Cell Analogies


Science 8 Chapter 1

Cell Analogy

Name: ___________________

Outcome: Students should be able to relate the main features and properties of cells to their functions

Analogy: a similarity or comparability

Your Choice!

Choice 1: Image analogies.

1. Choose either a plant or animal cell.

2.) Use the internet, a magazine, or a newspaper to find a picture of an everyday object which you think has a similar function (or use) as each cell structure (organelle). Remember function is not the same thing as structure. You are looking for something that reminds you of what it

DOES, not what it LOOKS LIKE

3.. Paste your cell colouring of your chosen plant or animal cell in the middle of a poster-size piece of construction paper.

4. Connect your pictures to each organelle.

5. Type out on a separate piece of paper an analogy to show the similarity between the function of the cell part and the everyday object to show me that you understand the connection. Be sure to explain the reasoning behind your analogies. You must write an analogy for each of the organelles.

Example: The nucleus is like a brain because it controls and coordinates the activities of the whole cell in the same way the brain controls and coordinates activities of the body.

Choice 2: The Written Story – All analogies must be part of a larger unit

1. Think of something in real life that you think is similar to how either a plant or an animal cell works.

Example: Something that has smaller parts in it that work together to make the larger structure function.

Science 8 Chapter 1

2. In well written paragraphs, explain why you think your item from real life functions like a cell does. Provide a written analogy for each of the organelles and explain how they are similar in function to a part of your real life object.

3. Staple your plant or animal cell to the back of your story.

Students should be able to relate the main features and properties of cells to their functions



The student demonstrates excellent or outstanding performance in relation to the learning outcome

Fully Meets


The student demonstrates good performance in relation to the learning outcome

Moderately Meeting


The student demonstrates satisfactory performance in relation to the expected learning outcome



The student demonstrates minimally acceptable performance in relation to the learning outcome

ANALOGIES I am strongly able to I am able to I am moderately able to I am minimally able to demonstrate the main features and properties of a cell to their functions through insightful and creative analogies for each organelle. This assignment was completed on time, and to the best of my ability. demonstrate the main features and properties of a cell to their functions through analogies for each organelle. This assignment was completed to the best of my ability. demonstrate the main features and properties of a cell to their functions.

A few of them could have more similarities to the organelles and I could have put in more effort. demonstrate the main features and properties of a cell to their functions. I still do not have a clear understanding of the organelles and their functions, and my assignment required a lot more effort.

Critical Thinking I am strongly able to come up with my own ideas and to find similarities or make comparisons. I do not use ideas that my friends used.

I am able to come up with my own ideas and to find similarities or make comparisons.

I am starting to be able to come up with my own ideas and to find similarities or make comparisons. I used some ideas that my friends used though.

I am minimally able to come up with my own ideas and I find it difficult to make similarities or make comparisons.
