Parents Forum 12th February 2015

Parents Forum 12th February 2015
Notes of Meeting
Matters arising
Update on capital build
Lunchtime plans are in place. The key aims are to provide the children with an enriching experience
by improving table manners, improving the dining experience with plates bowls and trays instead
of flight trays, extending their play experiences with new games, activities and clubs and generally
making lunchtimes a more positive time. All plans met with approval.
Lots of parents are now using email to communicate with teachers and this has been met with
general approval from both teachers and parents alike. Excellent feedback on our website from
parents especially blogs and photos!
It was noted that changes of dates are not communicated promptly enough. It was agreed that we
send out parent text, put on website and short note to cover all eventualities.
Build is behind schedule. It is fit for purpose however, the cosmetic side of things need more work.
Parents are free to look around at any time.
Recruitment is going to be a problem unless we change the times of the meeting. The school is very
happy to do this. In addition the majority of the group is made up of Year 6 parents who will be
leaving soon sadly. The school would like parent reps form each class who can serve as a voice for
that particular class or year group.