Global Studies and World Languages

Current Catalog Information about Global Studies and
Spanish program policies
Proposed Catalog Information about global studies and
world language programs policies
Global Studies and World
Global Studies and World
Minné Hall, Room 120 ((507) 457-5500; fax (50) 457-2621)
Yogesh Grover (Director)
Minné Hall, Room 120 ((507) 457-5500; fax (50) 457-2621)
Yogesh Grover (Chair) )
Michael Bowler, Associate Professor; BA, University of Notre
Michael Bowler, Associate Professor; BA, University of Notre
Dame; MA, MSc, PhD, Syracuse University; 2004 –
Linda D’Amico, Associate Professor; BS, MA, PhD, Indiana
Dame; MA, MSc, PhD, Syracuse University; 2004 –
Linda D’Amico, Professor; BS, MA, PhD, Indiana University-
University-Bloomington; 2000 –
Vanessa Fernandez-Greene, Assistant Professor; BA, Kalamazoo
Bloomington; 2000 –
Vanessa Fernandez-Greene, Assistant Professor; BA, Kalamazoo
College; MA, Middlebury College; PhD, Boston University; 2011 –
Juan Fernandez-Iglesias, Associate Professor; BA, Universidad
College; MA, Middlebury College; PhD, Boston University; 2011 –
Juan Fernandez-Iglesias, Associate Professor; BA, Universidad
de Santiago de Compostela; MA, PhD, University of Kansas; 2004
de Santiago de Compostela; MA, PhD, University of Kansas; 2004
Timothy Frisk, Associate Professor, BS, Winona State University;
Timothy Frisk, Associate Professor, BS, Winona State University;
BA, MA, PhD, University of Minnesota; 1990 –
Armando Gonzalez, Associate Professor; BA, MA, PhD, University
BA, MA, PhD, University of Minnesota; 1990 –
Armando Gonzalez, Professor; BA, MA, PhD, University of Iowa;
of Iowa; 2004 –
Yogesh Grover, Professor; BA, MA, University of Delhi (India);
2004 –
Yogesh Grover, Professor; BA, MA, University of Delhi (India);
PhD, University of Missouri-Columbia; 1988 –
Ronald M. Mazur, Professor; BA, University of Detroit; MA, PhD,
PhD, University of Missouri-Columbia; 1988 –
Ronald M. Mazur, Professor; BA, University of Detroit; MA, PhD,
University of Michigan; 1978 –
Lilian Ramos, Associate Professor; BA, Seattle University; MA,
University of Michigan; 1978 –
Lilian Ramos, Associate Professor; BA, Seattle University; MA,
PhD, University of Washington; 1992 –
Matthew Strecher, Associate Professor; BA, MA, University of
PhD, University of Washington; 1992 –
Matthew Strecher, Associate Professor; BA, MA, University of
Texas; PhD, University of Washington; 2007 –
Weidong Zhang, Assistant Professor; BA, MA, Nanjing University
Texas; PhD, University of Washington; 2007 –
Amy Hornby Uribe, Assistant Professor; BS University of
(China); MA, PhD, University of Iowa; 2007 –
Wisconsin-La Crosse; MA, PhD, University of Texas; 2010Weidong Zhang, Assistant Professor; BA, MA, Nanjing University
(China); MA, PhD, University of Iowa; 2007 –
Global Studies: Program Description
Global Studies: Program Description
Global Studies is a multidisciplinary program that enables
Global Studies is a multidisciplinary program that enables
students to understand the profound socio-cultural, political, and
economic changes taking place at the global level. This program
students to understand the profound socio-cultural, political, and
economic changes taking place at the global level. This program
seeks to develop students’ global competence so that they can
provide leadership at the global, national, and local levels in areas
seeks to develop students’ global competence so that they can
provide leadership at the global, national, and local levels in areas
such as diplomacy and conflict resolution, business and economic
policy making, environmental sustainability, and the growing non-
such as diplomacy and conflict resolution, business and economic
policy making, environmental sustainability, and the growing non-
profit, non-governmental/volunteer sector.
profit, non-governmental/volunteer sector.
Global Studies differs from international relations in that its focus
is not exclusively on relations between countries and issues of
Global Studies differs from international relations in that its focus
is not exclusively on relations between countries and issues of
war, peace, and foreign policy making. The focus of this program
war, peace, and foreign policy making. The focus of this program
is on globalization, what is causing this phenomenon, how it
is on globalization, what is causing this phenomenon, how it
impacts us, and what can be done to steer it in a desirable
direction. Hence, the focus of this program is also on global
impacts us, and what can be done to steer it in a desirable
direction. Hence, the focus of this program is also on global
citizenship. Courses from the humanities, social sciences, and the
natural sciences are integrated to foster a more comprehensive
citizenship. Courses from the humanities, social sciences, and the
natural sciences are integrated to foster a more comprehensive
knowledge about the forces shaping our world.
knowledge about the forces shaping our world.
