See the list!

Renee P. Zummo, 1
Internet Resources
Websites- 5 total
Website for students and teacher- Colonial House Interactive History Site:
Summary- This website by PBS is great for students to learn more about life during the colonial
time period in America. There are video diaries of colonists, fun content quizzes, and an
engaging panoramic gallery of photos that show what it would be like to live in a town or house
during the colonial and American Revolution time period.
Website for students and teacher- Brain Pop, American Revolution:
Summary- This website by Brainpop is great for young students because it simplifies the content
and events of the American Revolution into digestible bites in a fun way. Topics covered in the
engaging video are ‘how did the American Revolution happen?’ and ‘Why didn’t women fight in
the war?’ which are both questions related to the time period. This website also has other pages
with young student centered media on other topics such as the 13 colonies, the declaration of
independence, and causes of the American Revolution. Some topics even have mini lessons or
flash card games to go along with the content on the site. For this website, you must have a login
to access the material.
Website for students- Animated History Battle Tactics, by Classzone:
Summary- This website is interactive for students and provides them with knowledge on the
happenings of the battlefield during the American Revolution. Students could use this to help put
themselves in the point of view of a loyalist or patriot member of the war. The website is easy to
navigate and provides tons of information through visual representations, and clear audio aimed
at students in k-6th.
Website for students- American Revolution Events Interactive Map:
Summary- On this easy to use site, students can click on points of interest on a map of the 13
colonies. The points of interest are events that occurred before, during, or after the American
Revolution such as Valley Forge and Fort Ticonderoga. Once you click on the map, a pane of
text is displayed on the right side of the screen which gives descriptive details about each event.
Renee P. Zummo, 2
Website for students- Interactive Game, The Patriot Spy
Summary- This website is an interactive educational game put out by the National Park Service.
The title of the game is ‘The Patriot Spy’, students will be engaged and busy learning at the same
time. The student objective is to sneak past enemy soldiers and deliver a letter to Paul Revere.
Not only are students learning about common historical figures from the time period, but they are
also problem solving. The site also alerts students on the second screen that as a participant in
this game, they are going to be researching and learning what it was like to live in colonial
Boston during the time of the American Revolution. Students must pass challenges along the
road which require them to answer questions on content that they read, or analyze primary source
documents/pictures to determine answers to questions. This is a great game for students to learn
with, 5th graders would do very well with the level of reading and content it provides.
Apps for Digital Devices – 4 total
App for students and parents- American Revolution by Kids Discover for iPad
App informational link-
Summary- This app was built and published by the company ‘Kids Discover’. They also have a
website with valuable information. The app can be downloaded in the app store for iPad, and
then used at home for students to access interactive content about the American Revolution.
Topics covered include but are not limited to the Boston tea party, women in the revolution, and
a glimpse into a soldier’s life. Features of this app include HD video/audio, interactive 3-D
models, quizzes, puzzles, educational games, and tons of cartoons/photographs that depict the
setting of the time period. Students are also able to interact with a time line while using this app.
The reading level of the content is set at an upper-elementary grade level, making it perfect for
5th grade students to use during a thematic unit. Students could use this during class at a center,
or at home.
Renee P. Zummo, 3
App for students and parents- American Revolution by Kids Discover for iPad, Android, and
Windows- U.S. Revolutionary War Trivia, by Wasabi Ventures LLC-TestSoup
App informational link-
Summary- This app can be used by students to test their knowledge and learn new knowledge
about the American Revolution. This is strictly a flash card app. This could be used at home with
a parent, in centers with other students, or alone.
App for students and parents- Declaration for iPhone and iPod touch, by Clint Bagwell
App informational link-
Summary- This app is great for accessing the primary source document: The Declaration of
Independence from the American Revolution time period. Students may view images of the
original document as it was on parchment, engraved, and the full transcription in the palm of
their hands. This could be used by students for the DBQ exercise, in centers, or at home. This is
a great resource for students learning about American History.
App for students and Parents- American Revolution Interactive Timeline for iPad, by Bluecadet
App informational link-
Summary- This interactive timeline is rich in graphics and engaging for students. The content is
accurate because it was produced by the American Revolution Museum. The content on the app
is also accessible through the website at This app gives over 700
viewable photos of documents, artifacts, and scenes from the American Revolution. The time
line is excellent and you are able to zoom into it to further study each event. The app could be
used by students at home, or in classroom.
