Consulting Services offered by MagmaChem

Consulting Services offered by MagmaChem
Mineral Exploration (Prospect Scale)
1. MagmaChem screens prospects early in an evaluation to determine if the prospect’s ultimate
economic potential is consistent with the objectives of the client. This is done through various
MagmaChem tools such as: trace element geochemistry of mineralization, and whole rock geochemistry
of associated igneous rocks. MagmaChem’s empirical determination of ultimate economic potential
dramatically lowers risk.
2. Once it is determined that a prospect has favorable economic potential MagmaChem defines drill
targets through its geochemical vectoring tool. This tool is used to map the hydrothermal fluid plume
that carried and deposited the metal. Geologic mapping and integration of all geological and geophysical
data in light of kinematic structural analysis provides a 3-D model of the system and reduces the number
of drill holes required to test the system.
The above approach to mineral exploration has directly contributed to the discovery of 21
economic mineral deposits on 3 continents. An invested of $100 million in development and
application of the MagmaChem exploration technology beginning in 1983 resulted in the
discovery of $65 billion worth of metal by MagmaChem’s major mining company clients.
Mineral Deposit Development and Operations
Mineral system development and operation costs are reduced through MagmaChem’s 3-D models of
mineral systems. The distribution of 64 elements and the structural control that is consistent with
actual ore body composition and structure is invaluable to development and operations. MagmaChem’s
accurate determination of the distribution of metal, mineralogy and accessory elements in an ore body
improves metallurgy and environmental decisions and planning.
MagmaChem has developed world-wide mineral exploration data bases that includes: regional
magmatic arcs, mineral belts, mineral districts plate tectonic models and ore deposit structural control.
It has a data base of 12,000 mineral deposits all classified by MagmaChem and economically risked.
MagmaChem Tools and Services
Determination of a prospect’s economic potential
Initial geochemical sampling
Deposit type classification
Risk analysis
Drill Testing
Data compilation
Geologic mapping
Geophysical interpretation
Structural kinematic analysis
Geochemical sampling/ vectoring
Data integration
Target generation