Director, Donor & Partner Comms 20160110 GENERATIONS







Donor & Partner Communications

Director, Donor and Partner Communications

Contract duration: Initial contract of limited duration two years, renewable based on performance.

Start Date 1 st March 2016; End Date 28 th February 2018. Probation period 3 months.



Responsible to:

Authorised to:

Full Time: FTE 1.0


Based at GFP headquarters in Amman, Jordan.

Authorised to represent GFP in discussions with donors, partners, stakeholders, media, event contractors and suppliers. Authorised to represent GFP in financial or contractual commitments within prescribed limits set by CEO.

Supervisor of:

Liaison with:

Grant Proposal Specialist, Media & Public Relations Manager, Communications Officer, Social

Media Specialist, Creative Design and Digital Engagement Specialist, and Marketing Events


Internal: CEO and Senior Management Team (heads of departments)

External: GFP Delegates and Pioneers, donors and partner organisations, stakeholders,

Replacement in case of absence:

Benefits: outsourced contractors/agents.



1. Purpose of the Position:

Reporting to the CEO, this senior Director-level role is to lead and develop the Donor & Partner Communications

Department to secure funding support from: governmental donors, non-governmental philanthropic donors, commercial partners, and individual donors; with a specific focus on securing support from US donors. The Director will lead the

Department in strategic focused targeting of donors, and carefully-tailored communications, supported by high quality text, data, photos and video, following best practices in grant proposal writing and reporting, and in content marketing, email direct marketing, maximizing leverage of media, social media, our website, and blog.

2. Responsibilities:

Leading the Donor & Partner Communications Department , with overall responsibility for its performance and for directing, managing, and developing the capacity of its staff:

Leading regular Department Meetings and weekly one-on-one meetings with team members; setting priorities, deadlines, plans; tracking progress, addressing problems

Leading monthly updates of Annual Plan and Budget Reconciliation; and Quarterly Departmental presentation

Leading regular after-action reviews and lessons-learned processes for continuous improvement

Setting Key Result Targets for each Department member; supporting individual and team capacity development; empowering and supporting them to meet and exceed expectations

Developing strong relationships between Departments for effective teamwork together

Governmental Donors and Non-Governmental Foundations (working with CEO and Grant Proposal Specialist):

Monitoring grant opportunities and calls for proposals

Strategic focus on targeted priority opportunities (in Jordan, USA, and elsewhere)

Preparing grant proposals and partnership proposals

Building long-term relationships with Donors, preparing high quality Donor reports, getting regular feedback

Commercial Partners (working with CEO, Grant Proposal Specialist, and Marketing Events Officer):

Strategic focus on targeted priority opportunities (in Jordan, USA, and elsewhere)

Preparing specifically tailored partnership proposals

Building long-term relationships with partners, providing regular high quality reports, getting regular feedback

Individual Donors (working with Media & Public Relations Manager and Communications Officer):

Continuous development of individual contacts database

Development of regular external Email Newsletter

Driving traffic to website donations and ensuring best practice donor experience for online donors

Specific targeted campaign for Endowment Fund donors

Revenue Generation Events and GFP Events (working with Marketing Events Officer and Coordinator)

Leading and supporting Marketing Events Officer and Coordinator on targeted marketing of GFP Conference

Centre and Auditorium facilities rental for Revenue Generation

Leading Department in event management and communications for all GFP Events

Content Marketing: leading and supporting the Communications Officer, Media & Public Relations Manager, Social

Media Specialist, and Creative Design & Digital Engagement Specialist, to create and use high quality content for our communications to Donors and Partners:

Taking personal responsibility for quality of all GFP communications before publication

Developing high quality content: compelling human stories with photos and videos showing positive impact for beneficiaries. Liaising with Programmes Department and Institute, and direct with GFP Delegates/Pioneers

Development of GFP brochures, brochures, bulletins, newsletters, reports, speeches, presentations, media releases, web-stories, social media entries, blogs, discussion forum posts, etc

