Social Story for Riding Horses at Afton River Valley Riders

Social Story for riding horses at Afton River Valley Riders (pictures needed)
This is a picture of River Valley Riders arena.
Riders will meet instructor who will help them learn about horses and riding.
The instructor gets to know the new student and tells the student about
some rules at River Valley Riders.
Every student wears a helmet around horses.
Each student stands on a scale to help the instructor know what size horse
the student will need. ??
The student cleans the horse using special tools called grooming tools. The
grooming tools are in a box.
The student grooms the horse with help from an instructor or a volunteer.
The new student watches a volunteer student get on, or mount, a real horse
with the help of the instructor.
The new student watches the volunteer student ride the horse.
The new student watches the volunteer student get off, or dismount, from
the horse with the help of the instructor.
The new student/class then will begin his lesson.
The new student walks to the place where he got his helmet, takes his
helmet off and puts it away in the helmet area. The instructor or a volunteer
Finally, the instructor says “good bye” to the new student until next week.