Renee P. Zummo, 4
Literature/Media Resources- 20 total
Dangerous Crossing:
The Revolutionary
Journey of John Quincy
Let it Begin Here:
Lexington and Concord,
First Battles of the
American Revolution
Valley Forge
Stephen Krensky
Dennis Brindell Fradin
Richard Ammon
Johnny Adams is the
main character; he
travels to France on the
ship called the ‘Boston’
to seek out the
establishment of ally
forces. The book was
written by looking at the
diary and spoken words
of John Quincy Adams.
The point of view is
through the eyes of a
young boy on a voyage.
This book gives the
readers a recounted
example of what
happened in Lexington
and Concord in April
1775. The travels and
role of Paul Revere is
shown in detail, with
maps, pictures, and rich
This book is extremely
relevant because it is
written from the
prospective of a
historical figure during
the American
Revolution, based on
true events from a diary.
Students will be
engaged by the story,
the illustrations, and the
fact that it is written
through the eyes of a
young adventurous boy.
This book is extremely
relevant because it is
written about the time
period of the start of the
American Revolution.
The historical figure
Paul Revere is described
in the story, and
students will gain
deeper understanding
through analyzing the
maps that the author has
This book is extremely
relevant because it is
written about the Valley
Forge period in a way
that students would find
interesting. Also, the
timeline is a great
addition to the story.
Students will learn
about the historical
figures of General Howe
and General
This is a narrative about
the events that took
place before and during
the Valley Forge period
of the revolutionary
conflict. Not only are
there rich and vivid
illustrations but there is
also A “Time Line” at
the beginning of the
book which gives a
clear picture of the
entire Revolutionary
War from the Boston
Tea Party to the
surrender of the English
at Yorktown.
Renee P. Zummo, 5
The Eve of Revolution:
The Colonial adventures
of Benjamin Wilcox
Barbara Burt
Non-fiction and Fiction
This book contains
historical facts that are
written alongside many
fictional journal entries
and letter from
Benjamin Wilcox in the
late 1760’s. The book
tells of many events
where the British taxes
are sending Americans
into an uproar.
Samuel Adams: Patriot
and Statesman
Matt Doeden
This book shows the
role of the historical
figure Samuel Adams
before and during the
American Revolution.
Sam was responsible for
upholding the belief that
colonists shouldn’t be
subjected to British law
without representation
in England. This book is
written as a graphic
Molly Pitcher: Young
American Patriot
Jason Glaser
This book has a woman
as the main character,
she is the wife of
General Hays. This
story shows how women
played a role during the
American Revolution by
risking their lives on the
battlefield. This is a
graphic novel with
comic like illustrations
that can engage all
readers with information
on women of the
This book is very
relevant because it gives
students a look at the
causes of the American
Revolution through the
eyes of a historical
figure; Benjamin
Wilcox. Students can
relate with this
character, and put
themselves in his place
through reading this
This book is very
relevant because it
shows the role of
Samuel Adams in the
revolution. Students
learn more about his
historical contributions
to the time period by
reading a graphic novel.
Because it is a graphic
novel, it is great for
students who are
struggling readers or
simply have a hard time
enjoying the act of
This is relevant because
it discusses the role of
women during the
American Revolution.
Students can identify
with the character and
learn more about this
historical figure.
Because it is a graphic
novel, it is great for
students who are
struggling readers or
simply have a hard time
enjoying the act of
Renee P. Zummo, 6
Phillis Wheatley: Young
Revolutionary Poet
Kathryn Kilby Borland
and Helen Ross
This book is very
relevant because it gives
students a look at the
role of women in the
revolution, and the role
of African-Americans.
This is a great story for
students to learn about a
historical character, and
the time period.
In 1776
Jean Marzollo
This is a story of a child
slave who came to
Boston during the time
of the revolution. The
Wheatley family taught
the little girl just as they
did their own daughter.
Phillis was a historical
figure because she was
the first AfricanAmerican to publish a
book. Her poems give
us great insight to the
time period. This is part
of a series of books.
This book is written in
the form of rhyming
stanzas, it recounts the
events of the American
revolution during the
year of 1776.