Program Requirements - Global Studies
Program Requirements - Global Studies
Students intending to major in Global Studies must complete all
Students intending to major in Global Studies must complete all
the university graduation requirements. Courses fulfilling the major
requirements must be taken for credit only. At least 21 of the 58
the university graduation requirements. Courses fulfilling the major
requirements must be taken for credit only, except the language
required major semester hours must be met with 300-400 level
courses (See policy below). At least 21 of the 49 required major
semester hours must be met with 300-400 level courses.
Pass/No Credit (P/NC) Courses
Pass/No Credit (P/NC) Courses
Global Studies differs from international relations in that its focus
is not exclusively on relations between countries and issues of
All courses for the major and the minor must be taken for credit
war, peace, and foreign policy making. The focus of this program
is on globalization, what is causing this phenomenon, how it
except the language courses for which a passing grade will be
acceptable if a student is testing out of a certain language.
impacts us, and what can be done to steer it in a desirable
direction. Hence, the focus of this program is also on global
citizenship. Courses from the humanities, social sciences, and the
natural sciences are integrated to foster a more comprehensive
knowledge about the forces shaping our world.
General Education Intensive
General Education Intensive
Students may use intensive courses to satisfy both General
Education and major requirements. Intensive courses will usually
Students may use intensive courses to satisfy both General
Education and major requirements. Intensive courses will usually
be in the student’s major or minor program. The Global Studies
program offers the following Intensive courses.
be in the student’s major or minor program. The Global Studies
program offers the following Intensive courses.
Intensive - Global Studies
Intensive - Global Studies
Oral (◎)
Oral (◎)
◎ GS 360 - Contemporary Asian Issues (3)
Writing (△)
△ GS 355 - Asian International Relations (3)
Math/ Critical Analysis (◆)
GS 335 - Global Poverty and Sustainable
Development (3)
Intensive courses that can be used to satisfy global studies
major/minor requirements are identified in the lists of required
courses and electives in this section.
◎ GS 360 - Contemporary Asian Issues (3)
Writing (△)
△ GS 355 - Asian International Relations (3)
Math/ Critical Analysis (◆)
GS 335 - Global Poverty and Sustainable
Development (3)
Intensive courses that can be used to satisfy global studies
major/minor requirements are identified in the lists of required
courses and electives in this section.
World Languages
World Languages
World Languages - Program Description
World Languages - Program Description
Aside from the obvious enhancement of one’s marketability in the
workforce as a speaker of more than one language, knowledge of
Aside from the obvious enhancement of one’s marketability in the
workforce as a speaker of more than one language, knowledge of
foreign languages leads to a more widely open and empathetic
mind. Once we get past the initial embarrassment of speaking
foreign languages leads to a more widely open and empathetic
mind. Once we get past the initial embarrassment of speaking
another language–the fear of making mistakes intimidates almost
everyone–most of us find a most peculiar phenomenon occurs:
another language–the fear of making mistakes intimidates almost
everyone–most of us find a most peculiar phenomenon occurs:
we begin to develop a kind of “alter-ego” for ourselves, someone
who is still us, but a slightly different version of us. We develop
we begin to develop a kind of “alter-ego” for ourselves, someone
who is still us, but a slightly different version of us. We develop
(and are conscious of) the ability to think from both versions of
ourselves, and most important, to see problems and questions
(and are conscious of) the ability to think from both versions of
ourselves, and most important, to see problems and questions
from a variety of points of view. It would be difficult to deny that
much of the conflict in our world occurs because people simply
from a variety of points of view. It would be difficult to deny that
much of the conflict in our world occurs because people simply
cannot see beyond their own cultural perspective; the study and
use of foreign languages is the fastest, most effective path to
cannot see beyond their own cultural perspective; the study and
use of foreign languages is the fastest, most effective path to
cultural and global understanding.
cultural and global understanding.
Program Requirements - World Languages Program Requirements - World Languages
Foreign language classes are designed to develop proficiency in
the four skills areas: listening, reading, writing, and speaking.
