Cheshire Beekeepers* Association

Cheshire Beekeepers’ Association
Registered Charity No 227494
Founded in 1899
Wirral Branch
The 53rd Annual General Meeting of the Branch
Held at Thornton Hough Village Hall
on Friday 16th January 2015 at 7.30 pm
Chairman’s Welcome.
Barbara Bryant welcomed everyone, offered best wishes for the new year and thanked all
for coming, and apologised for the lack of heating in the hall.
Barbara asked for a moment of silence for Norman Jackson who had sadly passed away
this year.
Apologies for absence.
Apologies were received from
Paul Wynne
Janet Sparrow
Michael Vaughn
Andrew McDonald
Denise Brown
Minutes of last A.G.M.
Barbara Bryant asked if she could sign the previous minutes as a true record.
There were no objections and the minutes were duly signed.
Matters Arising.
a) Chairman: Barbara Bryant
After a mild winter and warm summer the bees were very good tempered and a pleasure
to handle.
Barbara wished to thank all those who held conventions. It is very disappointing for those
hosting events if there is a poor response from the members.
She hoped that the programme planned for 2015 would be enjoyed by the members as
Doug had done sterling work to book good speakers and demonstrators and she looked
forward to seeing many of the members at the meetings.
The members that visited the heather with members from North Cheshire thoroughly
enjoyed the afternoon. Barbara thought it is worth continuing with the venue as the only
cost is the afternoon tea which is paid for by those attending and as Rob puts on such a
good tea it makes for a very pleasant and informative afternoon.
The work done by the committee on behalf of the branch is greatly appreciated, in
particular John and Christine Hebron who have held training sessions at Ness Gardens
fortnightly though the summer.
On behalf of the committee and the members Barbara thanked Ann, Sheila, Peter and
Christine for keeping us refreshed at our winter meetings.
b) Secretary: Martin Stanley
Martin reported that the branch was in good strength with 118 members and new
beekeepers joining throughout the year.
The year was busy with calls for swarming bees, but most of them turned out to be
bumble bees. Although honeybee swarms started early in the year and continued late
into the season, with colonies issuing multiple cast swarms as well as the primary.
Doug was thanked, on behalf of the members, for organising a great series of branch
meeting each month and for the very successful honey show in the autumn, with
congratulations going to Nigel Brierley for best in show and to Peter Chisholm for winning
the Nimrod Trophy.
Following Barbara’s thanks to John and Christine for running the theory and the practical
training and maintaining the apiary at Ness Gardens, there has been a great interest in
new beekeepers joining the branch and taking up their first colonies of bees.
The season had been good for honey production and shows the recovery that has been
made since the bad year of 2012 with averages yields per hive rising from 8lbs to 32lbs.
The year had been mixed for pests and diseases with wide ranges of varroa levels being
reported, and luckily no cases of AFB or EFB in the branch. The National Bee Unit are
warning of high varroa levels in 2015 due to the mild winter and the continued presence
of brood in colonies.
Martin offered thanks on behalf of the committee and the branch to Chris Toll who
continues to update and maintain the branch website.
c) Treasurer: Nick Ashton
Nick reported that the branch has maintained a reasonable financial position, even
though the capitation received from the association has reduced this year and the
attendances at the branch meetings has dropped slightly with an average of 33.
The revenue received from the branch trading has helped to contribute to the
balance with an increase of £300 on last year.
The training account remains self funding with 6 beginners attending the theory
course and 23 the practical sessions at Ness Gardens.
The Association would be issuing the subscription renewal notices during January
and everyone is reminded to circle the Wirral Branch and to tick the Gift Aid box on
their forms.
d) Meeting and Show Secretary: Doug Jones
Doug gave an overview of the years meetings and thanked all the speakers and
demonstrators. He expressed is disappointment for the turn out of members to many of
the meetings but noted that the combined event with Liverpool were well supported.
Doug noted the events for 2015 had been booked and that these were in the CBKA card
and that he hoped to see an increased turnout this year.
e) Librarian: Paul Manning
Paul reported that as a resource the library is not much used.
Only a small number of people used the library and there seems to be little interest from
the majority of WBKA members. That could be because much of the information we need
these days can be accessed on the web.
There are 284 books and pamphlets in the library. Many were very old, and some were
falling apart. The books were contained in six large plastic boxes, and logistically it
wasn’t possible to bring to branch meetings. In 2014 Paul compiled a list of the books,
and published it on the WBKA website. Since that list was published there had not been
one single enquiry.
Paul questioned whether Wirral Beekeepers really want, or need, a library?
members consideration that the library should be disposed of in some way.
f ) Education and Training: John Hebron
John reported that the year started with the usual five meetings a Dale Farm
covering the life cycle of the bee, various races of bees, frame assembly and
mounting foundation, equipment and diseases.
At Ness Gardens, the apiary had been moved to a larger open site away from the
public. The potting shed previously used by the branch for storage of equipment
had been refurbished and is was longer available.
The apiary started the season with one surviving colony from the last year and
which had chalkbrood. This colony was removed from site a two healthy colonies
were borrowed from which the group raised two more using natural swarm cells.
From the four colonies 100lbs of honey was extracted and bottled, half of which
was donated to Ness Gardens in accordance with our agreement with them and
which they sold to the public.
John thanked to Roy Webster who assembled two new brood boxes and making
two hive stands.
John was very obliged to the members who gave of their time to talk and
demonstrate at the meetings including:
Michael Minter, Mark Diggory, Christine Hebron, Doug Jones, Nigel and
Ailsa Roberts, Bob Spencer and Marshall Pugh.
John also noted they had a great deal of support from Ted Brabin which was most
On 7th June Ness Gardens hosted an event for World Environment Day, Christine
and John supported this and did so with an observation hive and an information
stall about bees.
John congratulated Marshall Pugh on obtaining the General Husbandry Certificate,
the first member of the Branch to pass this very searching exam
Election of Officers and Committee Members.
Martin Stanley proposed that Barbara is re-elected as Chair and the members agreed on
Unfortunately Nigel Roberts has had to stand down from the committee due to other
The remaining members of the committee were re-elected on block.
Programme of events for 2015.
Barbara informed the members that a good selection of speakers had been booked for
the year and this would be posted on the website.
Bill Horn Memorial Trust Presentation.
The Bill Horn Memorial prize for the most promising beginner of 2014 was awarded to
Paul Sweeney.
Date of Next A.G.M. – Friday 15th January 2016.
The meeting closed at 7.54 with Barbara thanking all those that had attended.