Ideas for audit topics

Ideas for audit topics
As outlined in the overview, it is possible that a SEA will alert you to the need to carry out an audit.
However, the list below might give you a few more ideas, if you require a little more inspiration. If
necessary contact your regional audit administrator who will direct you to assistance with the actual
design of your audit.
Use the SDCEP Practice Support Manual for audit ideas on the following (and more):
Record keeping
Storage of records
Ethical Practise
Data Protection
Risk management
Reporting for public safety
Dealing with complaints
Continuity planning
Dealing with medical emergencies in practice
Disability Discrimination Act
Child Protection / Protection of Vulnerable Groups
Dealing with Complaints
Communication within the team and with other professionals
Radiation protection
o Radiation legislation and General Principles
o Formal Appointments, Local Rules, Written Procedures
o X ray equipment, Quality Assurance, Training
o Radiation Protection File, Incidents And Accidents
Health and Safety
o H&S legislation, H&S Risk Management
o Fire Safety, Electricity at Work
o COSHH, Mercury Handling, Radiation Protection
o Display Screen Equipment, Manual Handling
o Infection Control, Waste Management, Personal Protective Equipment, Latex Allergy,
Hand Hygiene
o Use of Pressure Vessels
o Use of Lasers
Prescribing drugs
Using the SDCEP guidance “Drug Prescribing for Dentistry” to audit your recent prescribing
An audit of the quality of clinical notes relating to LA s administered
An audit to improve your compliance with different aspects of the IRMER 2000 regulations
An audit to improve the settings used for DPTs to minimise the exposure of head and neck
A radiographic assessment of endodontic success
Effectiveness of secondary caries detection in class I and class II restorations using bitewing
radiographs compared with clinical examinations
Emergency Dental Care
Use the SDCEP guidance “Emergency Dental Care” to audit different aspects of your
individual or your practice’s performance
Medical Histories
An audit of the completeness of medical history records
Minimising Fail to Attends & Recall Appointments
Audit of recall procedures, to improve success in recall attendance – for example, phone calls
vs recall cards vs emails
An audit to develop a profile of patients likely to miss appointments
A comparison of the quality and cost effectiveness of crowns produced in our "in house
"laboratory with those sent to outside labs
An audit of fibre post-retained crowns
An audit of the durability of different types of temporary crowns and temporary restorations
Posterior Composites
A practice wide audit of the information given and explanation of risk and longevity given to
patients who request multi surface posterior composites
An audit of the longevity of posterior composites
As above in patients with differing standards of oral health
Dry Sockets & Socket Infection
A prospective audit of dry socket prevalence following routine extractions
An analysis of the incidence of infected sockets after extraction: the problems related to the
teeth beforehand and the procedures carried out when extracting the teeth
An audit of the incidence of dry sockets within a practice
An audit of the recall interval for complete denture wearers
An audit of the disinfection of the different stages of lab work – by the practice and the lab
An audit of the 5-year success rate of molar endodontics, clinical and radiographic
A clinical audit of working length measurement during endodontic treatment
An audit of the costs associated with the use of rotary endodontic instruments
An audit of success of different techniques employed when using rotary instruments
Periodontal Screening
A retrospective audit of recorded BPE screening and subsequent prescription of treatment
An audit of the quality of referrals from dentist to hygienist
An audit of periodontal notes in patients' record cards
A retrospective clinical audit into the longevity of fissure sealants placed in patients over a
period of several years
An audit of the extent of sound retention of fissure sealant one year after being applied to
Use the SDCEP guidance “The Prevention and Management of Dental Caries in Children” to
identify aspects to audit
An audit of how cases of dental trauma were handled in the practice