Eastern Technical High School - Template for Advanced Placement

Eastern Technical High School - Template for Advanced Placement
Analysis of results – Instructional Planning Sheets
AP team reflection meeting
Vertical team planning (teachers)
Complete AP assignments (students)
Electronic interaction – teachers/students
Interactive message board
AP Summer Camps for students
Teacher Professional Development
o Summer workshops
o Conferences
o School-based
Interviews with students who did not score a 3 or better
Video recruitment (MAV-TV)
Vertical team planning
Honest grading
AP teacher meeting – “Best Practices,” goals for the year
Recruitment of under-represented populations; “Open” enrollment
AP Potential (Dec – Feb)
Personal letters from AP teachers
AP Night (February)
Honest grading
Complete practice AP tests with “team” grading
AP teachers meet with next year’s AP students
Assign “meaningful” summer assignments
AP team reflection
Honest grading – AP performance
Teachers work with College Board to grade AP exams
Eastern Technical High School - Template for Advanced Placement
Monetary incentives in place to take tests – e.g. $25 for A’s, $15 for B’s, $5 for C’s
earned in AP courses during first three marking periods. This year, 191 FARMS students
were able to take AP tests at “no cost.”
Bring competition into the classroom
Teacher ownership of AP and commitment to learn/grow
Non-AP teachers visit AP classrooms with question, “What do my students need in order
to be successful in this class?”
Teachers develop letters, i.e. “Dear Future AP Student: ….”
AP teachers share/outreach with other schools
Selection of most appropriate instructional materials
Goal setting – revise every year
Selection & nurturing of AP teachers; e.g. “Best and Brightest”
Creating a cadre of teaching professionals (i.e. a “farm team”)
Analyzing data – revising/adjusting instruction