Spanish 3 Advanced Syllabus 2011-2012 Chapter 1 VOCABULARY--Talking about activities & classes, summer vacation & travel/asking and talking about travel, places in a town, nature & weather (as it pertains to travel, feelings, giving advice about how to have a successful school year) KEEP IN PRESENT TENSE! Resources: Vocabulary list handout Article--Mary Glasgow print out CULTURE--Spain & Castilla La Mancha--History & Geography Text Reference Map pages R1-R8 Power Point on Google Docs for Castilla La Mancha Text information on Castilla La Mancha Geovision video & worksheets Videonovela (Intro. to text telenovela) GRAMMAR-See PowerPoints on Google Docs & on Print out for Expresate & Esaudio Formal Commands Informal Commands Nosotros Commands Present Tense AR, ER, IR Verbs Stem-Changing Verbs Reflexive Verbs Present & Past Progressive Adverbs Adjectives as Nouns Comparing Quantities Ser vs. Estar Saber vs. Conocer ADDITIONAL RESOURCES WebSite Resource links-music, lyrics, explanations, verb conjugation resources, magazines & newspapers) Excursion Travel Videos Presentational Exercises Assessment Program Rubrics Text Reference Pages R47-48 (Spanish/English Glossary) Text Reference Pages R 79-98 (English/Spanish Glossary) Text Reference Pages R9-R19 (Additional Vocabulary for Writing) Variedades Cultural Readings Comprehension Examples--(Orange binder) Chapter 2 Content VOCABULARY: Describing positive & negative attributes of a friend, Talking about pasttimes & sports. GRAMMAR: Direct Object Pronouns Indirect Object Pronouns Possessive Pronouns Commands & Pronoun Placement Double Object Pronouns Reciprocal Pronouns Impersonal & Passive Se Demonstratives Resources: PowerPoints on Google Docs, Expresate & Esaudio PowerPoints, Web Resources-print out for extra practice, Web sites on Sports CULTURE: Una Noche en Espana (Power Point & Text information) References: Map Reference pp. R1-R8, Spanish WebSites for places to visit in Madrid and Spanish music and dance. El Dia de los Muertos--Orange binder for culture handouts, Mary Glasgow website, Children’s book by Ivar Da Coll--Cuento. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES WebSite Resource links-music, lyrics, explanations, verb conjugation resources, magazines & newspapers) Presentational Exercises Assessment Program Rubrics Text Reference Pages R47-48 (Spanish/English Glossary) Text Reference Pages R 79-98 (English/Spanish Glossary) Text Reference Pages R9-R19 (Additional Vocabulary for Writing) Variedades Movie: Goal Excursion Travel Videos Cultural Readings Examples (Orange binder) Chapter 3 Chapter Outline VOCABULARY: Talking about classes, Talking about negative aspects of something or someone & commenting on them, Talking about positive aspects of something or someone and asking for forgiveness. Resources: Vocabulary list worksheet GRAMMAR: Hace + time expressions Comparatives/Superlatives Pero vs. Sino Por vs. Para Preterit vs. Imperfect Resources: Google Docs PowerPoint, Expresate & Esaudio Presentations, Web Sites for additional practice & review, Poems, Short Story showing Preterit vs. Imperfect usage. CULTURE: El Caribe History/Geography Selected authors of the Carribean Resources: Textbook (timeline rubric) Selected poems & stories (handouts, CD’s, cuentos) Ruben Dario Margarita (Children’s book) Jose Marti Los zapaticos de Rosa (CD & print out-get from Web) America en Espana Textbook article Power Point on Google Docs Selected poems & readings on topic (handouts) Murals Studying abroad computer lab activity (check Web Site Resources) La Navidad Las Posadas (PowerPoint from last year) WebSites reference page Children’s book Ya llegan los Reyes Magos by G. Lazaro (cuento) ADDITIONAL RESOURCES WebSite Resource links-music, lyrics, explanations, verb conjugation resources, magazines & newspapers) www.conjuguemos.comPresentational Exercises Assessment Program Rubrics Text Reference Pages R47-48 (Spanish/English Glossary) Text Reference Pages R 79-98 (English/Spanish Glossary) Text Reference Pages R9-R19 (Additional Vocabulary for Writing) Variedades Movie: El Norte Excursion Travel Videos Cultural Readings Examples- (Orange binder) Chapter 4 Content Outline VOCABULARY: Talking about your family & extended family members, foods & commenting on foods Resources: Vocabulary list handout, Textbook, Restaurant reading handout (in green binder) GRAMMAR: Perfect tenses Past Participles as Adjectives Future/Conditional Review of Commands Subjunctive--Present tense & uses Subjunctive--Past tense and uses Resources: Expresate & Eusaudio PowerPoints, Web Resources for extra practice, Poem handouts w/examples. CULTURE: Latin American Foods & Desserts Family Mexico (History & Geography--take from Chapters 5-6 in text) Mexican artists (Orozco, Kahlo, Rivera) Resources: Textbook, Power Point on Google Docs (have to make), Web Resources for examples of paintings, Children’s book Frida by Jonah Winter (cuento) ADDITIONAL RESOURCES WebSite Resource links-music, lyrics, explanations, verb conjugation resources, magazines & newspapers) Presentational Exercises Assessment Program Rubrics Text Reference Pages R47-48 (Spanish/English Glossary) Text Reference Pages R 79-98 (English/Spanish Glossary) Text Reference Pages R9-R19 (Additional Vocabulary for Writing) Variedades Excursion Travel Videos Reading Comprehension Examples (Orange binder)