FIRE FROM THE ROCK P. 62-86 (p. 62-72, p. 72-81, p. 81-86) 1. What is going on in Sylvia’s mind as she writes in her diary (p. 62)? Is she brave like Miss Washington says? “Why should the color of my skin make a difference?” Will they like me at Central? 2. Mr. Paterson’s sermon references Fire and Rock- “My terrible loss made me close my eyes to reality. I’ve been afraid to face the future…” What is Mr. Patterson trying to admit to his congregation? 3. How did people at church react to Sylvia’s plans to attend Central? 4. “You got guts…and you got class…I don’t know if you’ve got good sense.”-Reggie *How does Reggie feel about Sylvia going to Central? Why does he feel this way? 5. Who is Miss Daisy Bates? 6. Why does Sylvia feel a little better about being on the Central High list? What does she find out about the list? 7. ________________tells Sylvia that she has been chosen to do something special in the world…you will change the world. 8. “You’ll always have a friend at Central High School.” Who says this to Sylvia? 9. What disturbs Sylvia as she reads the Encyclopedia? People won’t believe that such mean stuff could be printed in America in 1957. 10. “So you ready to become a freedom fighter?” “…both sides of this issue are so strong. Either way, you’ll win and you’ll lose. No matter what happens.” *What Is Gary trying to say to Sylvia? 11. DJ starts to notice all the women in ads are white; Miss America; “They don’t make Negro dolls.” P. 86 *How might this affect DJ and Sylvia’s perception of themselves? P. 86-110 (86-96, 96-106, 106-110) What Martin Luther King, Jr. event do Sylvia and Reggie discuss? What does this event reveal about the fight for Civil Rights? What was the Montgomery Bus Boycott? What does this event reveal about the human spirit? Review the conversation between Sylvia and Reggie. “That’s not fair Reggie… (87).” What does this reveal about Sylvia’s character? What is Sylvia’s purpose in choosing her research topic? “Who will remember and who will care about the first kids to integrate Central High School? Nobody.”... “I will remember” (96). Discuss these different perspectives on integration. Describe and evaluate Sylvia’s behavior at supper (96). “I don’t want to be a hero. I don’t think I can change the world” (100). Analyze what is going on in Sylvia’s mind in this scene. How is Gary feeling about integration and everything going on around him? Find direct evidence to support your claims. What more do we learn about Mr. Patterson’s past? What are his fears? Find direct evidence to support your claims WARRIORS DON’T CRY CHAPTERS 3-4 p. 28 (bottom)- p. 39, 43-45 1. Why does Governor Faubus refuse to support integration? How does the data influence his decision? (Refer to the top of p. 29) 2. What is happening with the integration plan so far? What tone does this set in Little Rock? Cite evidence to support your claim. 3. Cincinnati was the “promised land”. Explain the comparison. Analyze Melba’s realizations about Cincinnati. 4. Melba was selected as one of 17 to enter Central High in the fall- Why isn’t Mama/Grandma happy about this? Chapter 4 5. School administration said they wouldn’t be allowed to participate in extra-curricular activitiesdo they still want to proceed? What does the word “integrate” mean? How does this not support integration? 6. What happened to the Little Rock “17”? Interpret what this loss means. 7. What do the Little Rock Nine parents have in common? Determine HOW these characteristics are helpful. 8. “I have to go…I’ve given my word to the others.” What does this convey about Melba? 9. “You have my permission to change your mind…No one can go into that school each day for you. You’re on your own.” P. 45 Interpret Mama’s words to Melba. 10. How do the two authors (Patillo Beals and Draper) deal with the decision to sign up to integrate Central High? What is similar/different? 11. Describe at least five parallels so far between Fire and Warriors. (Think about characters, plot, conflict)