AVID/Regents Global II World History and Geography COURSE SYLLABUS Ms. Carroll-Edwards catherine_carroll-edwards@eastiron.monroe.edu http://eicsd.k12.ny.us/staffweb.asp 339-1555, ext.4336 W-9 --------------------------------------------------------------**REQUIREMENTS** Materials needed for class: Three ring binder with inside pockets and dividers 5 {vocab, notes, test/quizzes, homework, handouts} Class Notes which can be found on my website ((http://eicsd.k12.ny.us/staffweb.asp) and printed off. Black or Blue pens Pencils HIGHLIGHTER MARKER Global II Review Book Expectations of Students: 1. Every student is expected to be in the classroom and seated at the beginning of class. Missed class time will be made up on student's time (after school or during lunch). After two late entries, a referral will be written. 2. Be respectful of yourself and of others. 3. Lavatory passes will be given for emergencies, so use your time wisely between classes. 4. Homework is to be completed on time. Late work will result in a lower grade. 5. When you are absent, you need to see me the day you return. This way you can catch up on your missed assignments and tests. (The more you miss, the harder it is to catch up). If you know you will be absent for a number of days, please have parent/guardian contact your counselor or me (through email) so work can be collected for you, or sent to you via email. 6. If you need help after school, please let me know before the end of the day. I will be happy to stay with you, unless I have a scheduled appointment or meeting. 7. Tests must be made up within 5 days of your return from an absence. Unexcused (skipping of class) absences for tests/quizzes/presentations will result in a ZERO (O). 8. When you have completed your homework assignments in class, it is expected that you find something quiet to work on. (Homework, late assignments, ECT.) HOMEWORK POLICY: 1. Homework is assigned every night. Students are required to turn homework in the day after they receive the assignment. HOMEWORK INCLUDES: a) Studying of Class Notes There will be quizzes given based on this assignment, as a way to monitor students’ studying habits. b) Writing assignments (essays, short papers, outlining from the text) c) Readings (You will be assigned a number of readings from your text as well as handouts. You will be required to take notes from these readings) d) Studying for exams and quizzes. You will have at least one of each every week. SO BE PREPARED e) Requirements: To complete World History and Geography you will have to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Complete a number of short papers and Document Based Questions (DBQ’s) Complete your homework Successfully pass tests and quizzes Pass the New York State Regents Exam in Global History in June (65% is state passing minimum) GRADING: 1. For each day an essay or DBQ is late, there will be 10 points deducted. 2. For each day homework is late, there will be 2 points deducted. After one (1) school week the assignment is worth a ZERO. 3. There will be no extra-credit work given if all of your regular class/homework assignments are missing. HOMEWORK COUNTS FOR 20% of your grade. DO NOT GET INTO THE HABIT OF NOT DOING YOUR HOMEWORK. Global II is a great course, but it is filled with a great deal of information. If we work together to achieve our goals and meet our expectations, this year should run very smoothly. Please feel free to contact me at anytime: (email is the quickest way). catherine_carroll-edwards@eastiron.monroe.edu Students will take the New York State Regents Exam in June, which will consist of both Global I and Global II material. It is important that students are preparing outside of class as much as they are inside class. Thank you, Ms. Carroll-Edwards _____________________________ Student Signature _____________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ____________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian email address Please keep the previous pages for your reference! Global II Film Permission Slip: Throughout the course Global II, we will be watching parts of or whole films; some of them are rated R due to violence of war and/or historical situations and/or powerful language use. While some of the violence may be graphic and some of the language is of a more adult nature, the relevance of these films to the study of history makes them valuable despite their R ratings. Examples of the films that may be shown are Saving Private Ryan, Gandhi, and Hotel Rwanda. Your signature on this form shows your consent of your son or daughter viewing these films. Thank you, Ms. Carroll-Edwards _____________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________________________________________ Student’s Name