OCHT Projects

Oklahoma Connecting to Collections/Cultural Heritage Trust Projects (2013-2014)
Collection Care Conferences: These two day conferences, scheduled for April 29-30 in 2013 and 2014, will provide
hands-on and interactive programming tailored to the needs of staff and volunteers with little or no collections care
experience. Workshops will include basic conservation procedures, preventative conservation, resource development,
and other topics.
Advocacy: To raise awareness for the collection care needs of Oklahoma’s archives, libraries, and museums, a variety of
events and projects are planned. These include asking each legislature to appoint one “Cultural Champion” from his or
her district to serve in an advisory capacity to the Trust, to host a legislative/media day on May 1 to call attention to
collection care needs, and to have the month of May declared as “Cultural Heritage Month.”
Preservation Road Show: This evening event is intended to engage the public in becoming better stewards of their
personal collections, while at the same time raising awareness of the needs of Oklahoma collection institutions. It will
be held on April 30 in 2013 and 2014 and will utilize the services of the professional conservators who are presenting at
the Collection Care Conference.
Top Ten Most Endangered Artifacts Campaign: Oklahoma's Top 10 Endangered Artifacts project raises public
awareness about care of collections throughout the state. The Top 10 project is designed to give museums, libraries, and
archives an opportunity to raise media and public awareness about the ongoing & expensive care of collections, and
collections care needs, as well as a case for support when courting donors and applying for grants. Nominees have the
opportunity to promote their nomination during the public voting portion of the project. Once the public votes are
tallied, an independent peer review panel will select the Top 10 winners, keeping in mind the public vote. The Top 10
winners will be assessed by a conservator and a plan developed, after which funds will be solicited to support the
conservation of the items. Before and after photos will help demonstrate the power of conservation.
Collections Care Site Visits: Up to 25 organizations will receive in-depth, specialized assistance with collections care,
fundraising, and marketing plans. Organizations are required to complete an extensive self-assessment evaluation,
install environmental monitoring equipment, and fully participate in the site visit. Organizations will receive:
A written collections care report that covers basic handling and storage techniques, basic environmental
concerns, building condition and maintenance, a collection assessment, recommendations for storage
equipment and supply needs, advice on proper display conditions and techniques, and other information
tailored to the specific needs of the individual organization.
Assistance with developing a case for support and a fundraising plan.
Assistance with developing a community engagement plan.
Registration fee waiver to the 2013 and 2014 Collections Care Conferences.
Marketing and Media Relations: To help raise public awareness, an introductory video, public spot announcements,
and various activities in support of the project activities are planned.
Traveling Exhibit: Endangered Heritage, a collections care advocacy exhibit, will be available at no cost to Oklahoma
heritage organizations. The purpose of the exhibit is to educate local communities and potential funders about the need
for good collections stewardship and to encourage contributions for collections care. It also gives examples of the
dangers to objects in collections and information about the collections care needs of Oklahoma archives, libraries, and
museums. Host sites will receive a marketing kit and access to public programs that may be used to engage the public in
how to care for personal collections and the collections care needs of the host site. This exhibit consists of 12 one-sided,
2-feet wide, freestanding banner stands. An exhibit table with a secure vitrine (clear display cover) that the host site can
use to feature items from its collection is provided in addition to the banner stands. The exhibit requires at least 100
square feet of floor space.