Cell Analogy Performance Task Assessment Parent Communique To gain better understanding of the functions of each cell part and process, you will be constructing a cell analogy poster. In this poster you will relate the PLANT CELL to another system we see in everyday life. Examples would be a school, castle, factory, ocean, etc. Each structure within the cell will also have to relate to something within the system chosen. You will have one 80 minute class period to come up with your analogy and design your poster. You will not be able to use your Chromebook. The teacher will provide you with one large sheet of construction paper. ______________________________________________________________ EXAMPLE: If the PLANT CELL was like a KINGDOM then… the… would be… because… Nucleus The castle The nucleus controls the cell’s functions and contains DNA. The castle controls the kingdom and contains the queen. DNA The Queen DNA contains the instructions (or roadmap) for making the cell produce what it needs, which repair the cell and drive cell processes. The queen’s brain contains all the information needed to make decisions to run the kingdom. Ribosomes The artisans The artisans make and build items such as: carts, houses, and bread that are necessary for the kingdom to function. In the same way, ribosomes in the cell make proteins to repair the cell and enzymes to control cellular reactions. Then, this text will then need to be made into a poster illustrating the kingdom with a castle, a queen, and artisans, etc. ______________________________________________________________ The student will design a metaphor comparison between a PLANT cell and an object of his/her choice. The metaphor must contain all the structures found in a plant and animal cell. These include the following: 1. cell membrane 2. nucleus 3.cytoplasm 4. DNA (hereditary material, genetic material) 5. vacuoles 6. mitochondria 7. ribosomes Cell Analogy Performance Task Assessment Parent Communique 8. cell wall 9. chloroplasts 1. Your analogy must contain drawing of plant cell and drawing of the object of your choice, showing the comparisons between the two 2. The cell organelle and part being compared to must be labeled on each drawing. 3. Your poster must be done on white construction paper. 4. Your poster must be detailed and colored. 5. The student will use the “If a cell is like a ______” graphic organizer to help you plan and explain how each part labeled on the visual compares. Checklist: 1. ____ Nine (9) cell organelles are included on the poster and your title tells the system you are comparing them to. 2. ____ The part of the analogy that corresponds to each cell organelle is logical 3. ____ The visual is colored 4. ____ The visual is neat 5. ____ The structures are labeled 6. ____ The visual and all paperwork have your name on them 7. ____ The graphic organizer (pg. 2) is filled out for all cell parts (scroll down) 8. ____ An explanation is given for each part to explain how it relates to the analogy Grading Rubric 1 Beginning 2 Developing 3 Meets 4 Exceeds Drawing of Plant Cell: Cell and organelles correctly drawn, colored and labeled. Missing labels on most or all organelles or cell drawing is missing Missing 2-3 organelles Missing one organelle All organelles included and spelled correctly Drawing of Cell Analogy: 4 or less are present, relevant and created with care, or some are present and relevant, but need more polish, color, 5-7 are present, relevant and created with care, or most are present and relevant, but need 8 are present, relevant and created with care, or all are present and relevant but need more polish, color, etc. All 9 are present, relevant, and created with care. Cell Analogy Performance Task Assessment Parent Communique etc. more polish, color, etc. Cell Analogies: Few analogy relationships are strong and well stated, and/or most analogies show lack of understanding of organelle functions or multiple analogies are missing. Some analogy relationship s are strong and well stated, and/or some analogies are somewhat off, logically, or some analogies are missing. Most analogy relationships are strong and well stated, or one missing, or few analogies could be stronger. All cell analogy relationship s are strong, relevant, and well stated. Overall Neatness, Quality, and Organization Neatness has affected quality of your work and makes it difficult for audience to understand; and/or directions not followed. Many errors in grammar and/or mechanics. Somewhat neat. More effort could have been made. Somewhat difficult for audience to understand . Several errors in grammar and/or mechanics. Neat and easy for audience to understand. Few errors in grammar and/or mechanics. Very neat, well organized for clarity and exhibits high quality work. No errors in grammar and/or mechanics. Spelling/ Grammar: (You can use your notes from class. NO SPECIAL NOTES FROM HOME WILL BE ALLOWED) Total score divided by 5 = grade. A score with .60 or above will be rounded up. A score with .50 or below will be rounded down.