Development of effective archive/database of testimonials, photos and videos for future use

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Development of the website in English and Arabic (with Web 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 functionality)

Development of social media

Monitoring and tracking of social media, website traffic, and donations (online and offline)

Leading on contractual relationships with outsourced contractors (e.g. translators, photographers, video film crew,

PR agencies)

Media Engagement: guiding and supporting the Media & Public Relations Manager in:

Developing effective relationships with journalists, editors and agencies in international and (peacebuilding/development/Olympic) trade media, and with local media in Jordan, USA, and GFP programme countries, through regular personal contact, briefings, and exclusives

Regular monitoring of media coverage, preparation of media reports and clippings archive

Board Engagement:

Working with board members in the US and Jordan to develop annual fundraising expectations and explore potential funding and awareness-raising opportunities through their networks.

3. Key Results Areas:

Leadership of the Department to drive staff performance, workload prioritisation and meeting deadlines

Support secured from Governmental Donors and Non-Governmental Foundations

Support secured from Commercial Partners (cash and value-in-kind)

Support secured from Individual Donors

Revenue secured from Revenue Generation Events

Quantity and quality of compelling stories generated

Quality of photos and videos

Quality, creativity, effectiveness and impact of our content marketing

Growth in website traffic and social media fan-base, influe nce, participation, and “klout”

Growth in Media coverage

Quality of Generations For Peace events

Department collective continuous learning and improvement

Team work and contribution to the broader work of the organisation

Personal Development

4. Generations For Peace Values:

Leadership: demonstrating personal leadership and fostering leadership, responsibility and initiative in others

Respect and Tolerance: showing respect and tolerance for all Staff, agents, suppliers and contractors

Empowerment and Teamwork: supporting capacity development of the Department staff, and supporting all other staff as a team player in creating impact

Responsibility: demonstrating and encouraging responsibility, accountability and transparency, professionalism, care and diligence in respect of all people and property, and the brand and reputation of the organisation; seeking quality, effectiveness, sustainability, efficiency and good value for money; to maximise positive impact whilst minimising risk

5. Education, Qualifications, Competences, Skills Required:


 University Bachelor’s Degree minimum, in a relevant discipline

At least 10 years’ professional experience in Non-Profit fundraising, communications and donor engagement

Specific experience and track-record in securing Governmental donor funds: grant proposal writing and reporting

Specific experience/track-record in securing Non-Governmental donor funds: grant proposal writing and reporting

Experience/good understanding of securing Commercial Partner support in cash and value-in-kind

Experience/good understanding of fundraising from Individual Donors both offline and online

Experience in Content Marketing, website and social media development

Experience in Email Direct Marketing

Experience in Crowdfunding campaigns

Experience drafting high quality communications in different formats

Experience working with communications agents and consultants

Experience in event management and coordination

Experience in leading, managing, and building the capacity of a team

Excellent active listening, problem solving, client management, customer service, and crisis response skills

Excellent computer skills (documents/spreadsheets/databases/presentations/multi-media/calendars/email)

Excellent spoken and written English, and in particular top quality written English communications

Cultural sensitivity and understanding of different interpretations of communications approaches in different global, regional, and local contexts

Interest in global current affairs, conflict resolution and peace building, and international development

Proven ability to fit into a young, diverse, dynamic team as a team player, leader, mentor, and capacity-builder


Masters level degree in a relevant discipline

Experience in an international peace-building organisation

Specific experience of USAID, US Department of State, USIP, EU, UKAID/DFID, UNICEF, and other Governmental grant proposals and reporting

Volunteer experience

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Proficiency in Arabic is useful but not required

First Party:

Signed in Amman, on _____________ 2016 for and on behalf of Generations For Peace:


Mark Clark

Chief Executive Officer

Second Party:

Signed in ____________, on ____________ 2016 by:


Director, Donor & Partner Communications

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