Women in 1920s America Worksheet

How far did the position of women change in American
society during the 1920s?
To identify and explain the changing position of women in US society during
the 1920s.
Cut out the flapper diagram below and stick it into your exercise book. Write a
50 word description of a flapper beside your diagram.
Look at the four statements below. For each statement [which you can use as
subheadings in your notes], write a justification using evidence from what you
have learned about women in 1920s America.
The position of women changed a lot during 1920s America.
Flappers were unpopular in 1920s America.
The First World War helped change the position of women in America.
The ‘Flapper Phenomenon’ did not change the position of women much.
Extension task
Answer the following exam question which is worth 8 marks – Explain how the
position of women changed in the 1920s.