World language classes are designed to develop proficiency in the
four skills areas: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Their
Their further goal is to develop an understanding and appreciation
of individual foreign cultures. Students who enhance their
further goal is to develop an understanding and appreciation of
other cultures. Students who enhance their occupational skills
occupational skills with linguistic and cultural training will increase
their opportunities for employment in multinational corporations,
with linguistic and cultural training will increase their opportunities
for employment in business firms (national and multinational),
government agencies, humanitarian organizations, and a variety
of health professions. The following offerings (seeGlobal Studies -
government agencies, humanitarian organizations, and a variety
of health professions. The following offerings (see Global Studies
World Languages for course descriptions) are available:
- World Languages for course descriptions) are available:
101-202 level language courses in French
101-202 level language courses in French
101-202 level language courses in German
101-202 level language courses in German
Complete BA/BS major/minor in Spanish
Complete BA major/minor in Spanish
Complete BS (teaching) major in Spanish
Complete BS (teaching) major in Spanish
The Global Studies and World Languages Department is
authorized to recommend graduates for licensure in Spanish
majors. (Minnesota does not grant teaching licenses for foreign
The Global Studies and World Languages Department is
authorized to recommend graduates for licensure in Spanish
language minors.) All coursework for the degrees is available on
campus. Language courses 101, 102, 201, 202 are offered on a
majors. (Minnesota does not grant teaching licenses for foreign
yearly basis. Most other courses are offered every two years. For
this reason, majors and minors in Spanish are expected to
campus. Language courses 101, 102, 201, 202 are offered on a
register for the “specialized study” courses when they are offered.
language minors.) All coursework for the degrees is available on
yearly basis. Most other courses are offered either once a year or
once every two years, depending on student demand and/or
Arranged classes are discouraged and will be offered only under
the most exceptional circumstances and require approval of the
faculty availability. For this reason, majors and minors in Spanish
entire Global Studies and World Languages Language
Department faculty. Independent studies courses are not offered.
they are offered.
are expected to register for the “specialized study” courses when
Arranged classes are discouraged and will be offered only under
the most exceptional circumstances and require approval of the
entire Global Studies and World Languages Language
Department faculty. Independent studies courses are not offered.
All students with prior study of a foreign language are strongly
encouraged to take a placement examination to determine the
All students with prior study of a foreign language are strongly
correct level of coursework at WSU. Students who are high school
graduates from a French-, Spanish-, or German-speaking country
correct level of coursework at WSU. Native speakers of a given
cannot register or receive credit for French, German, or Spanish
101 or 102. These students can register for a 201 or 202 course
beginning levels of that language (101-102). For instance, native
encouraged to take a placement examination to determine the
language taught in GSWL Department may not enroll in the
only if they have declared a major or a minor in Spanish (SPAN).
Students should consult with the department chairperson for
Spanish speakers may not enroll in Spanish 101-102. For
whose primary language is the target language, (b) who has been
Note: Courses beyond the intermediate level are only offered
every other year except for SPAN 301 and SPAN 403. This
purposes of this rule, "native speaker" is defined as any person (a)
educated through the high school level at a school wherein the
target language is the primary language of instruction, or (c) who
means that students who have not completed intermediate
courses during their sophomore year will have difficulty graduating
have grown to adulthood in a country wherein the target language
in four years with a major in Spanish unless they participate in a
department- or university-approved study abroad program.
language courses in violation of this policy are subject to removal
Students of Spanish can participate in the Granada, Spain
program. The foreign language faculty reserves the right to depart
from these guidelines when warranted by exceptional
is the primary language of communication. Students enrolling in
by the Registrar on the recommendation of the instructor.
Note: Courses beyond the intermediate level may not be offered
every year except for SPAN 301 and SPAN 403. This means that
students who have not completed intermediate courses during
their sophomore year will have difficulty graduating in four years
with a major in Spanish unless they participate in a department- or
university-approved study abroad program. Students of Spanish
can participate in the Granada, Spain program or another
department approved program available through WSU. The
foreign language faculty reserves the right to depart from these
guidelines when warranted by exceptional circumstances.
Credits For Previous Language Study
The department recommends that students who meet the
prerequisites for French, German, or Spanish 101, 102, or 201
enroll in the next higher elementary or intermediate course. By
earning a grade of “A” or “B” in WSU’s language courses 102,
201, or 202, students may obtain retroactive credit for course 101
and any sequel courses below the course in which they earned
the “A” or “B.” Qualifying students may apply for retroactive credit
by completing the appropriate form(s) and paying a fee of $5 per
credit in order to receive a grade of “P” (pass) in the appropriate
course(s). For information about credit by examination, see page
23. The foreign language faculty reserves the right to depart from
these guidelines when warranted by exceptional circumstances.
