A Cell is Like a

“A Cell is Like a …..”
This week you will learn about the different organelles of plant and animal cells and
their functions. As you know, there are many cellular organelles. To tackle a large
amount of information, it’s best to come up with analogies or other ways to relate
the information to everyday things. We are going to create an analogy for the cell
and their organelles in hopes of helping us remember them. To further explain,
your book says that a cell is like a factory. It describes how each part of the cell
is a part of the factory and why. For instance, they called the nucleus the “boss”
because it sends orders to the ribosomes to make proteins. You will do the same
thing for your cell, but of course, you will not use the factory example. This will
take some creativity and thinking on your part. You will pick 10 organelles to
create analogies for. Good luck!!
How do we get this done?
Step 1 (Monday & Tuesday): Learn the organelles by researching their functions-you will
fill out a worksheet to keep track of your information.
*Start by reading your book.
*Use the Cells Alive website to also help you understand the organelle functions.
Step 2 (Monday & Tuesday): Label cell diagrams for plant and animal cells.
Step 3 (Wednesday): Microscope Activity
Step 4 (Thursday & Friday maybe Monday): Analogy work (time to brainstorm with
-First pick your overall analogy that you will use for your cell.
Each person in
your group
should have a
analogy for
the cell.
For examples, the cell is like a farm, or the cell is like a school.
-Start to brainstorm the different analogies that you could use for certain
organelles. You will be given some time to brainstorm ideas in your group.
-Here is an example of how your analogies should be written.
Example Analogy: “The nucleus is like a brain because it controls and coordinates the activities of
the whole cell in the same way the brain controls and coordinates the activities of the body.”
The___________ (organelle name) is like _______(analogy name) because the ____(organelle
name) _______(describe its function) in the same way as _____(analogy name) ____________
(its function).
Flip over for more
Where do I put this information and HOW?
-You will add a picture of your analogy to the cell diagrams you labeled. You can draw them or use
ones from the internet. Make sure they are small enough to paste on the cell. You only have to put
the picture on one of the organelles. For instance, if you want a picture to go with mitochondria,
you only have to paste a picture by mitochondria either on the plant or animal cell-not both.
*Pictures do not need to be printed in color if they come from the internet.
-Analogy descriptions will be written on a separate sheet of paper.
Cell Membrane
Factory walls
On a separate sheet of paper I would say that:
The cell membrane is like the factory walls because the cell membrane is the barrier that permits
only certain items to come in or out in the same way as factory walls only let certain people or
things in or out.
*I used the format from the front side to make sure my analogy is clear!