Religious Education Title Summative of Judaism combined with what is the meaning behind the sacred artefacts of Judaism? Curriculum Expectations ICE: (PSV.02)Demonstrate a knowledge of religious worship as a response to sacred reality (PSV.04)Understand the role of prayer, worship and religious symbolism within the world’s major religious traditions. (PS4.14)Describe key religious symbols and rituals within major world religions. Catholic Graduate Expectation: 1h. A discerning believer formed in the Catholic faith community who respects the faith traditions, world religions and the life-journeys of all people of good will. 7f. A responsible citizen who respects and affirms the diversity and interdependence of the world's peoples and cultures. Grade 11 75 minutes Guiding Questions 1.Having studied the rituals/ceremonies of Judaism from the previous session, what objects are visible and prominently used? 2.How and when are these objects being used during the rituals? 3.Who has the role of using the respective artefact during the rituals? 4.Why are these objects being used? What do they mean or what do they symbolize? What do they point to: people(s), past event(s), future event(s)? 5.Do Christians share one (or some) of these artefact(s), symbol(s)? 6. What do they look and feel like? 7. How and where are they stored? With whom are they stored? 8. What role do the partakers have in the ceremonies when the sacred artefact is being used? 9. What effects are hoped for when these artifacts are used? Materials Criteria Photocopies for each group (of 4-5max students) of their chosen or assigned sacred artefact. These photocopies describe the sacred artefact briefly and a short bibliographical list of resources (books, internet link to articles, video clips, pictures, Encyclopaedia). Computers with access to internet (either in class or library) or ask for them to bring their own computers. 10. What are the prayers said, sung, whispered, or written out during the use of the sacred object? Learning Goals & Success Learning Goals 1. Identify sacred artefacts for Judaism. 2. Describe and contextualize the rituals and ceremonies the sacred objects are used in. 3. Understand and appreciate the meaning and purpose of the sacred artefacts. 4. Relate the sacred artefacts to the previously learned rituals/ceremonies of Judaism. Internet access. How will they be displayed? Provide scissors, glue, markers, tape, Bristol boards. On a Power point for the entire class to see during the activities. (One could also present these as questions or instructions in their individual worksheets.) World Religions: A Canadian Catholic Perspective textbook Chapter 4 pg. 117-122 Success Criteria I (student) have created with my group: A group presentation/ summarizing Jewish beliefs and their rituals. I have explained the sacred artefacts in their context according to their use in a specific ritual. I have explained what the artefact symbolizes/means. I have answered/presented using the guiding questions. How will they be displayed? Spend some time before the activity to discuss (co-construct), asking what presentations should look like to get a Quality 4 (best in a rubric) and what will not, guide the discussion to reflect a similar Success Criteria as written above. Secondly, provide another sheet with the success criteria. Reminders Prepare the librarian and book in advance the library in order to have enough computers with internet access for those who choose to research via Internet resources. Collect markers, tape, glue, coloured paper, and Bristol board way in advance to secure availability. OR instruct the students to provide their own. Consider how the students will be grouped and if certain students are to be separated or if they are mature enough to be given the choice to group themselves. Consider the less social or the quiet students. Prepare any special needs / accessibility needs. Title Summative of Judaism combined with what is the meaning behind the sacred artifacts of Judaism? Minds On Lesson Sacred Artifacts of Judaism Approximately 5 minutes INTRODUCE with this 4 minutes video: Video gives an amusing and fun introduction to the idea of rituals/ceremonies The main question to ritual is why and meaning? (AfL) The whys and the how should be emphasized that it moves the students to curiosity. Introduce Learning Goals and Success Criteria Action! Approximately 50 minutes Collaborative Work. Either provide for their respective groups Text resources (textbook, prayer books with the prayers of each respective ritual where the sacred objects are used) or provide a list of resources available in the library (Encyclopaedia, World Religions: A Canadian Catholic Perspectives Chapter 4. Pg. 117122. Group students in an appropriate manner, otherwise if randomness is required then label each student from 1-5. Assign to each group one of the following sacred artefacts: Passover Seder, Start of David, Shofar, Menorah, Torah Scroll, They have 50 minutes to work in the library or in the tables in class (if you provide all their resources in sheets or computers) Have them create a Bristol board with their own personal artistic creativity (using the materials you had provided) Review the rubric for a visual display (Assessment Master World Religions: A Canadian Catholic Perspectives Teacher Guide) (AfL, AaL) (Optional, considering time and managing students in the library) Instruct the students in a clockwise (or in a manner you deem more organized) to take turns going from station to station to read about each of the sacred objects and to learn from each other about the sacred artifacts. Instruct the students to write down what they learned from the other groups. (If more time is needed, this can be done at a later date) Consolidation Approximately 15 minutes Have the students return to their desks. If they had time to observe and learn from the other groups, have them come back to their original group. In their groups, have them reconsider the success criteria and learning goals in preparation for a brief retelling to the class about their artefact. In 15 minutes, have each group take turns speak about their specific artefact(s) to the entire class in simple and direct sentences (definition, how is it used, when, and importance). If the period is 75 minutes then the conclusion is reached with 5 minutes for clean up. n.b. Identify Assessment for Learning (AfL) Assessment as Learning (AaL) & Assessment as Learning (AaL) Reminders for next time this lesson is taught: