Create your own Creation Myth 1. Choose an object or event that you love, that you respect or that fascinates you. Even if you know all about the science of how rain works, for example, you might draw your mythic explanation from how it makes you feel. 2. Imagine how your object or event might be created on a mythic level. What makes that rain fall from the sky, anyway? Is it a million birds crying? Is it the Cloud Mother wringing out her wet laundry? Is the Star Farmer sweating after a hot day’s work? (You also get to invent people like the Cloud Mother or Star Farmer. That’s part of the fun.) 3. Imagine why someone would want to create this object or event. Or, if it’s something that happens by accident, imagine why someone would want to prevent it. Are the birds crying rain even though someone is trying to make them happy? Does the Cloud Mother want to make sure all the water from her laundry drains away? Will the Star Farmer dry up into the cold white moon if he sweats too much? 4. Now that you know how and why, build a story. Set your myth in a place that resembles the natural world or human society, but where magic runs strong and consequences are vast. Consider an ethical conflict between your characters, such as good or bad, generous or selfish. Maybe it could be the kind of human drama we all understand: parent against child, wife against husband, people against animals. The creation that results, even if it comes as a surprise, should seem inevitable by the end of the story. Because there’s always been rain, right? 30 pts TO GET AN A: Your Your Your Your creation creation creation creation myth myth myth myth must be over 1 page but less than 2 pages. must be written in a formal, old fashioned voice. must have been edited peer edited. needs to be free from any major grammatical errors. myth myth myth myth must be 1 page must be written in a formal, old fashioned voice. must have been peer edited. has some major grammatical errors. myth myth myth myth is less than 1 page. IS NOT written in a formal, old fashioned voice. must have been peer edited. HAS MANY GRAMMATICAL ERRORS. TO GET A B: Your Your Your Your creation creation creation creation TO GET A C: Your Your Your Your creation creation creation creation TO GET A D OR F You do less than the above criteria.