In Lewthwaite’s approach, the SCIQ results can form the basis of discussion and further development within schools (Wood & Lewthwaite, 2007); (McMillan, Lewthwaite, & Hainnu, 2007). The SCIQ was used in Iceland in 2006-2007 as part of a research project in which 19 schools took part. The results showed that there was a clear capacity gap between actual and preferred situations. According to the teachers, the biggest gaps were in the area of resources and of the knowledge, skills and security of teachers. Interviews were taken in conjunction with the completion of the SCIQ. A first analysis of the interviews and questionnaire data provides some ideas on activities which might change some of the constraints on science in these schools. To further analyse these constraints we use two approaches. First, we focus on teachers motivation and identity in science teaching and analyse to what extent collective and individual interests of science teachers are met. To do so we use Roth´s idea (2007) where he argues that the motivation at work is high when one realizes both individual and collective interests in the same action. Based on Roth´s ideas, Macdonald (2008) designed a two dimension framework to map teachers motivation and identity. The vertical axis presents to what extent individual interests are met (top is + and bottom is -) and the horisontal axis presents to what extent collective interests are met (right is + and left is -). Competent teachers show high motivation and strong identity but coerched teachers show low motivation and weak identity. Second, we suggest that a theory of curriculum implementation introduced by (Rogan & Grayson, 2003)could provide an effective tool for school development. The tool is based on three major constructs: Profile of implementation (in the classroom) Capacity to support innovation Support from outside agencies For each construct it is possible to create a rubric of levels of development. The rubric covers the national curriculum, the capacity of those who participate in the school system and support from outside agencies. Rogan and Grayson introduced the idea of a “zone of feasible innovation” for planning development, a hypothetical construct which suggests that innovation should not exceed current practice by too large a gap between existing practice and the demands of the innovation. Schools can find themselves at different levels on different factors, both within and between constructs, when an innovation such as the national curriculum is introduced,. The Zone of Feasible Innovation (ZFI) will vary between schools (Rogan, 2007). The ZFI draws on theories of school development, on Vygotsky’s concepts of the zone of proximal development and the importance of social interaction for development, and on the zone of tolerance i.e. the space given to institutions by communities in the change process. This research will consider the six propositions made by (Rogan & Grayson, 2003) with regard to the theory of curriculum implementation. These are: 1. Innovation should be just ahead of existing practice. Implementation should occur in manageable steps 2. Capacity to support innovation should be concurrent with efforts to enrich the profile of implementation. 3. Outside support should be informed by the other two constructs, matching outside support with capacity, and capacity with desired implementation 4. All role players need to reconceptualise the intended changes in their own terms and context. 5. Changing teaching and learning is a change of culture not a technical matter. 6. There should be alignment between the three constructs and the primary level (e.g. the learning experience). Such an analysis gives us the possibility of making a realistic assessment of the ZFI, the Zone of Feasible Innovation. Our study has been carried out on the NC 1999, and the results of the study will be useful in implementing NC 2007, which should be implemented fully by schools by 2010. Thus the chief goal of the research that is presented here is to understand teacher´s situation, their strengths and challenges, in order to identify desirable and necessary steps in the development of science teaching in Iceland. Methods and Samples The research study being reported here is mainly based on interviews with teachers taken in 2006-2007as a part of the research project Intentions and reality, but information collected from documents, questionnaires, on-site visits, interviews with principals, pupils and district leaders will be used. Teachers’ situation is assessed according to their motivation and identity in science teaching and to what extent their collective and individual interests are met. The national science curriculum for compulsory education in Iceland has been analyzed using the theory of implementation. The theory is being adapted to the Icelandic national curriculum, and the content of the three major constructs will be addressed by science teachers and the group of researchers participating in Intentions and reality. Schools will be placed within the frame of Profile of implementation (the first construct) according data from Intentions and reality. Results Using Roth‘s ideas and Macdonald´s framework to analyse teachers‘ motivation and identity have given a deeper understanding of some of the constraints realised when developing science teaching in schools. Also, the results indicate that the theory of Zone of Feasible Innovation (ZFI) is an useful idea to evaluate the levels of implementations. Conclusions and Implications Understanding teacher´s situation in science teaching, and identifying their strengths and challenges, does provide information on desirable and necessary steps in teachers´ professional development and their potential to implement the curriculum. Evaluating the levels of implementation teachers could identify developmental aspirations for stakeholders and potential contributors and constraints to the achievment of these aspirations. Keywords: science education, curriculum implementation, teachers motivation and identity, evaluation. Bibliography (APA 5th) Aðalnámskrá grunnskóla, almennur hluti. (2006). Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. Brian, L. (2006). Constraints and contributors to becoming a science teacher-leader. Science Education, 90(2), 331-347. Macdonald, A. (2008). Árekstara í skólanáttúruvísindum, Um það hvernig grenndarstarfsemi skapar spennu. Tímarit um menntarannsóknir. McMillan, B., Lewthwaite, B., & Hainnu, R. (2007). Science Education Delivery in Canadian Inuit Communities. Paper presented at the ESERA 2007. Rogan, J. M. (2007). How much curriculum change is appropriate? Defining a zone of feasible innovation. Science Education, 91(3), 439-460. Rogan, J. M., & Grayson, D. J. (2003). Towards a Theory of Curriculum Implementation with Particular Reference to Science Education in Developing Countries. International Journal of Science Education, 25(10), 1171-1204. Roth, W.-M. (2007). Emotion at work: A contribtuion to third-generation culturalhistorical activity theory. Mind, culture and activity, 14(1-2), 40-63. Sjálfsmat skóla : leikskólar, grunnskólar og framhaldsskólar. (1997). Reykjavík: Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. Wood, A., & Lewthwaite, B. (2007). Science Education Delivery in New Zealand Maori Communities. Paper presented at the ESERA 2007. Úttektir á sjálfsmatsaðferðum grunnskóla : vormisseri 2007 : helstu niðurstöður. (2007). Ministry of Education, Science and Culture.