9th Grade English I Syllabus 2012_2013

9th Grade English I
Course Syllabus 2012-2013
Mrs. Gillian Brown
Room D205
Somerset Academy Mission Statement
Somerset Academy Central Miramar Schools promote a culture that maximizes student
achievement and fosters the development of responsible, respectful, self-directed life-long
learners in a safe and enriching environment.
Course Description
This class is structured around the curriculum of Somerset Academy Central Miramar, the
Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards, and SpringBoard, the College Board’s PreAP program. This class is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills required
for success in college-level work. It will prepare a student to successfully communicate through
formal writing and presentation utilizing effective grammar and vocabulary skills.
During the school year, the course will cover reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary. As
ninth grade marks many important transitions in a student’s life, the theme for this year is
“Coming of Age.” Students will learn what it means to “come of age” and also understand how
their experiences and the things they are exposed to shape who they are. Throughout the school
year, many our readings, activities, and writings will help the student explore this theme.
Course Objectives
With hard work and determination, by the end of the year students will be able to:
 Effectively recognize and communicate literary elements
 Distinguish between formal and informal writing and speaking
 Read and write within the guidelines of the Florida Next Generation Sunshine State
Standards, as well as the SpringBoard standards
 Increase FCAT scores
 Expand vocabulary
 Illustrate the ability to deconstruct sentences grammatically
Course of Study
Students will be assigned a SpringBoard Level 4 textbook that will be kept in the classroom.
Students will be reading and reflecting on literature selections from our SpringBoard textbook,
as well as additional novels, complimenting the themes studied in the 9th grade English I course.
Students are required to purchase novels listed below that will be covered throughout the year.
Please note that books can be also obtained from the public library. If you do not have a library
card, now is that time to get one as you will also be required to do independent reading.
No Fear Shakespeare: Romeo & Juliet (required purchase)
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (required purchase)
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain (summer reading requirement/project
The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros (independent reading)
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger (independent reading)
Required Supply List
A box of blue/black/red pens (no other colors allowed- red pens will only be used for corrections)
A box of #2 pencils (for testing only)
1 pack of highlighters (different colors, smear free recommended)
1 Flash Drive
1 Pocket Webster’s College Dictionary (or comparable)
1 Pocket Thesaurus
1” 3-Ring Binder with inside pockets
5 Dividers with tabs
2 Composition Notebooks/Journal
3x5 Lined Index Cards
Lined paper (college ruled)
Whiteout Correction Tape
1 Ream of Copy Paper
Sheet Protectors
The following items will be used throughout the school year to maintain a productive, healthy
classroom environment. Please bring items with receipt(s) if you wish to receive volunteer
Printer paper (white as well as all other colors accepted)
Dry Erase markers and cleaner (for white board)
Pens and Pencils
Hand Sanitizer
Tissues/Paper Towels
Clorox Cleaning Wipes
College Ruled Paper
Easel/Chart Paper
Markers, Color Pencils, Crayons
Glue Sticks
Index Cards (Lined and Plain)
Invisible Tape
Books (Grade level novels)
Construction Paper
Computer and Internet Access
As the instructor, I will utilize many forms of technology and will require students to have a
working knowledge of Microsoft Word (or comparable word processing program) and
PowerPoint. Writing assignments will need to be typed; therefore, students must have access
to a computer, the Internet, and to a printer outside the classroom.
Students will also be required to complete FCAT Explorer modules throughout the school year.
You will be responsible for keeping track of your grade. Grades will stem from home learning
assignments, class assignments, tests, projects, quizzes, notebook checks, participation, and
group work. Home learning assignments will be given each day, with the exception of Friday
unless related to a project. Home learning assignments will be due the following class period
unless otherwise specified. All homework assignments will be posted on the school website
under my webpage.
Parents and students are encouraged to keep track of their progress in this class via Pinnacle
online. Please note that a “Z” on Pinnacle indicates that the assignment is missing. A “Z” is
weighted the same as a zero.
Grading Policy:
Home Learning/Participation
Classroom Rules and Expectations
I expect all students to come to class on time (seated when the tardy bell rings) and to be
prepared to learn with a good attitude throughout the class period. Bellwork completion
should be in progress when the bell rings. Additionally, I expect all students to practice
organization, self control, self-motivation, and determination and be able to apply the following
principles in and outside of the classroom.
