British Literature Satire Project N ow that you have seen many forms of satire in action, you will work in groups to create an example of satire yourself. Choose one of the following options for a 3-6 minute video project. You may work in groups of 2 to 4 people. 1. Write and film a news segment, talk show, or commercial that satirizes issues important to you. You may want to satirize events from current headlines (e.g. Richard Sherman, Justin Bieber), modern commercialization, or something closer to home, such as Colfax High School. Consider including “experts,” “eye witnesses ”or“ customer testimonials” in your production. 2. Write and film: a. a commercial for an Irish restaurant in 1729, imagining that Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” was taken seriously and put into effect. Using modern marketing techniques, how would a business brand and sell its new type of “meat”? Consider documenting the chef’s expertise or interviewing satisfied customers during your commercial. b. or a news broadcast that covers the implementation of Swift’s “A Modest Propsal.” How would rich people respond? Poor people? Mothers? How would the slaughterhouse industry react? What types of speeches would politicians give to convince citizens of their plan? Include soundbytes from people interviewed. As you create your project, consider the following: How will you establish your point of view so that your satire is purposeful and persuasive? How will you structure your argument so that you make your points clear, convincing, and engaging? (Consider Swift’s essay structure.) How can you most effectively use visual media to get your message across? (Visuals, multiple sources, etc.) British Literature Satire Project Rubric Project due date: ____________________ 5 pts Students show a thorough understanding of satire, including humorous ridicule and an attempt at social change. 3 pts Students show a partial understanding of satire including humorous ridicule or an attempt at change. 1 pt Students do not demonstrate an understanding of the elements of satire. Structure of Message Students’ message is clear, engaging, and convincing. Students’ message is somewhat clear, engaging, and/or convincing. Students’ message lacks in clarity, fails to engage its audience, or is unconvincing. Content Students demonstrate thorough understanding of Swift’s “Proposal” or their objects of satire. Students demonstrate partial understanding of Swift’s “Proposal” or their objects of satire. Students demonstrate little to no understanding of Swift’s “Proposal” or their objects of satire. Quality Video has high visual appeal, thoughtful detail (costumes, setting) and is at least three minutes in length. Video has some visual appeal, some detail, and is at least three minutes in length. Video has little to no visual appeal or detail, and/or is significantly less than three minutes in length. Satire Score x 2 = ___________ / 40 pts