Statistics Syllabus

Statistics Syllabus
Mrs. Leis
(951)738-2100/Ext. 1354
Eleanor Roosevelt High School Mission Statement: ERHS is committed to creating a dynamic, innovative learning
environment that meets the needs of our diverse student body, guiding students toward excellence in college and career
readiness, while challenging them to be responsible citizens.
Course Description: In colleges all over the country, more and more majors are requiring students to take a course in
statistical reasoning. Also, more and more colleges are offering courses in statistical reasoning that fulfill general
education and quantitative reasoning requirements. This 21st century skill is a reflection of the increasingly data driven
world that we live in. The purpose of this course is to provide students with a class that introduces them to statistical
Text: Elementary Statistics 4th edition
Classroom Rules
Respect others.
Be polite and helpful.
Follow directions the first time they are given.
Keep the room clean.
Bring all your materials to class.
*There is no GUM, no FOOD, and no DRINKS in class (except for bottled water)
Failure to comply with classroom, school, and/or district rules will result in disciplinary action.
Required Materials: These items are to be brought to class every day.
 Plenty of loose-leaf paper
 Pencils only (NO PEN)
 Erasers
 SPIRAL notebook
 TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator. The use of technology will be an important part of this class.
Attendance is extremely important.
Each class session will contain vital information that could affect your understanding of the material
being taught.
Absences/Make-up work
 If a student is absent for any reason, it will be his/her own responsibility to obtain the notes and
assignments from a fellow classmate or the class website.
 Upon return from an absence(s), the student will be given one class period for each class period absent to
make up the homework for full credit.
 If a student is present on campus for any part of a school day, then any assignment due that day will be
marked late unless it is handed in on the due date.
 If you are absent on a test or quiz day, you will take it immediately upon your return.
 Homework will be on my website, so you always have access to the material even if you are absent!
Grades are calculated using the percentage calculation method.
 Tests/Performance Tasks
 Quizzes
 Assignments
 Participation
Students are permitted one attempt at all assignments, including tests and quizzes. Retakes of tests,
quizzes, and all other assignments should not be expected.
Assignments will be due in class the meeting after they are assigned, unless otherwise specified.
One can access their grade by using the student/parent portal to Q. Please stay current with your work
and your grades.
Grade Scale
Below 65%
Homework will be collected each day at the beginning of the period.
All assignments must be labeled with your name, date, and period.
Credit will not be given for those assignments that are not properly labeled.
Any assignment turned in with no name will be placed in the “No Name” bin. Any assignment not claimed within
2 weeks may be thrown away!
 The purpose of including participation is to encourage active thinking during class.
 Students can earn participation points by answering questions, asking questions, or making comments that
show the student is paying attention and trying to learn.
 Students will lose participation points for sleeping in class, talking when inappropriate, distracting other
students, using a cell phone (texting, ringing in class, etc.), listening to a music player during class time,
or any other distractions. If a student continues to use an electronic device inappropriately, it will be
confiscated and returned to the parent or guardian.
Mrs. Leis is available Monday through Friday 7:00-7:30 every morning, except Wednesdays.
All students are encouraged to go to tutoring if they feel that they are struggling but if your grade falls to
a C- or below it is advised that you seek out tutoring/extra help as soon as possible.
Do not wait to get help!
Tardy Policy:
Students are considered tardy if they are not in their seats and ready to work when the bell rings. This includes turning off
cell phones and music players and removing any headphones. The school tardy policy will be strictly enforced.
Cheating Policy:
Anyone caught cheating will receive a zero and referred to Administration. Examples of cheating include, but are not
limited to: copying answers on tests, quizzes, or homework, providing answers to tests, quizzes, or homework, discussing
test questions with students from other classes, and using inappropriate material during a test (cheat sheets, material
entered into a calculator, information written on desks, body parts, etc).
Parent/Guardian Signature and Student Signature
By signing, you indicate that you have read and understood this course syllabus. Please also provide a
Parent/Guardian email address.
Return this entire signed syllabus to Mrs. Leis. Thank you.
Print Parent/Guardian Name
Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent/Guardian Email Address
Print Student Name
Student Signature
Student Email Address
Parent/Guardian Signature and Student Signature
By signing, you indicate that you have read and understood this course syllabus. Please also provide a
Parent/Guardian email address.
Return this entire signed syllabus to Mrs. Leis. Thank you.
Print Parent/Guardian Name
Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent/Guardian Email Address
Print Student Name
Student Email Address
Student Signature