1. Treat all teachers, members of administration, security, visitors, and your peers with
respect at all times.
2. Be honest and fair.
3. Obey all school rules. (You are required to read and sign the Student Code of Conduct.)
4. Always be prepared for class which includes having paper, pen, binder, necessary
book(s), and completed assignments.
5. Turn off all electronic devices during school hours. (Items will be confiscated if
seen/heard and will be turned in to the office for parent pick-up.)
6. Raise your hand to ask questions and/or contribute to a discussion.
7. Always put for your best effort as we are “Striving for Academic Excellence.”
Infractions and Procedures
If you choose to break a classroom or school rule, disciplinary action will be taken in accordance
with the Student Conduct Code.
**Please note that every 3 Unexcused Tardies and Gum Chewing will result in a Wednesday
Make-up Work Due to Absences
Students are expected to ask for make up work from the days missed. Students are responsible
for seeing the teacher to make arrangements to make up tests, quizzes, homework, and class
work. I will not remind students to ask for work; they must inform me of the days missed
and get the missing assignments. Makeup work must be returned within 24 hours of returning
to school or 24 hours per every day absent. Homework assignments due on a day of absence are
due at the beginning of the class period of return.
Please note that if the required assignment is not turned in when the teacher requests, the
assignment grade will be reduced 10%. Assignments turned in 48 hours after it is due will be
penalized 20%. Assignments not turned in after this time will result in a “0.”
Each student has the opportunity to use three (3) passes each quarter. Please save the breaks for
emergencies. Health issues will be an exception. The 10-10 rule will be enforced along with
teacher discretion. No student is allowed to use the restroom during the first 10 minutes of class
and during the last 10 minutes of class. Students should try not to use the restroom during class
Assignment Requirements
All assignments completed this year must have the proper heading. All work must be
submitted in dark blue or black ink only; no assignments will be written in pencil unless
otherwise instructed.
NEATNESS COUNTS! If an assignment is turned in sloppy and not clearly written, you will
be required to re-do the assignment. (You always have the option to type all your assignments.)
Required Paper Heading (Written in the upper right-hand corner of paper)
Last Name, First
Name of Assignment
** Please Note: Papers with no name will be discarded into the recycling bin on a daily basis.
Students will have a “Z” in Pinnacle for the assignment. **
All out of class writing assignments must be typed using the following format:
- Size 12pt
- Double Spaced, 1” Margin
- Arial or Times New Roman
- Printed in Black Ink on Clean White Paper
Research papers will be written using the MLA format. [Hint: Citation Maker located under
“Tools” link on the left at http://myt4l.com/ (Recipe 4 Success) is a great resource for this.]
A Few Words About Misrepresentation
Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated or accepted in any way shape or form.
Plagiarism, dishonesty, and misrepresentation are not acceptable. Plagiarism is using someone
else’s ideas or writing as your own. It is also not using proper documentation or citation when
using another person’s writing such as, when doing an essay.
Plagiarism will result in a zero for the assignment. Repeated plagiarism will be referred to
Cheating will result in a zero for the assignment as well as a detention and an unsatisfactory
conduct grade for the semester.
9th Grade English I
Course Syllabus 2012-2013
Mrs. Gillian Brown
Student/Parent Acknowledgment Form
This form must be returned and you will receive a grade for returning this form signed. This
form must be completed, signed by both the student and the parent/guardian, and returned no
later than Monday, August 27, 2012.
I hereby acknowledge that I have read and fully understand the requirements of the course as
outlined in this syllabus and Somerset Academy Central Miramar’s curriculum guide as well as
the disciplinary and classroom expectations.
My child and I also understand that plagiarism (cheating) is a serious matter and if my child
cheats in any way as stated in the syllabus, he/she will receive a zero for that specific
assignment and a detention to be served the next Wednesday after the incident.
Class Period ________
Print Student Name
Student’s Signature
______________________________ ________________________________ ___________________
Print Parent’s/Guardian’s Name
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature
Please print legibly
Parent/Guardian Name(s) _____________________________________________________________
Home Phone _____________________________________
Work Phone ______________________________________
Cell Phone ________________________________________
E-mail(s) ____________________________________________________________________________