Eyewitness: American
Stuart Murray
VIDEO: No More Kings
School House Rock
This book is very
relevant because it
discusses the events of
the revolution during the
year of 1776. It
mentions key historical
figures, and provides the
story in the form of a
This is a great book for
This is a giant picture
students to scavenger
book that has tons of
hunt in for primary
annotated photographs
sources and info on the
of primary source
American Revolution.
documents, artifacts,
The big pictures and
and scenes from the
detailed annotations are
American Revolution.
sure to engage students
for learning.
This is very relevant
This is an animated
because it depicts what
video for students that is
happened during this
around 4 minutes in
era. It describes why we
length. The video is a
have a democracy style
musical sing-along type
of government today.
of display. The events
This is great for students
that caused the
because it is very fun
revolution are described
and engaging to watch
in detail with animations
because of the
and lyrics.
animations and the
rhyming lyrics.
Renee P. Zummo, 7
The Winter of Red
Snow: The
Revolutionary War
Diary of Abigail Jane
Stewart, Valley Forge,
Pennsylvania, 1777
Kristiana Gregory
Johnny Tremain
Esther Forbes
Historical Fiction
This is the diary of a
young woman during
the American
Revolution. She lived
through the winter of
1777-1778 when
George Washington was
preparing for battle at
Valley Forge. The
character is 11 years
old. Part of the Dear
America series.
Historical Fiction
The discovery and
adventures of a young
boy during the time of
the American
George Vs. George
Rosalyn Schanzer
This book is very
relevant because it gives
students a look at the
role of women in the
revolution, and the role
of a child. Historical
figures are mentioned
and so are details of the
battle at valley Forge.
Overall this is a great
read for students to gain
an insider’s view of the
This is a relevant story
for students to read.
This is a chapter book
that can put students
right into the vivid
actions of the time
period with each turn of
the page.
This is relevant and
great for students
because of its comical
nature and introduction
to the view of both sides
of the war.
You Wouldn't Want to
Be an American
Jacqueline Morley
You Wouldn't Want to
Be at the Boston tea
Jacqueline Morley
This is a great
introduction to the
conflict of the American
revolution. The two
‘enemies’ are
introduced, and readers
gain insight into each
sides’ viewpoint.
Colorful illustrations
and humor are used.
This is a great book for
using humor and many
text features to capture
the readers attention.
The book describes the
good and the bad of
being a living member
of a colony.
The book describes the
good and the bad of
being a living member
during the Boston tea
This book is excellent
because it gives students
the viewpoint of being
the main character of
the book that lives
during the time period.
There are sidebars, rich
illustrations, and a
glossary to engage
This book is excellent
because it gives students
the viewpoint of being
the main character..
There are sidebars, rich
illustrations, and a
Renee P. Zummo, 8
If You Lived At The
Time Of The American
Kay Moore
This book tells about
what it would have been
like to live during the
time of the American
If You Lived In
Colonial Times
Ann McGovern
This book tells about
what it would have been
like to live during the
colonial time period
from 1565-1776.
The American
Revolution for Kids: A
History with 21
Activities (For Kids
Janis Herbert
This is an informational
text history book with
pictures, timelines, and
vivid text. This is
written for students and
includes an activity for
every lesson.
Revolutionary War on
Mary Pope Osborne
Paul Revere's Ride
Henry Wadsworth
This is a story of two
main characters Jack
and Annie who are
facing bad weather, and
the responsibility of
keeping history on track
for the fate of our nation
during the American
revolution. This book is
number 22 in the magic
treehouse series.
This book tells the
famous story of Paul
Revere. It uses
Rhyming, Cadence, and
vivid pictures to
represent the story.
This is very relevant
because students can
find answers to
questions such as; what
started the revolution,
what would you have
seen in battle, and if
everyone took sides or
This is very relevant
because students can
find answers to
questions such as; what
type of clothes would
you wear, and where
would you go to school.
This is extremely
relevant because
students will use many
graphic features such as
sidebars and timelines to
interact with content
from the time period.
Also, the lesson
activities help to
enhance understanding
of concepts read.
This is a great book for
engaging students with a
fictional story about the
American revolution.
The reading level of this
book is appropriate, and
the main characters are
easy for students to
identify with.
This is very relevant
because it discusses the
historical figure of Paul
Revere, and uses an
unforgettable style of
writing which many
students even memorize.
Surely this is important
for engaging students.
Renee P. Zummo, 9