Peer Evaluation Form

Peer Evaluation Form
Date _________________
Your Name ___________________________
The algorithm requires that each student in a group allocate 100 points to the other members of the group. That is,
you do not allocate any of the points to yourself. Furthermore, you must allocate all of the points. Each person's
points are then added together, divided by 100 and multiplied by the group's score on the paper/presentation to
determine the individual's score. Each student must turn in a copy of the peer evaluation review form for the
paper/presentation. Your point range in evaluating your peers is constrained as follows.
3 person group
4 person group
5 person group
Peer 1
___________________________ _____
Peer 2
___________________________ _____
Peer 3
___________________________ _____
Peer 4
___________________________ _____
40 – 60
27 - 40
20 - 30
Point Justification Comments
Self-Assessment Form
What were your individual responsibilities?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how well did you complete your responsibilities?
If different from your responsibilities, what were your individual contributions?
What percentage of the project did you personally contribute?
What percentage of the project did you personally complete?
As objectively as possible, what grade does the project deserve?
As objectively as possible, what “project” grade do you deserve?
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