downloadable prom form - the Eagle Valley School District

May 2, 2015
Dear Students and Parents/Guardians,
Here is information regarding the activities and expectations for the EVHS Prom 2015. Because
families frequently like to plan ahead, and because many of the young women may be thinking of
purchasing their dresses, here is a description of the night’s events, along with things everyone needs to
know if a student plans on attending prom. Please remember that this event is for Eagle Valley Seniors,
Juniors, and Sophomore Servers.
Pictures and Grand March
This year’s events will be held on Saturday, May 2 at the Clarissa School Gym. Pictures will start
promptly at 6:30 p.m. All attendees must be present by 6:15 p.m. in order to keep everything on
schedule. The Grand March will begin at 8:00 p.m. There will be an informal/fun grand march following
the formal Grand March. Students can start signing up for prom beginning Monday, April 13. Grand
March is a free event for all students involved and any family and friends that would like to attend. A
dance will immediately follow and will last until 11:30 p.m.
Post Prom
The Post-Prom Committee is in the process of organizing the Annual Chemical-Free Post-Prom
Party for EVHS juniors and seniors which has been ongoing for 20+ years. The evening will begin at 12:00
a.m. and end between 4:30-5:00 a.m. at the Clarissa School Gym and Cafeteria. Students who attend
will be eligible to win prizes and will enjoy an evening of games, food, and fun! Permission forms for EV
students and their dates will be available in the office.
Dress Code
EVHS is a school that enforces dress code. Appropriate attire is required since prom is an official,
formal school event. Rather than have disappointment, we feel it is best to tell you what has been
deemed appropriate attire. For gentlemen, this is dress pants, a dress shirt, a sports coat or vest, and a
tie. A tux or other comparable formal wear is also acceptable. Dress shoes and socks should complete
the outfit. If a student needs assistance locating a jacket or pants, talk to an advisor and we will do our
best to help. For ladies, an acceptable prom dress is one that you would feel comfortable wearing all
night at a formal event. Dresses that expose undergarments, midriff and other low-cut areas, even with
a see through material are not acceptable. Two-piece dresses are allowed as long as the entire midriff is
covered. Length of dresses must be lower than the fingertips when arms are held straight down at sides.
Sunglasses, baseball caps, slippers, and bare feet are not formal attire and are not acceptable. If a
student needs assistance locating a prom dress, talk to an advisor and we will do our best to help.
If you need further explanation on any of this please contact Mrs. Camacho or Mr. Willitz. Any
questions on attire need to be brought up with the prom advisors by Friday, April 24, 2015 for approval
or necessary appeal. We want everyone to have a comfortable evening at prom and we do not want to
forbid entrance due to inappropriate attire.
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May 2, 2015
Leaving Prom
The policy remains, and will be strictly enforced, that all students attending prom must stay at
the event until it ends at 11:30 p.m. It is a closed-door event and no one may leave the gym area before
11:30 p.m. If a student plans on leaving before the end of the dance, prior permission must be obtained
with a note from parent(s) or a legal guardian and presented to either advisor by Wednesday, April 29
so it can be verified. At the parents’ request, they can be phoned when the departing student leaves
prom. If you request a phone call, please include your number with the permission note and be available
to receive the call. This policy applies to all students attending prom, even those who are between the
ages of 18-20.
Chemical and Drug Free Policy
A breathalyzer test will be administered to all students involved with prom and post prom
events. EVHS expects Chemical Free and Drug Free participation for all EV students and guests.
Non-EVHS and Other Guests
All dates must be between the minimum age of a freshmen and no older than 20. Please include
grade level, school name, and town of non EV dates when signing up. Information may be verified by an
advisor before prom. It is the responsibility of Eagle Valley students to inform their dates of all our rules
and policies. They, too, will be required to comply with our guidelines and will need to sign the form
found on page 3 of this packet as well as supply a signed copy of the “Dance Permission Form” for Eagle
Valley School. If you need any extra copies, please pick them up from the front office or print one from
the school website.
RSVP Information
All students who plan on attending prom must officially sign up Monday, April 27. Fill out the
form found on page 3 of this packet or print it off from the school website. EVERY ATTENDEE MUST FILL
If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact either prom advisor.
Kelly Camacho and Josiah Willitz
2015 Prom Advisors
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May 2, 2015
It is important for students attending prom to recognize that this event is a privilege and
not a right.
If our guidelines are not followed, you will not be able to participate in this activity.
Please sign below to verify that you have read and acknowledge this letter.
If there is anything you question, please speak with a prom advisor or an administrator
as soon as possible.
I, ____________________________________________ (print), have read the prom guidelines
and will follow the rules established by the prom committee and administration.
Student Signature:_______________________________________________________________
Parent Signature:________________________________________________________________
Non EV Guests:
Grade and Age: _________________________________________
Current School Name: ______________________________________________________
*Attach the Eagle Valley School Permission To Attend a Dance form.
*Return to the front office by Monday, April 27. This form must be signed and turned in by
each individual when you sign up for prom in order for you to attend any of the events.
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