Study Abroad
WSU students who wish to immerse themselves in a foreign
Credits For Previous Language Study
The department recommends that students who meet the
prerequisites for Chinese, French, German, Japanese or Spanish
101, 102, or 201 enroll in the next higher elementary or
intermediate course. By earning a grade of “A” or “B” in WSU’s
language courses 102, 201, or 202, students may obtain
retroactive credit for course 101 and any sequel courses below
the course in which they earned the “A” or “B.” Qualifying students
may apply for retroactive credit by completing the appropriate
form(s) and paying a fee of $5 per credit in order to receive a
grade of “P” (pass) in the appropriate course(s). For information
about credit by examination please consult catalog. The language
faculty reserves the right to depart from these guidelines when
warranted by exceptional circumstances.
Study Abroad
WSU students who wish to immerse themselves in a foreign
culture and language for one or more semesters have several
culture and language for one or more semesters have several
options available to them. For specific information, please contact
options available to them. For specific information, please contact
the Study Abroad Office or consult the Study Abroad section in
the Study Abroad Office or consult the Study Abroad section in
this catalog (page ??). Students who wish to receive University
this catalog (page 29). Students who wish to receive University
credit for participation in a study abroad program must have prior
credit for participation in a study abroad program must have prior
approval from their faculty advisor and the Global Studies and
approval from the Global Studies and World Languages
Department. Foreign language students are strongly encouraged
World Languages Department. World language students are
strongly encouraged to study abroad in order to acquire language
to study abroad in order to acquire language proficiency.
Pass/No Credit (P/NC) Courses
Pass/No Credit (P/NC) Courses
Elementary and intermediate language courses (101,102, 201 and
Elementary and intermediate language courses (101,102, 201 and
202) may be taken for pass/no credit. Except for internships and
202) may be taken for pass/no credit. Except for internships and
practica, students must take all courses in their major, minor,
options, concentrations, and licensures on a grade-only basis. In
addition, a pass will be accepted for SPAN 201 (Intermediate
Spanish I) for those majors/minors who received an “A” or “B” in
SPAN 202 (Intermediate Spanish II). In this instance, students can
qualify for retroactive credit for SPAN 201 after completing the
appropriate forms. The P/NC option is available to non-majors
unless otherwise noted. Courses offered on a pass/no credit-only
or grade-only basis are so designated in the course descriptions.
GPA Requirements
practica, students must take all courses in their major, minor,
options, concentrations, and licensures on a grade-only basis. In
addition, a pass will be accepted for SPAN 201 (Intermediate
Spanish I) for those majors/minors who received an “A” or “B” in
SPAN 202 (Intermediate Spanish II). In this instance, students can
qualify for retroactive credit for SPAN 201 after completing the
appropriate forms. The P/NC option is available to non-majors
unless otherwise noted. Courses offered on a pass/no credit-only
or grade-only basis are so designated in the course descriptions.
GPA Requirements
A cumulative GPA of 2.00 to graduate with a major or
minor in Spanish.
A cumulative 2.75 GPA to be admitted to teacher
education and for courses taken for the BS teaching
A cumulative GPA of 2.00 to graduate with a major or
minor in Spanish.
A cumulative 2.75 GPA to be admitted to teacher
education and for courses taken for the BS teaching
General Education Intensive
General Education Intensive
Students may use intensive courses to satisfy both General
Education and major requirements. Intensive courses will usually
Students may use intensive courses to satisfy both General
be in the student’s major or minor program. The Department of
Global Studies and World Languages offers the following
intensive courses:
Intensive- Spanish
Education and major requirements. Intensive courses will usually
be in the student’s major or minor program. The Department of
Global Studies and World Languages offers the following
intensive courses:
Intensive- Spanish
Oral (◎)
Oral (◎)
◎ SPAN 302 - The Culture of Spain (3)
◎ SPAN 302 - The Culture of Spain (3)
Math/ Critical Analysis (◆)
Math/ Critical Analysis (◆)
◆ SPAN 402 - Spanish Peninsular Literature II (3)
◆ SPAN 402 - Spanish Peninsular Literature II (3)
Writing (△)
Writing (△)
△ SPAN 301 - Spanish Composition and Conversation
△ SPAN 301 - Spanish Composition and Conversation
△ SPAN 401 - Spanish Peninsular Literature I
△ SPAN 401 - Spanish Peninsular Literature I
Intensive courses that can be used to satisfy Spanish major/minor
Intensive courses that can be used to satisfy Spanish major/minor
requirements are identified in the lists of required courses and
electives in this section.
requirements are identified in the lists of required courses and
electives in this section.