
Name: _________________________________________________________ Date: _________ Period: ______
17.3 Guided Reading “Temperature Controls”
I. Why Temperatures Vary
A. A ______________________ _______________ is any factor that causes temperature to vary from place to
place and from time to time.
B. Factors other than latitude that exert a strong influence on temperature include _______________________
__________________________________, _________________, ____________________________________,
____________________________, and ___________________________________.
C. Land And Water
1. Different land surfaces absorb varying amounts of incoming ____________ _____________.
2. _____________ heats more rapidly and to higher temperatures than ____________; it also cools more
rapidly and to lower temperatures than water.
3. Being near large bodies of water results in more _____________________ year-round climates.
D. Geographic Position
1. The geographic setting can greatly influence temperatures experienced at a specific location. Specific
factors include direction of ________________________ ______________ (windward or leeward) and
________________________ acting as barriers.
E. Altitude
1. Locations with higher ______________________ generally experience cooler temperatures than places
with the same latitude, but closer to sea level.
F. Cloud Cover and Albedo
1. Albedo is the ___________________________________________________________________________
2. Many clouds have a ______________ albedo and reflect most of the sunlight that hits them back to space.
3. Extent of cloud cover influences temperatures in the _______________ atmosphere.
a. The maximum temperature on a cloud covered day will be __________________ than the maximum
temperature on a clear day.
b. At night, clouds have the _____________________ effect, causing a cloud-covered night to be
__________________ than a clear night because the clouds act as a ______________________.
II. World Distribution of Temperature
A. _______________________ are lines that connect points that have the same temperature.
B. Isotherm maps generally show a ________________________ in temperatures from the tropics toward the
poles, showing the importance of ______________________ on incoming _____________________________
CW p. 493 #1-5
1. A temperature control is ___________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________________________
3. Clouds reflect a significant amount of sunlight back to space because ________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________________________
5. (1) ____________________________, (2) ______________________________, (3) ___________________
__________________________________, (4) _______________________________________________